Southport atrocity

Rioters.You mean interned for sitting at home relaying Farage’s suspicions, in a deliberate vacuum of information intended to trap any opposition.Obviously without the luxury of Farage’s immunity as an MP.
The question remains why criminal not insane ?.

Meanehile in 2 tier Kier’s Labour Wonderland,.
The white working class meatheads (who gave the bonafide protestors and people like us who are pi55ed off a bad name) have been fast tracked trialed and sent to the nick…and tbf good enough for em.

In contrast the 2 Manchester Airport out of control thugs STILL aint been charged I see…(although the evidence is blindingly obvious to all right thinking people)

Also word has it there are now TWO Police officers being charged not just the one who put the boot in.

Apparentlly the WPC who was involved in the fight, is the other one.
She is being accused of assaulting one of the guy’s fists with her nose.:joy:

Hey nothing would surprise me.:smiley:

I don’t use either of those programmes so correct me if I’m wrong but I believe WhatsApp is a private messaging program where messages can only be seen by the sender and the recipient or a private group, as far as I’m aware with Twitter or X as it’s now called messages can be seen by anyone and everyone, it’s not private messaging so it’s not really the same thing.

Like I say I don’t use either X or WhatsApp so I’ll stand to be corrected but I’m pretty sure I’ve got it right :wink:

No I meant Rioters, a large number of people throwing anything they could get their hands on at the police, trying to set fire to buildings and looting shops is what I would call rioting :wink:

You can call it whatever you want mate but I’m going with rioting, though it’s a shame no-one mentions the thousands of people who were legitamately protesting and took no part in the riots :frowning_face:

Yeah you are probably right mate, I aint really up on social media, but I do use whats app.
Still think it is bordering on stifling free speech all the same though.

I agree.
It’s so easy for Starmer to write everybody off as racists.
Those meatheads who were among the ordinary people in the …what resulted in riots because of them…fair enough.

It is fair to assume a lot were racists among them, who were just looking for a fight.

But he then goes on to include, (or at least not clearly differentiate,) the millions who were at home who supported some kind of peaceful protest, in the same category.

It sure as hell fits his agenda,.and then the protests by the lefty lentil knitters were termed as ‘anti racist’ demos, confirming anybody on the oppising side were in fact, in his convenient opinion…Racists.:joy:

Thing is though what about the racists in the other riot/protest, the ones carrying the Palestine flags…(incidentally what has all that cobblers to do with US in OUR country ffs.:roll_eyes:)
The same ones singing the ‘Rivers and Seas’ song,.which correct me if I am wrong has something to do with annihilating the Jewish race?..,what is that if not racist personified ?
Still with Labour having a recent history of anti semetism, a blind eye is conveniently turned.

I note Franglais aint so vocal as he usually is to my point where I asked him if he would be as casual and in agreeance, if all this crap had happened when Boris was PM and in charge of it all, and if he had dealt with it in thr same poor way as Starmer by ignoring the concerns,… which are the main reason for it all.
Seems Johnson would not deal with it in the same way,.and is unsurprisingly critical.

On FaceAche last night many people, and many of my friends were sharing a video of Starmer when he was the leader of the opposition berating the Tories over their treatment of pensioners. He gave first hand evidence of one old lady who stayed in bed until after lunch as she couldn’t afford to turn her heating on and when she finally did get out of bed she wore layer upon layer of thermal clothing. He quite rightly called this a disgrace that should be not allowed to continue.

Yet barely five months after that interview………

The thing is though that video has this morning disappeared from ALL feeds! I’m not suggesting that Starmer has his poisonous touch on this, but someone sure as hell has made a decision to stifle free speech!
Is this the beginning?

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Have a listen to this before Starmers 1984 crew censor it, or arrest the guy on.a fast track.:grin:

Neil Oliver, a political and social commentator and intellectual, gives his version of events…in a non biased, non pro particular political party syle, and without any evident personal agenda.

I find myself agreeing with everything he says on here, a lot of which I have said myself, but he puts it in a far more articulate way than I ever could.

Listen particularly to what he says (and predicts) around the 8.0 minute mark which really rams it home.

No doubt we will get the usual rubbishing and character assasination of the guy from the usual suspect, because it aint the official line nor narrative, but have a butcher’s anyhoo.

Every morning i look at the news feed on my phone and another handful of protesters have been sentenced. where are the arrests of those kicking off about the manchester airport incident? where is the 2-3 year sentence or arguably longer for the 2 blokes that kicked and punched the police and broke one coppers nose? It aint going to happen. all you hear on the radio is far right protesters that have the name wrong. well where is the statement from the police saying they released the wrong name or arrested the wrong person?

I guess that “if Boris was in charge” he would have not been at the COBRA meetings, and unlike Starmer would have been off holidaying somewhere.

So you suggest that violent disorder should be dealt with by pandering to those rioting. Give them a fast track to the PM?
Just in the same way you thought those blocking the M25 should have had a fast track to Sunak’s conference room?
No cure for immigration issues within a few weeks so Starmer should give in to rioters?

Were any rioting though?
Were immigration protesters arrested for protesting? No.
Some, a minority, were arrested for rioting, violence, causing damage.
No one has been arrested (tell me if I’m wrong) for protesting.

No one arrested for carrying a flag? No one arrested for carrying a banner saying “stop immigration” either, is there?

You’re wrong to say it calls for annihilation of Jews.
“From the River to the sea,
Palestine will be free”
Those extremists who are for the destruction of Israel do use the phrase, though it is true. I don’t think that means the phrase should be banned. Starmer’s Labour party suspended an MP (Andy McDonald) for using it.

Just because some scum wrap themselves in the St George flag, or Union flag is no reason for the rest of us to disown it. Same with the Palestine flag and that phrase.

So, the guy who was too frightened/lazy, to even try to get elected, who quit as an MP, has written a column in a newspaper? Was that for a “chicken feed” salary of £250,000? Since that was 15years ago, I guess he is receiving more now?

:rofl:Neil Oliver - Wikipedia


Someone just sent me a pic of you at home btw.:smiley:

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Crying about flags, pronouns and the woke?

So an extract of a speech/interview (?) has disappeared from FB?
Maybe it is copyright issues?

Do you think that the original speech/interview has also been wiped from the www?
If so i would imagine that many other people would have noticed this.
I would think that there will be a lot said very soon if that is so.

Given a possible simple explanation (copyright) and a more complex one (a massive conspiracy of censorship) I tend to come down more one way than the other.

Ok, if you like.

Still no answer that you would support Johnson if he handled this situation as your beloved Starmer is doing, whom you obviously can see no wrong with.

And even more positive spin, from the self appointed TN Labour Spin Doctor,…a kind of cut price pound shop Alistair Campbell if you will. :joy:

Instead you choose to hit us with more anti Tory/Anti Boris rhetoric, instead of answering a direct question…I think you believe in your own little world that you actually ARE a politician.
Well sideswiped btw

But we will never know how he would deal with it all, or handled it, seeing as the Tory party fell into the trap of getting rid of their biggest vote puller for decades, after they used the Covid agenda to oust him, after listening to idiots like yourself who fell for it all hook line and sinker…a definite own goal I would say.

Rob what would be your answer to a post which says criticism of Islam is not free speech ?.Bearing in mind Starmer’s blasphemy laws.

Technically Rob it seems like your stated ‘non white terrorist’ feeling ? might possibly be enough for the knock on the door and internment.IE an inaccurate feeling which you posted
Make no mistake this is a bleedin terrifying situation.Don’t underestimate it by hoping that someone else is more worthy of being thrown into Starmer’s Gulag than you.

But they are interning people just for what they’ve said and written.Much of it just conjecture and theories in the absence of further information, just like we post on here.
When it’s obvious that the real agenda is to stifle opposition to the regime narrative.
To the point now where there’s not much if any difference to the type of regime endured by those under Tito’s and Honiker’s dictatorships among others.

Well our very own Labour representative has already branded me a religious bigot and racist, not once but thrice…
‘Ooooh Nay nay, thrice Mrs’…(sorry went all Frankie Howerd then for a minute.:grinning:)

So I’m half way to doing a bit of bird in Durham as we speak.:smile: