Southport atrocity

Come on then Franglais, you rubbished my description of Neil Oliver in your usual and predictable smart arsed way…what about David Starkey?

How are you going to write him off because he is at total contrast to you and your rancid party’s ways.
Btw this (accurate) analysis of Starmer and his mob, was made BEFORE all the rioting and unrest came about.

Also, incidentslly after you took the time to trawl through my old posts (yet again) how tf did you come to the conclusion that I advocated ‘pandering to the rioters’ (the ones who broke the law btw, dont get carried away because Starmer has told you what to think again, many of the people there were protestors, not rioters) when I have unequivocally stated on more than one occasion that I did not,.and the fact they were just meatheads,.and good enough for them getting nicked.

Monty Python comedy sketch script Rob.
Criticism of Islam isn’t free speech.
Oh yes it is.
Oh no it’s not.
Oh yes it is.
Oh no it’s not…
Flying squad smash the door down sent to the Irish H block sharing a cell with Bobby Sands.

Best post I’ve seen was a reply about the threat to by the Met to arrest Americans for posting their ‘thoughts’.It went along the lines of they can come to Texas and try.
But strangely no posts from Texas in reply to criticism of Islam isn’t free speech.

Blimey Rob haven’t you got it that the likes of Frotsky/Franiker/Frito regard wrong think and ‘inaccurate’ speech the same as pointless rioting.
All obviously applied in a discriminatory one sided way regardless.

Predictable and smart arsed? One emojie, and a wiki link.

My rancid party?
As we used to say on the CB “alligators”, all mouth and no ears.
How many times have I told you that I am not a lover of Starmer, nor a lover of Labour?
I have repeatedly said that Labour are better, than the Tories, and everyone (at least almost everyone) is better than Johnson!

Did you say “listen to the rioters”? No, you didn’t.
However you seem to think (correct me if wrong) that Starmer is not talking enough with, nor acting quickly enough for the legitimate anti-immigrant protesters.
Welcome to reality! All protest groups feel like that: anti-immigrant, climate change, pensioners, NHS workers.

I am not gong to challenge each of Starkey’s points I disagree with one at a time. I will say that he is an erudite man, as is Oliver.
But Starkey making an unchallenged series of assertions is not particularly enlightening.

‘Welcome to reality’ he says.:flushed:

And the TN most ironic post award 2024 goes to…

starmer said he was going to sort immigration the nhs and various other things day one. that did happen so the labour lovers said oh well he meant thats the first thing he will do just not day one. whats he done since been in power? scraped fuel allowance for pensioners raised taxes increase immigration and made the rules easier oh and given themselves a huge pay rise. If someone wants their futures predicted i do it for free

The fuel allowance was the Trojan horse for below inflation Pension erosion and means testing of state pensions.
The NHS is just a health care rationing scam to minimise wage costs for employers.
All moot in a regime which is now closer to the old DDR and Yugoslavia than UK.

Just to get back to the actual subject of the thread, for a minute…

There was an article on the news about one of those beautiful little girls who was murdered by that disgusting piece of walking excrement last week.

Absolutely 'kin heartbreaking when I saw a pic of her with a big cheeky grin at the camera, a typical bubbly little girl.
When you have daughters and grandaughters yourself, it brings out the worst in you…well it does me anyhoo.

I know it is a go to default cliche,.everytime something of this magnitude happens…
But am I the only one who thinks that when you commit that type of cruel merciless atrocity towards defenceless and innocent little children, and as in this case 100% surity, that the death penalty should automatically kick in ?
Way I see it, if you do something as gross as that, you forfeit the right to live, and dont give me all that pony about mental health either.
All those poor little kids must have been absolutely terrified, it is going to affect them for the rest of their lives being involved in something like that ffs…Little Bebe’s 9 year old sister witnessed her murder.:flushed: she was with her.

Starmer is trying to make a name for himself as some sort of ‘Law and order Crusader’ he should put his money where his mouth is.

This has genuinely made me very angry, if you are a do gooder, please do not bother replying, start your own new thread on it, I really could not be arsed. :roll_eyes:

The latest on the 1984 themed UK govt is…

Rioters could face 10 years in jail.
10 years? …seriously.

A bit rich that in the effort to make room for them, that a guy inside for manslaughter of a 15 year old boy, (far be it from me to comment on his racial profile being the same as that ■■■■ who killed the little girls btw, being that I am now apparentlly a ‘racist’ :roll_eyes: ) is being let out after 18 months has just been reoorted on the news.
So the taking of a young boy’s life is 18 months, chucking bricks at Copper’s riot shields ,as wrong as that IS btw (got to keep adding caveats for the benefit of Franglais :roll_eyes:) and looting Greggs is 10 years.
Ok got it.
Splendid eh?

Too many different opinions openly not just here
Yet nobody has a solution and whys that
The topic is going on years but people won’t admit it or face up to the truth
Everyones life has a value young or old
Don’t get upset, the usual will happen it will quite down and in between the quietness they will allow thousands more into the country.
And not only that you have them fighting back, the cheeky plonkers you let them be born here and they have the nerve to stand up for themselves, where else would you see it

The owner of social media giant X reshared an image posted by Britain First co-leader Ashlea Simon; a screenshot which purported to show a headline from the Daily Telegraph website, claiming the Government was considering creating temporary detainment camps on the Falkland Islands for those arrested during the recent riots.

“People share fake news for a variety of reasons. “They either believe it to be of interest to people or they try and portray the news as an opinion, but the main reason is to influence like-minded people in certain sections of the community. This often isn’t news, it is opinion which appears to be factually correct, but it isn’t.

They want people to believe it is true. This can make sharing fake news dangerous as they want people to change the way they think.”

why are the news putting it out that the sister of the little girl who died witnessed the stabbing, thats to fuel the fire? . Actually im of the opinion that anybody whose a foreigner here has to be in fear of the residencia so they dont get too cocky and entitled. Somebody else whose entiled is Pete Townsend i read hes bragging about his lovers male and female of all ages how hes not been lynched i dont know he should be

No it’s reporting fact…what is wrong with that, or are you against freedom of speech and news, and/or a supporter of the shower in power. (There I go again with my poet tendencies :smile:)

That poor little girl witnessed her litttle sister not only being killed but by being literally butchered.
There ya go a hard to bear fact…Why should we not know the absolute enormity of this horror?

As for ‘fuelling the fire’,.would you rather it was censored,.so as not to ‘cause offence’ :roll_eyes:

Right minded people feel bad enough towards him, I think the ultimate fuelling of the fire is if (or is it maybe when :thinking:) he admits to being some kind of Islamist religious radical nut job…that sure as hell would be censored in Starmer’s new Orwellian government.

Anything to draw attention and illustrate the nature of this guy’s ruthlessness towards innocent little babies and lack of human compassion is fine by me, if only to make sure he is never freed ,.and to prevent 'the obligatory 'kin do gooder idiots feeling sorry for him.

Like I said much better if he was just put down permanently and incinerated like the animal he is.

As for Pete Townshend?
I am actually a fan, but personally I could not give a ■■■■ who or what he has shsgged as long as it does not involve children.
Why would he be lynched,.and why are YOU even bothered?

10 yrs is the maximum for Riot, correct.
The current Riot Act is from 1986, and these sentencing guidelines were set in 2020.

SFA to do with the current Gov.

There isn’t enough room for all the rioters etc to be locked up. Whether they should be let off lightly, or others released early is about the only choice there is. No good solutions exist that I can see.

So, you cite one case and point out that one guy being let out early, (that’ll prob be under licence) is of a particular racial profile.
Why do you mention it? Is his height important? Is he la left hander?
If race means nothing in this case then why mention it?
Looks to me like your opinion is based on his race, therefore…

Is chucking a brick gonna get 10 years?
Look at the guidelines above.
Should deliberately setting fires in buildings, buildings occupied by real ive people including kids, get less than than 10years?

Yep, well said.

re-townsend thing is it Was children , hes not a bit ashamed,entitled sort.

Believe it or not I don’t know the identity or past crime of everybody who is being let out, but I will endeavour to spend the rest of my Sunday afternoon researching it for you…I’ll get back to you on my findings with details…

Yeah I pointed out his racial profile, if only to rile you…(not really.)

It seems that whether you or your type like it or not, I would say that most knife or gun crime is reportedly perpetrated by young black youths, usually gang members.
I can hear his keyboard clicking away in overdrive to look for official stats for him to deny…but as you keep telling me…I’m racist so you need not bother your spotty little arse…
In fact just for you I’ll state the stereotype racist denial mantra …here goes.
‘In fact a lot of my best friends are black’ :smiley:
(Not really again, but it’s what you want to hear now…innit? :roll_eyes:)

Most of us racist or otherwise ( but other than you, and people like you) always jump to the same conclusion (rightly or wrongly) whenever an atrocity like Manchester, London…or Southport, involving guns, bombs …or KNIVES is carried out…
That is…Islamist Nut jobs,.usually of Arabic,.Asian, or Black racial profile.
Why do you think that is?
Racism? Religious bigotry?
Yep I bet YOU actually do.
No it is down to past experiences and undeniable (even for you) past events and scenarios)
Me,.I aint afraid to risk offending by speaking my mind…draw your own conclusions as to what I am…as you already have.
My own feelings and knowledge of what I am REALLLY like is enough for me to be comfortable with,.safe in the knowlege there is no truth in your offensive accusations.
An easier way of putting that is
Go and ■■■■ yourself.:joy:

As for riotets…
Best solution I can see for rioters is to be let out (guarded) whilst doing their time everyday to clean the streets and do tasks in the towns and cities, to put something back,.and for the humiliation aspect.

Locking them away yes, but I reckon a year is enough, especially when they have resorted to freeing killers to accomadate them.
The attempted arson/murder is a whole different ball game in terms of sentencing.

To add the continuing parading of the victims in the media which has obviously bothered you raises the question why.The parents won’t want that.
BUT it will obviously fire up more of those who Starmer wants to flush out and send to the Gulag.
For FFS patriots don’t rise to his bait.Thats what this Commy P O S is actually using them as.