Southport atrocity

It seems I can answer my own question :smile:

The Labour councillor Ricky Jones has been arrested and according to the BBC website at 15:01 was still in custody.

Kent: Police investigate Dartford councillor’s rally comments - BBC News

Not mentioning the skin colour of someone in a description is plain stupid.

The Rotherham and Rochdale grooming gang cases were indeed terrible examples of policing.
For many reasons of course, somehow thinking that the victims were partly responsible for their own mistreatment, and for treading softly in case of being accused of racism.
There has been enquiries into these cases and some actions taken.
Is everything now perfect? Of course not.
But are there continuing cases with Police too afraid to act? Is this an ongoing problem?
Two tier policing? I don’t think so. Certainly not consciencely.

The cases were not hushed up to protect the guilty.
As with many cases there were reporting restrictions in place whilst the trial was underway. The public and reporters were in the court all the time. It wasn’t some secret hearing.
As with many cases, and a recent one, the names and other details would have been released after the trial.
The idea is to prevent reporting that might allow the guilty to escape on a technicality.
No need for publicity seeking individuals to make live videos there. No need for them to risk letting the guilty escape.

We have TV showing the sentencing. This started under the Sunak Government.

We have the TV after the verdict is given.
Not livestream from tossers who risk appeals for mistrial.

Hate the BBC, but here’s another Asian grooming gang cover up.

So franglais, I quote…
“How would we know of continuing cases with Police too affraid to act? How would we know if it is an ongoing problem? Two tier policing?” Thats the whole point we wont know until we get told of a further cover up 10 years or so down the line.

No one said anything about a secret trial and withholding the offenders details in order to protect them. The whole point is the “nervousness about race” as to the reason why the Police and others failed to act.

Here ya go.
An anthem for all US racist, religiously bigoted far right fascists under our glorious Labour govt and it’s mad assed brainwashed loyal accusing followers.
Altogether now…

It’s probably moot.
His followers aren’t going to desert him.
It was probably all orchestrated by our Commy dictator.In another desperate attempt to bait his opposition into another tactically laid trap on the streets.
Where the law would be waiting for them in force on their arrival before they even said a word against this Communist coup and its useful idiot Bolshevik supporters.
So back to the Southport issue exactly what made it a matter for criminal v sectioned for an act of criminal insanity.
Add that to the airport attempted weapon ■■■■■■ it’s clear that all these crimes haven’t been commited by, what Starmer calls, far right Reform voters, to be subject to summary execution on the streets by his savage Bolshevik henchmen.
The army should have marched this dangerous commy P O S masquerading as PM, into internment by now as a threat to National security.

There’s time. You heard it here first :+1:

Not sure who/what you are quoting, but no import, I will address the message.

That the Police were too afraid to act in some cases is true.
We know of that, through enquiries and reports, and actions have been taken.
I think therefore that your use of

“cover up” is wrong. It is not a case of the establishment or those in authority covering up what they knew. It seems more a case of a failure to find out what was going on.
Some of that because of race, some of that because of the attitude towards the victims.
All errors and poor judgement, but “coverup”? I disagree.

Yes, that has been established. And it has been addressed.
How successfully? I don’t know.
I doubt anyone does, although I expect that some in the Police and justice system will be looking and trying to work out what is going on to make things better.

I think you know perfectly well what I quoted, they were words taken from your own post.

Police “nervousness about race” whilst young girls were being passed around by Asian gangs for years…very much a cover up, very much two tier policing.

Have a nice day.

Loving the way you are explaining everything, apoligising on behalf of, and putting a positive spin on most aspects of todays politics, the very same issues that the not easily fooled people are unhappy about.

Bit of a contrast I notice to when we were ran by the Tories, where virtually every little event was highlighted and criticised by you…very vocally.

How would things be if the same train of circumstances were being dealt with in the same way by the likes of …Johnston for instance, would you be so happy about it, would you be as controversial and contrary to what most people in this country think?

I know you have a strong bias towards your beloved Labour Party, but even you can not defend the indefensible…even though you constantly try, especially when your leader has only been in 5 mins, but has achieved the status of being about as popular as haemmeroids, by disenfranchising and ignoring, most of the white working classes and their views, because they do not agree with him, …the very same demographic that his party was originally formed to represent in the first place.

Such a “cover up” that it was identified by the Chief Crown Prosecutor for N.W.England. Such a “cover up” that there have been multiple enquiries and reports.
It was bad decisions by the Police.

It was treating of different racial groups differently, as well as other factors such as referring to the victims as sex workers.

Many think of “two tier policing” as some sort of policy or choice.
Many refer to it as being a decision made by Starmer. I don’t think it is.

So hallelujah, the CCP for NW England identified the cover up, when exactly? That would be after years and years of not just the victims, but victims families, social workers, health care workers and no doubt others making reports to the Police. Meanwhile the Police in Telford had “nervousness about race”, don’t think that in anyone’s opinion, (except yours of course) could ever be classed as a bad decision whilst young / underage girls continued to be raped.

What are you saying it should have been quicker?
In one sense, yes, of course.
But in the real world, everything should have been done quicker, or prevented before it happened.

The reports are clear about many failings over the years. By some Police and social workers etc.

Bad decisions? Well they were not good ones.
If good ones were made we wouldn’t be having this discussion. The world is not a perfect place, and it is how we deal with issues that matters.
A problem, with terrible consequences has been identified, and steps taken.

I do see bad policing.
I don’t see “two tier policing”. Definitely not deliberately, nor as a policy.

It’s the regime and it’s media apparatus which is calling it two tier policing.Its discriminatory policing if it’s anything at all.

Rob things have moved on a bit from disenfranchised.
Its now the frighteningly real and stated threat of internment for verbal opposition to the regime.
Also a Labour Party representative, in his capacity as such, inciting and issuing death threats against the regime’s opposition or judged and considered to be opposition.
All by a regime which seized power from less than the combined vote of Reform and Conservative.
Seriously it takes stupid, not brave, to oppose this and do now regard myself as stupid, not brave, in that regard.
I now know exactly what those Yugoslav locals meant, when they told western tourists, that they had to be very careful what they said to us.
As I said deep deep frightening ex crement.
What bleedin luck and way to reach retirement.

Yeah but Franglais said 2 tier Policing does not exist.
He heard it officially off the Labour Party, so it MUST be right.

It’s good to see that the fool known as councillor Ricky Jones is being treated the same as the rioters.

Remanded in custody until September 6th.

Ricky Jones: Suspended Labour councillor charged with encouraging violent disorder | UK News | Sky News


Just saying:-


So Franglais, given the notorious Asian grooming gangs in many towns throughout the UK were allowed to continue for many years, in Telford for decades, due to “nervousness about race”, you say this was a “bad decision” made by the Police?

Nervousness about race and therefore not investigating says it all. Two tier policing.

Also arrested a number of people for posting re.tweets.:flushed:
I aint too comfortable with that one.

I aint on Twitter, but I’m assuming it’s similar in a way to Whats App, where a ‘‘re.tweet’’ is passing a message or item on to someone that somebody else has sent you? …as in Whats App?
So not even for tweeting something that they composed themselves then?
Surely a warning, or official Police caution will come of it…aka common sense.

So…are we heading towards the…
‘Starmer Stasi’, free speech down the khazi? :joy:
Ok fair enough it needs a bit of work.:joy:

Maybe the info passed on was wrong, but are we now no longer allowed to be wrong (innacurate a better word:) even when we are unsure.
The Labour ‘Thought Police’, 1984 and all that springs to mind.

No doubt the TN unnoficial spokesman for the Labour Party will ‘fill us in’ …In fact,.I’d like …:thinking:nah I wont even go there.:joy: