Southport atrocity

Rob it’s precisely the depravity and inhuman nature of the crime which actually needs it to be viewed by default as an act of criminal insanity.Assuming that we are going to regard it as an act of a peer naturalised Brit National which we obviously have to for fear of internment if we don’t.
Which leaves the question why did Starmer’s enforcers choose firstly to create the information vacuum which led to people like Farage kicking off dangerous ( to us ) speculation within Starmer’s dangerous new regime.
Followed by the question why not criminally insane phsycopath.
What do they know that we don’t and why are people being sent down for logical deductions and speculation because of that.

The ‘mental health’ thing is an all too often used ploy to somehow excuse the inexcusable, and it results in the perpetrator leading a much easier, and undeserved way of life…
Look at Ian Brady, a classic example, the cost alone to keep it alive all those years in a high security hospital was astronomical.
At least Hindley was behind bars…(and then let out under a protected secret identity I strongly believe btw.)

If these absolute dregs types can not be just put down because of left wing mamby pamby attitudes, they should be made to suffer, but past governments,.and certainty not this one have had the balls to carry that out.

Yeah, you are right it has ‘bothered’ me as you put it, if it did not, especially having the empathy of someone with daughters and little grandaughters of similar ages to those little girls, there would be something lacking in me.

Rob think about it.
People have been interned over getting involved in this thing.
Don’t you think that 1 by your own logic at least one of each parents would/should have also been/ended up on Starmers’ list ?.Why not why haven’t they ?.
Maybe THEY themselves are actually Labour supporters who would happily send you to the Gulag for your comments here ?.
They certainly would have been able to take out a court injunction to stop Starmer’s Pravda media machine from continuing to parade the victims of this act as bait, to trap and intern those of us who would have defended them with our lives and made the fate of their murderer moot.
Socialists are by nature those who you describe as having no empathyThey support a cult which started out by murdering the Tsar’s family look at those photos.
They intend to use yours as bait against you.

I HAVE thought about it, that is why I feel so 'kin angry towards that animal.
It stopped being about those little girls, if in fact it ever was,.when those chumps amongst the genuine protestors took it as an EXCUSE to illustrate their dislike of the Police by hoying bricks at them.
The initial thing kicked off when that innacurate face book item was posted about him being an illegal immigrant…that is what it was all about, hence the attempted murder ffs, at one of their hotels.

I freely admit to initially thinking it may well be right…and who can blame me or anybody else for thinking so, due to past atrocities, and the fact that many of them are ex Isis and/or followers of some primitive 'kin religion, but that did not urge me to go out and kick off in the streets.

Ok he aint an illegal, but it has not been either proven nor disproven yet that he aint some kind of radicalised convert…nor will it ever be, even if he is…for obvious reasons.

I dont get your meaning about the girls parents and Starmers list…list of what?
Euther way I aint bothered, as I am sure they have MUCH more on their minds than to get involved in any petty political controvesy.

All I know about Russian politics history is what I learned at school.
I also learned that the Labour Party’s initial raison d’ etre, was to help, and to represent the British Working Class (in those days when they were abundantly white…Sorry Frangers there I go again with my ‘racism’ :roll_eyes:, ) in their social and mostly working lives to get better conditions…which they excelled in, in fact my own Granda was very pro Labour because of it, and rightly so.

Thing is today the present Labour Party since post Wison days maybe? …are a pi55 poor continuation, and are not fit to lick the boots off their founding forefathers.
(I say that despite being conned into voting for that smug imbecile Blair at the time myself btw.)

In fact they should be sued for mistepresentation,.as they bear zero resemblance to the old style Labour Party and it’s origins.
I know the Tories are a shower of sh also, but I cannot understand nor figure out the intelligence of a normal working person today giving them the time of day, let alone voting for them or actually supporting them.

There is no Labour “party”. What there is a ragtag and motley group of special interests with their own agendas and self interests standing under one banner.

One of those little angels at Southport had her funeral today…heartbreaking again.

Not trying to be some self appointed cut price Mod here btw, …but I reckon out of respect we should move what has become a non Southport discussion, but a tangent of discussion, WAYyyyy off piste, …on to the ‘Political Discussion Thread’…just saying…
Do you agree?

I have anyhoo whatever

I clearly meant why should the general public put themselves in Starmer’s harm’s way when not one of the parents of the victims has even got close to doing that.Strange don’t you think.
You don’t seem to have been able to comprehend a word of what I said.
More or less everyone of those at the wrong end of Starmer’s justice are guilty of no more rising to the bait of this trap than you, or possibly, pray to my God not, I and maybe also Maoster.Some of them maybe overstepping some unknown thought and speech threshold others just, understandably, letting their emotions totally run wild on the policing thing.
You say you learnt a bit about the history of Bolsheviks and Bolshevism.
As I said take a good look at those photos of the Tsar’s family before and I think some of those after, the Bolsheviks emptied their magazines into them.
A direct result of our King being advised that getting them the hell out of there and bringing them here might have upset the British Bolshevik movement here.
As I said atheist Socialism v Christian goodwill.God help us.

So when did it become non-Southport, I wonder?
You have to scroll up a long way, or, start from the top.

First post.

Third post.

Ok as the word snatch seems off limits bait, arrest, intern.

In respect of those who’ve been summarily interned by Starmer’s bait and snatch tactics, over this specific matter, absolutely NOT.

The word ’ snatch ’ was off limits, but it isn’t now cos I’ve fixed it.

There are posts in the Feedback Forum for bringing stuff like that to our attention. :wink:

Ffs Franglais, so you EVEN want to argue about how when and who went off on a tangent.:flushed:
Have a 'kin day off man ffs., …What is wrong with you.? ?

Ok it was me…there ya go.
Does that make you feel better somehow?
Another ‘Franglais little victory’?
How petty you really are,…
You certainly have issues mate.:roll_eyes:

As I said before…
Always need to be right.
Bullied at school, dominated at home.?
And especially when I only suggested knocking it on the head on this thtead in respect of the little girls funeral…who you obviously have little for…
It was only really if anybody wanted to use it to mentionthe little girls…a tribute for instance.

So make up another petty ruck
‘‘Because Franglais needs to prove his point’’
You are a joke sir.

And yet franglais, you yourself have embraced the variation of the original topic and indeed many other topics you have posted in. Another class comment from franglais, the claptrap clown.

Have I made political posts in this thread? Yes I have.
After two days of overt political nonsense being posted, I challenged some of it. I make no apology for that, and I have never complained about the politics in this thread.

I haven’t made a song and dance about the thread being “derailed”.
It is was it is, and it has been political from the first post

Nobody else has made a song and dance either.
I was the one who merely SUGGESTED (purely out of respect) that we should maybe move parts that did not directly pertain to the awful murders directly, to the Political Discussion thread…nothing more.
I was neither simultaneously singing NOR dancing tbh.
The ONLY one who has made a ‘song and dance’ is you mate, the TN resident drama queen…‘clutching at his pearls’.

Except in this case that tribute can’t be separated from the circumstances that ended their lives.Now we can’t and daren’t even suggest our views regarding those circumstances.This was always a case of leaving it to those personally and directly affected.If they chose to say nothing about those circumstances then why should the public put itself on the line.