Slow Server

Terrible again today. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

When is Rikki got to do something about it ■■? :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

there seems to be certain times of the day when the site slows down - I’ll try and keep a log - anyone noticed what it is like from say, 9pm to 6am :question: :question:

there seems to be certain times of the day when the site slows down - I’ll try and keep a log - anyone noticed what it is like from say, 9pm to 6am :question: :question:

Touch wood, it seems to have recovered a bit this past 10-15 mins, but 1415-1545 it was dire.

Perhaps the Trucknet servers (there own not rented) cant cope with amount of use?..could well be that trucknetuk is on a shared server and is using all it’s bandwidth up? so is being throttled back as they say :confused: :confused: :confused:

The server is CRAP and if nought changes soon i can see this place becoming a ghost forum .
Come on Admin get a grip of the owner’s before some one else sets up a new forum with a decent server.

Anyone want a new forum ?

With a chat room that all can get in ?

26 years an Lgv Trainer:
The server is CRAP and if nought changes soon i can see this place becoming a ghost forum .
Come on Admin get a grip of the owner’s before some one else sets up a new forum with a decent server.

Anyone want a new forum ?
**With a chat room that all can get in ?[/**quote]

Do you know much about servers then sir? or are you just trying to stir up some trouble?

If you think its that easy to set up and run a forum good luck to you!!

I own 3 servers one in GB one in Germany and one in USA i also rent 2 more in USA these are for my online gaming teams that i run. Now while most of the time servers run smoothly sometimes things happen that cant be helped. Its already been said on here a number of times now that there is a problem and they are having to replace the fibre optic cable these thing happen noones fault just life.So maybe just maybe you could have a little paitence while these problems are fixed instead of posting 3 or 4 times about the dam servers!!!


26 years an Lgv Trainer:
The server is CRAP and if nought changes soon i can see this place becoming a ghost forum .
Come on Admin get a grip of the owner’s before some one else sets up a new forum with a decent server.

Anyone want a new forum ?
**With a chat room that all can get in ?[/**quote]

Do you know much about servers then sir? or are you just trying to stir up some trouble?

If you think its that easy to set up and run a forum good luck to you!!

I own 3 servers one in GB one in Germany and one in USA i also rent 2 more in USA these are for my online gaming teams that i run. Now while most of the time servers run smoothly sometimes things happen that cant be helped. Its already been said on here a number of times now that there is a problem and they are having to replace the fibre optic cable these thing happen noones fault just life.So maybe just maybe you could have a little paitence while these problems are fixed instead of posting 3 or 4 times about the dam servers!!!

Easy i could set up a forum in 20 minutes and it would be faster than this place.

FREE FORUMS are quicker than this.

The problem has been ongoing for ages…

So sorry if my posts are not to your liking
I will post as many times as my heart desires.

Wow u run 3 servers and rent 2 is that supposed to impress me ?

If a supplier let you down you would just accept it would you ?

Yes you could post up a brand new forum in minutes flat… if you want to go ahead. others have done quite succesfully.

If you want to use TruckNet UK then we ask you bear with us while we get these technical problems dealt with.
We are talking with the host every day. but this is just one of those things that is out of our hands. I have apologied for the problems , and explained what is happening as far as I know.

Besides flying to the USA and digging trench myself theres is not much else I can do… :wink: :wink: :wink:

Yes you could post up a brand new forum in minutes flat… if you want to go ahead. others have done quite succesfully.

If you want to use TruckNet UK then we ask you bear with us while we get these technical problems dealt with.
We are talking with the host every day. but this is just one of those things that is out of our hands. I have apologied for the problems , and explained what is happening as far as I know.

Besides flying to the USA and digging trench myself theres is not much else I can do… :wink: :wink: :wink:

I think you could maybe just put up a temporary forum that is linked to your domain but thats to hard i guess.

Kiwipower this is just a little something for you … Its Free (edited)mm

Besides flying to the USA and digging trench myself theres is not much else I can do… :wink: :wink: :wink:

I’m quite handy with a pick axe, any more volunteers :smiley:

And you can even upload your pictures without the worry of them bieng to large and no need to get them hosted elswhere.


Create a new board?

that takes away the years of comments and threads that we have here, it would not be google searched where many of our members come from and moves the community away from their bookmarks.

This is a temporary problem, it happens, if you cant deal with it then take a break away from the computer , there is a whole outside world out there :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Take a break from my computer ?

How about you finnish your break and deal with this site instead of passing the buck…

There are many alternatives that can be done while they sort out your flaking conections.

It seems no one cares as the site has gone commercial

It would not be google searched ■■? what century do you live in anyone can get on the search list.

We are doing everything we can, it is out of our hands, a problem that happens.

You know what is going on, have been told the situation, and have asked to bear with us while it gets sorted. If you really cant do that… :wink: :wink:

personally as there is nothing I can do abouit the situation I’m going to wacth the football on tele… :wink: :laughing:

26 years an Lgv Trainer:

Yes you could post up a brand new forum in minutes flat… if you want to go ahead. others have done quite succesfully.

If you want to use TruckNet UK then we ask you bear with us while we get these technical problems dealt with.
We are talking with the host every day. but this is just one of those things that is out of our hands. I have apologied for the problems , and explained what is happening as far as I know.

Besides flying to the USA and digging trench myself theres is not much else I can do… :wink: :wink: :wink:

I think you could maybe just put up a temporary forum that is linked to your domain but thats to hard i guess.

Kiwipower this is just a little something for you … Its Free

Thanks but i do not use phbb forums they have to many flaws. I only use VBforums when building sites and you have to pay for the licence.

But i must say im so impressed by your free forum you set up and it only took 20 mins you must be a real whizzzz!!!

We are doing everything we can, it is out of our hands, a problem that happens.

Why is it “out of your hands” ■■? Why do you not have control over your own site? If the host is pants then you up sticks and move it to somewhere better. The whole process takes between 24-48hrs.

These issues have been going on for WEEKS now and you keep coming out with the same lame excuses “it’s being looked in to; it’s out of my hands”. :unamused: :unamused: That is not good enough. You should say to your host that you want a date when it will be fully fixed by and you hold them to it. Why is this proving such a difficult task for you?? :angry:

Not difficult at all, there is a problem that is not possible to be fixed by us or our host, we could jump up and down and cry a lot , but that wont get the issue fixed any quicker.

We have made our unhappiness known to the network company, and have kept on to them to get it fixed, but short of digging the road up ourselves there is not a lot else we can do…

If you realy are that desperate to get it sorted book yourself a flight… and take a shovel… :wink: :wink: :wink:

Not difficult at all, there is a problem that is not possible to be fixed by us or our host, we could jump up and down and cry a lot , but that wont get the issue fixed any quicker.

We have made our unhappiness known to the network company, and have kept on to them to get it fixed, but short of digging the road up ourselves there is not a lot else we can do…

If you realy are that desperate to get it sorted book yourself a flight… and take a shovel… :wink: :wink: :wink:

Right, okay, so they’re basically fobbing you off and in the meantime your business is going down the tubes as your regulars get hacked off, up sticks and leave. :unamused:

Tell them it’s simply not good enough, sort yourself out with another host and move the site. What’s the problem? You are already aware from old threads years ago that hosting can be sorted out easily enough (and incidentally that site still has a 100% uptime too).

Rob, I know you are genuinely concerned for the well being of TruckNet UK , :wink: But rest assured despite the problems with the network the traffic through the website is holding up, over 100,000 page views up on this week last year.

We are moving hosts and rebuilding the complete website, and taking all the existing data with us. so you can stop worrying about that :wink:

If you had been around a few years ago you would remember when we suffered a complete server failure and lost about 6 weeks worth of posts, that at the time was a major crisis but we sem to have got over it. by comparison this blip , while frustrating will soon be fixed and forgotten about.

Things things happen, no-one likes them and they are a pain. but they soon pass. getting stressed and all het up about them is no good for your health, :wink: :wink:

Rob, I know you are genuinely concerned for the well being of TruckNet UK , :wink: But rest assured despite the problems with the network the traffic through the website is holding up, over 100,000 page views up on this week last year.

We are moving hosts and rebuilding the complete website, and taking all the existing data with us. so you can stop worrying about that :wink:

If you had been around a few years ago you would remember when we suffered a complete server failure and lost about 6 weeks worth of posts, that at the time was a major crisis but we sem to have got over it. by comparison this blip , while frustrating will soon be fixed and forgotten about.

Things things happen, no-one likes them and they are a pain. but they soon pass. getting stressed and all het up about them is no good for your health, :wink: :wink:

It’s a good job that the site isn’t revenue-earning then isn’t it? :unamused: Otherwise with that attitude you’d quickly find yourself looking for a new job.

I find it incredible for a site of this size that you think it’s okay to shrug off the problem with a bunch of silly emoticons instead of actually doing some productive. It really does beg the question what exactly your supposed ‘Community Manager’ role entails. As far as I can it’s a whole pile of nothing.