Southport atrocity

Really? You really are laughably naive aren’t you? Or are you just being deliberately obtuse? As usual, long on rhetoric, short on answers or solutions.

Instead of speeding up the court hearings / sentencings of UK citizens, perhaps if those resources were put into speeding up the asylum decision-making. If it is highly likely that the person isn’t a refugee, don’t hang about, deport.

Absolute no chance.
Starmer is setting himself up as the leader of some sort of radical left wing Orwellian style dictatorship so far.

He’s turning this into a law and crime issue, instead of what it is…a severe social unrest and dissatisfaction issue, …

Jail everybody who does not agree with us, tar everybody who is slightly right to Karl Marx as a Far Right activist, he’s trying to police social media, and free speech from the likes of X (Twitter) an ubiased source of news that does not kow tow to the official narrative,
…Jeez I hope he aint got his spies monitoring TN or he’ll have me down as some kind of trucking based active dissident,.and have me sat in Durham before you can say ‘2 tier Kier’ :joy:.

He’s changing terminology,.soon it will be illegal to call them ‘illegal immigrants’, he’s dictating policy to the Police, the mainstream media is either controlled, following suit…or both, …and the pathetic true to form servile sheep members of the public who follow him, exacerbate the situation by labelling everybody, the same as the active thug contingent,.as ‘Racist’.
And so it goes on.

Until he addresses the actual source of the problem instead of rubbing his lugs shouting ‘‘Aaaaagh’’ pretending it aint happening, snd hoping everybody believes him, and it will soon all go away, it will only escalate further and get worse.

And wait until they grant ALL the back log number Asylum,.and distribute an alien, primitive, and incompatible culture into our towns and villages.
Fewer houses for the young people,.a vast increase in crimes especially against women, issues with the NHS, council tax rises…to name a few.
The shelteted naive unreal world crew in Leafy Suburbia will soon change their tunes.:grin:
I am quite smug that I was not taken in by his b/s when he wanted my vote, as I was (ashamed to say) with his mate Blair in 96.

Quick prosecutions of rioters? :joy::joy:
Apparentlly not in all cases.
Correct me if I am wrong here…
But was there not a ‘riot’ in a part of Birmingham about 2 to 3 nights ago, by a large group of presumably Moslems, weating masks and bandanas, many carrying swords …swords ffs ! :flushed:

One (white) guy was beat up just about to
walk in his pub, 3 young teen lads leaving the swimming baths, one of em badly beaten up,.and numerous others assaulted in differrnt and varying ways.

ONE arrest, yep, …maybe by the only copper there, because none were to be seen apparentlly.
More than likely in force policing the white working class mob…and yeah,. granted, including the neanderthal element.

Source of information?
Talk (or Talk Radio,).another media outlet who does not kow tow to Starmer and his official line.
A phone in show,.the story corroborated by numerous and random residents in the area with no real agenda, other than to express their individual anger.
Not so much coverage by the likes of BBC or Sky funnily enough.

All ‘racist religious bigots’ though, no doubt eh Franglais?

The police didn’t actually say there was 2 tier policing but in this video he did say that the Muslim community told them the police wasn’t needed so they stayed away :frowning_face:

Sounds like 2 tier policing to me :thinking:

Police ADMIT to Two-Tier Policing in Birmingham as MOBS Rule the Streets (

Hard to understand some people’s views, most of what’s happening lately in the news is being done by British citizens regardless of their race
Iv yet to read something about a immigrant giving any trouble that’s not British
So why would you expect the law to be any different to one of their own
Its always interesting the way a topic can draw out people to their true colours if it goes on long enough, im sure most people think like that on the quiet,
The problem is its only changing one way and it’s never ever going to be the way most people want it because eventually the white person will be the outsiders
You heard it here first, you’re too late to the party

An absolute disgrace but at last an admission.
You can tell by the guys delivery and body language that he is flustered, red in the face,.awkward…and does not actually believe what he is saying himself,.ie the official line…
‘Style of Policing’’ eh ? :roll_eyes:
The Police are a 'kin joke!

So now the Moslem ‘Community leaders’ are running the Police and making their decisions for them, not a theory btw, but straight from the horses mouth.:joy:…it’s worse than we thought.
I watched that Sky News incident live, it was again reported as ‘Far right protests’.:joy:

Rest assured though,.Franglais our political spokesman and left wing representative tells us all there are…
‘Quick prosecutions for rioters’
…so expect to see those guys who were beating up that poor guy just enjoying his pint, in court this afternoon.

And here’s me thinking that given the current unrest, any anticipated trouble would warrant a large Police presence to uphold the law, this report says some Police were there but keeping a low profile, is there a McDonald’s or KFC nearby?

Two tier Keir, two tier policing at its best.

From the transcript of the video.
why was there such a a lowkey should we
say police presence because I mean
clearly your officers were there but
they were not visible and yet there were
an awful lot of people out

So there were police there. But mostly out of sight.

where they were at the Birmingham riots
and you had these groups of mass Muslim
men coming up behind the uh reporter
interrupting her broadcast uh shouting
things and then when she tried to get uh
away they decided to ■■■■■ the tires of
the Sky News Van it was absolute chaos
Yes I agree a gang of people, many wearing masks. One fight? Possibly more off camera. One car damaged? One person shouting/swearing across a reporter. A riot?
A disturbance certainly.

Yes those who were fighting outside the pub should be sought out and charged with affray or similar. Those who slashed the van tyres should be charged with damage and probably knife possession. Anyone carrying a sword should be charged.
trying to deter people from taking part
in that disorder um and as a result
we’ve been able to go on gather that
evidence gather that information we have
made arrest well we’ve made an arrest
this afternoon we continue to try and
make arrest in terms of those people
that were involved in those disorder
So, one arrest made and others expected.

Here is a longer version of the Sky News shown in the previous video.
“for example there is a van full of Police in that McDonald’s car park just behind us. There are Police cars circling the area ready to move in should they be needed”

Those breaking the law need to be prosecuted, of course.
What was shown was some illegal acts, yes.
Was it rioting? It certainly was not throwing of rocks at Police, it was not arson of a building containing kids.

The Police were there. The officers on the ground decided to act as they did. They were expecting a further influx of people from outside.

Edit to add.
Almost forgot to mention it.
In the video the commentator says “these groups of mass Muslim men”.
There was a group of men behind the reporter.
But how did she know they were all Muslims?

Still too shy to explain what you mean?

Nice to agree.

Jeez H :flushed: So Franglais has now set himself up as apologist and spokesman for the Police now.:joy:
A second by second breakdown and analysis of the guys (uncomfortable) explanation into the bargain.
Is there no limits to this guy’s arrogance and pomposity?

So like everything else the official version and line is correct, so lets ignore the locals who were actually THERE at the time (on the radio) actually first hand witnesses, you know the ones, the far right racists and conspiracists.
Absolute class.:joy:.

Btw how do we know they were all Muslims?
I think the fact they were shouting ‘Free Palestine’ and ‘Allah Akhbar’ gave it away that they were’nt Buddhists.:roll_eyes:

You frequently talk of not lumping all together. Quite correctly, so.

So if some people at a footie match have “crooked cross” tattoos and give the “sieg heil” salute all footie fans are nazis?

Were the gang all Muslims?
I don’t know. Neither did she. Neither do you.
Whatever their religion, those carrying blades, weapons, fighting need the law to deal with them. I expect it will.

I believe that UK coppers. although not perfect are pretty damned good. And the vast majority are fair minded, and will not take political sides.

Read the paragraph fully, it’s self explanitory. Given the current two tier policing my post coudln’t have been any much more appropriate.

You have an answer for everything, try opening your eyes for a change.

Most coppers are, yes, it’s their politically motivated leaders who are the problem.

I’m expecting Starmer making a speech soon after last nights relatively peaceful so called…‘Anti racists’ demo, the one flying all the Palestinian flags and pro Pal placards …MORE Buddhists no doubt.
He’ll be all chest puffed out telling us his policy has ‘solved the problem’ with all the Ringo Starr esque ‘peace and love’ that goes with it.

Very reminiscent of the covid panto, all being told what is going on which directly differs to what we actually see, and what actually is going on…with the gullible servile borg type idiots swallowing it all and repeating the rhetoric.

Seven in ten of those charged with rioting so far live within a five-mile radius of the areas they were arrested in, according to court documents and police forces.

This little nugget of truth starkly contradicts the Prime Minister’s fairy tale about rioters hopping on trains and buses to wreak havoc in communities that aren’t their own.

No, they were locals, voicing their blatant contempt for what’s happening right on their doorstep.

So, Keir Starmer, will you be apologizing for perpetuating the myth of the far-right traveling bogeyman?

Why no riots over lee rigby, 7/7 bombings, Manchester arena bombings ,London Bridge attack, etc …People have had enough of two tier policing and illegal immigration.

That’s the official narrative.

LOL, so instead of Policing the area with the large Asian gang in Birmingham, the Police DID actually sit at Macdonald’s. Couldn’t make it up.

We’ve got Starmer show trials now…(reminiscent of the Na zi showtrials, ironically for a far left govt, of Von Staffenburg and his mates who tried to bump off Adolf) …televised live.
So now if that is the fashion,.we can all look forward to the Moslem grooming gangs televised trial eh?
No? 2 tier legal system also under Labour in the UK then eh?

It will be interesting to see how long it takes the police to arrest him :thinking: