Slow Server


26 years an Lgv Trainer:

Yes you could post up a brand new forum in minutes flat… if you want to go ahead. others have done quite succesfully.

If you want to use TruckNet UK then we ask you bear with us while we get these technical problems dealt with.
We are talking with the host every day. but this is just one of those things that is out of our hands. I have apologied for the problems , and explained what is happening as far as I know.

Besides flying to the USA and digging trench myself theres is not much else I can do… :wink: :wink: :wink:

I think you could maybe just put up a temporary forum that is linked to your domain but thats to hard i guess.

Kiwipower this is just a little something for you … Its Free

Thanks but i do not use phbb forums they have to many flaws. I only use VBforums when building sites and you have to pay for the licence.

But i must say im so impressed by your free forum you set up and it only took 20 mins you must be a real whizzzz!!!

The speed of it aint bad either.

You can even upload pictures direct to the forum i actually sent a link how to do it to rikki 2 months ago but never even got a reply.

Take a look it is really so easy

It really does beg the question what exactly your supposed ‘Community Manager’ role entails

the major part of it is making sure the trolls dont overun the forums with their sense of self importance… :wink: :wink: :wink:
oh and using the emoticons is also a vital part :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


It really does beg the question what exactly your supposed ‘Community Manager’ role entails

the major part of it is making sure the trolls dont overun the forums with their sense of self importance… :wink: :wink: :wink:

And you fail miserably at that too, seemingly… So what exactly do you actually do again?

You should have stuck to abnormal load driving - at least you were actually good at that :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: .

I have to ask…
as you guys are so negative (same names in here every time slagging off the website and its running) why do you stay and keep coming back
I dont see anyone forcing you to come here, I see you guys slagging it off time and time again. for what it is worth this website is the one I choose to use as it is the biggest for us if you only want to slag people off and cause trouble then grow up and find another one suited to your mentality its the same few people everytime that think they are important look around most of us who use truck net dont give a monkeys ■■■■ about your stupid childish moans the website has a few technical problems at the moment so live with or go elsewhere

The owners of this website has made it as big as it is if you dont like it or think you can do it better then build your own if you havent the balls to do that then STFU

these guys give you this for free and you still moan Old women comes to mind

I have to ask…
as you guys are so negative (same names in here every time slagging off the website and its running) why do you stay and keep coming back
I dont see anyone forcing you to come here, I see you guys slagging it off time and time again. for what it is worth this website is the one I choose to use as it is the biggest for us if you only want to slag people off and cause trouble then grow up and find another one suited to your mentality its the same few people everytime that think they are important look around most of us who use truck net dont give a monkeys ■■■■ about your stupid childish moans the website has a few technical problems at the moment so live with or go elsewhere

The owners of this website has made it as big as it is if you dont like it or think you can do it better then build your own if you havent the balls to do that then STFU

these guys give you this for free and you still moan Old women comes to mind

If you feel that way why take the time to post.and try reading the posts before you spout off.

AS for having the balls the point is that this site boasts about the power of members it has but can not resolve an ongoing server problem.

This site boasts about the amount of hits it has got lately …probably as most of them try so many times to get in it counts as double.

SO you want to see how easy it is to set up a forum FH12guy ? Take a look.

There are many ways to resolve it but they do not seem to care.

I have to ask…
as you guys are so negative (same names in here every time slagging off the website and its running) why do you stay and keep coming back
I dont see anyone forcing you to come here, I see you guys slagging it off time and time again. for what it is worth this website is the one I choose to use as it is the biggest for us if you only want to slag people off and cause trouble then grow up and find another one suited to your mentality its the same few people everytime that think they are important look around most of us who use truck net dont give a monkeys ■■■■ about your stupid childish moans the website has a few technical problems at the moment so live with or go elsewhere

The owners of this website has made it as big as it is if you dont like it or think you can do it better then build your own if you havent the balls to do that then STFU

these guys give you this for free and you still moan Old women comes to mind

“Posts: 5”


And there confirms exactly what I was saying about the one-hit wonders only 2 weeks ago. Nuff said.

come on Rob it’s took him this long to set the posts,as you say its the server gone ■■■■ up

Joined: 30 Mar 2006
Posts: 5
Location: Warwickshire

Since when did someone with 5 posts not have the right to express an opinion, FH12guy may not be the most prolific poster at TruckNet but as a member of this on-line community surely he still has a right to post and air his views.

26 years an Lgv Trainer:


26 years an Lgv Trainer:

Yes you could post up a brand new forum in minutes flat… if you want to go ahead. others have done quite succesfully.

If you want to use TruckNet UK then we ask you bear with us while we get these technical problems dealt with.
We are talking with the host every day. but this is just one of those things that is out of our hands. I have apologied for the problems , and explained what is happening as far as I know.

Besides flying to the USA and digging trench myself theres is not much else I can do… :wink: :wink: :wink:

I think you could maybe just put up a temporary forum that is linked to your domain but thats to hard i guess.

Kiwipower this is just a little something for you … Its Free

Thanks but i do not use phbb forums they have to many flaws. I only use VBforums when building sites and you have to pay for the licence.

But i must say im so impressed by your free forum you set up and it only took 20 mins you must be a real whizzzz!!!

The speed of it aint bad either.

You can even upload pictures direct to the forum i actually sent a link how to do it to rikki 2 months ago but never even got a reply.

Take a look it is really so easy

They are bad forums to much advertising all over the place. The domain name is bad .

If you think that all that is involved in forums is to put it up and sit back and watch then you are in for a big shock sir.

if you really hate ithis server/site so much then go here.

Or do you keep posting on here because of the money you pay to use the site? oh no its free!!! People like you we always find something in life to moan about, i sugest you get a big mirror then you and the man opposite you can both moan to each other till your hearts are content.


26 years an Lgv Trainer:


26 years an Lgv Trainer:

Yes you could post up a brand new forum in minutes flat… if you want to go ahead. others have done quite succesfully.

If you want to use TruckNet UK then we ask you bear with us while we get these technical problems dealt with.
We are talking with the host every day. but this is just one of those things that is out of our hands. I have apologied for the problems , and explained what is happening as far as I know.

Besides flying to the USA and digging trench myself theres is not much else I can do… :wink: :wink: :wink:

I think you could maybe just put up a temporary forum that is linked to your domain but thats to hard i guess.

Kiwipower this is just a little something for you … Its Free

Thanks but i do not use phbb forums they have to many flaws. I only use VBforums when building sites and you have to pay for the licence.

But i must say im so impressed by your free forum you set up and it only took 20 mins you must be a real whizzzz!!!

The speed of it aint bad either.

You can even upload pictures direct to the forum i actually sent a link how to do it to rikki 2 months ago but never even got a reply.

Take a look it is really so easy

They are bad forums to much advertising all over the place. The domain name is bad .

If you think that all that is involved in forums is to put it up and sit back and watch then you are in for a big shock sir.

if you really hate ithis server/site so much then go here.

Or do you keep posting on here because of the money you pay to use the site? oh no its free!!! People like you we always find something in life to moan about, i sugest you get a big mirror then you and the man opposite you can both moan to each other till your hearts are content.

If you think that all that is involved in forums is to put it up and sit back and watch then you are in for a big shock sir.

I actually have 4 forums on the go they are all free and fast to load and easy to run,

I decide were i post where i visit and if i want to have a moan about the speed of this forum i will do so.

You bleat on about moaning but you just add fuel to the fire.

As you say you run a few forums how about a suggestion on how to resolve the problems this place have… Maybe you don’t because no one seems to care.

The response that comes back is that the problem is out of the site owners hands.

The simple answer is change the server it realy is that simple.

As stated before if you have a problem with your internet connection and it not sorted within 2-3 days you get a new supplier.

You do not put up with these problems for weeks .

26 years an Lgv Trainer:
I actually have 4 forums on the go they are all free and fast to load and easy to run

So you get to spend a lot of time posting to yourself like you have on the one linked to in your post :unamused:

26 years an Lgv Trainer:
The simple answer is change the server it realy is that simple.

I’m afraid that even your suggestion is a bit too complicated. :grimacing:

Here’s the way I see it:
I’m not any kind of a ‘teccy,’ and I certainly wouldn’t think of trying to tell people what to do, so I’d simply point out that everybody has a choice.
They choose to stay, or they choose to go- now that IS simple. :wink:

26 years an Lgv Trainer:
You do not put up with these problems for weeks .

Says who??

Rikki is the community manager- and as such that means he’s trusted by RBI to run the site, and he’s made the decision to wait for repairs to be effected by the teccy guys.
IMHO, it might not be to everybody’s liking, BUT that decision is within the limits of Rikki’s remit, so why all the hoo-hah??

Some have mentioned creating another forum, so why not go and do that, instead of bleating about it.■■ :unamused: :unamused:

IMHO, it still a question of choice, which applies to ALL parties to this. :grimacing:


26 years an Lgv Trainer:
I actually have 4 forums on the go they are all free and fast to load and easy to run

So you get to spend a lot of time posting to yourself like you have on the one linked to in your post :unamused:

That was to show that other options can be used while this crowd get there act together.

Reed are supposed to be a large media company etc… but cant resolve this simple problem.

All they have to is threaten to change the server just goes to show how much they really care.

I am sure all there real commercial sites do not suffer from a slow server.

26 years an Lgv Trainer:


26 years an Lgv Trainer:
I actually have 4 forums on the go they are all free and fast to load and easy to run

So you get to spend a lot of time posting to yourself like you have on the one linked to in your post :unamused:

That was to show that other options can be used while this crowd get there act together.

Reed are supposed to be a large media company etc… but cant resolve this simple problem.

All they have to is threaten to change the server just goes to show how much they really care.

I am sure all there real commercial sites do not suffer from a slow server.

Agreed. I bet it’s hosted with some major company like fasthosts or 1and1 or someone like that. :unamused: It’s always the major ones that cause the most problems.

The simple fact that Rikki has not bothered to address my points in my last reply to him just proves that he knows I’m right but can’t be arsed to do anything about it and is just crossing his fingers that it will be resolved with the current host because he doesn’t have the balls and/or knowledge to move it somewhere better. :unamused:

Rob K:
Agreed. I bet it’s hosted with some major company like fasthosts or 1and1 or someone like that. :unamused: It’s always the major ones that cause the most problems.

Or it could still be hosted on American servers, probably even TruckNets servers, while they sort out the requirements and software to host the site on RBI’s servers as has been mentioned in the past.

Rob K:
The simple fact that Rikki has not bothered to address my points in my last reply to him just proves that he knows I’m right but can’t be arsed to do anything about it and is just crossing his fingers that it will be resolved with the current host because he doesn’t have the balls and/or knowledge to move it somewhere better. :unamused:

Or the simple fact that Rikki knows you’re talking out your arse, just to hear yourself talk.

Or the simple fact that Rikki knows you’re talking out your arse, just to hear yourself talk.

And you know what exactly about servers Simon? Clearly nothing from the comment. :unamused:

SO you want to see how easy it is to set up a forum FH12guy ? Take a look.

As a fellow Devils Advocate and a realist, I have to ask why you don’t just go over there and talk to yourself then instead of keep moaning on here :unamused: :unamused:

As for RobK, I can understand his predicament, he’s banned from everywhere else apart from Trucknet :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


As for RobK, I can understand his predicament, he’s banned from everywhere else apart from Trucknet :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I am not banned from any of the other sites, as you know full well. I only come here because out of the 4 trucking sites this is the only realistic one. The owners of the remaining 3 are all control freaks who only allow posts that fit their own agendas.

Rikki may be hopeless :laughing: at sorting out technical issues with his site but in his defence, you are allowed to post/discuss pretty much whatever you want and the mods rarely intervene unless it gets really silly, and that is far more than can be said about your site (and the other two) where it is a requirement that you agree with the previous poster or you’re shown the door. :unamused:

Rob K:

Or the simple fact that Rikki knows you’re talking out your arse, just to hear yourself talk.

And you know what exactly about servers Simon? Clearly nothing from the comment. :unamused:

I don’t need to know a lot about servers to know you talk [zb] most of the time.

As it happens it was my 3 year old sons birthday today and while it was a close call to decide wether to spend the day with him, or carry on saying the same things to people who evidently cant take it in, I chose the former.

and for note:

I have told you all that I know , and done what is within my capabilities to do.
Now you all can continue to waffle on and complain, but it wont make the problem get fixed any quicker.

When I have some more news or updates I will post in here, but be warned that will probably be Monday at the earliest…

Have a nice weekend, :wink: