Slow Server

Rikki - squirt some of THIS into the server will you :laughing:
Slow or what :frowning: :frowning:

I have run a couple of tracerts and the speed varies from 190ms to 506ms ā€¦I have no idea why , so have asked the tech guys in the USA to take a look

Getting a server in the UK instead of one on the other side of the world and your problems will be sorted.

I have run a couple of tracerts and the speed varies from 190ms to 506ms ā€¦I have no idea why , so have asked the tech guys in the USA to take a look

Probably a kink in the cable :laughing: :laughing:

Oh good :smiley: :smiley: - I thought it was my computer :slight_smile:

I have run a couple of tracerts and the speed varies from 190ms to 506ms ā€¦I have no idea why , so have asked the tech guys in the USA to take a look

Great idea, but weā€™ll have to wait a whileā€¦

:open_mouth: :laughing: At the speed this is running, the teccy guys wonā€™t be aware of your request until next week.:grimacing:

Letā€™s hope they get it sorted soon. :smiley:

Good job that the slow server does not work in Gordon Ramseyā€™s F word restuarant :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

the word from the tech guys that there are problems with the fibre connection, they have a temporary internet connection at the moment while the problem is being investigated/sorted, but this is at a much slower speed.

They are aware of the problem and trying to get it sorted as quickly as possible.

the word from the tech guys that there are problems with the fibre connection, they have a temporary internet connection at the moment while the problem is being investigated/sorted, but this is at a much slower speed.

They are aware of the problem and trying to get it sorted as quickly as possible.

I hope that you have requested some compo for the lack of service?

Is there any word yet on when these so called ā€œtech guysā€ are going to be able to get this problem sorted, even British Rail arenā€™t this slow at getting things fixed.

Is there any word yet on when these so called ā€œtech guysā€ are going to be able to get this problem sorted, even British Rail arenā€™t this slow at getting things fixed.

Rikki is all talk. 5 days gone by and itā€™s just getting worse not better. Heā€™s just let the site go to the wall since Lucy stopped being involved and it shows.

Or just maybe its a problem that at the moment is out of our handsā€¦

But I am sure you know better :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Rob K:

Is there any word yet on when these so called ā€œtech guysā€ are going to be able to get this problem sorted, even British Rail arenā€™t this slow at getting things fixed.

Rikki is all talk. 5 days gone by and itā€™s just getting worse not better. Heā€™s just let the site go to the wall since Lucy stopped being involved and it shows.

Did I miss something? Is Lucy not involved anymore? :open_mouth:

Did I miss something? Is Lucy not involved anymore? :open_mouth:

News to me too :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: But I am sure Rob knows better than me ā€¦ :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Itā€™s a sure sign the site has gone to the dogs. Lucy doesnā€™t post anymore and Neilā€™s had enough too. Rikki just bumbles along regardless assuring us everythingā€™s alright. He should stand for PM - theyā€™ve got a lot in common it seems. :unamused:

guys ive just PMā€™d Rikki offering to help out with the server speeds as i run a UK hosting company so can provide him with anything he needs server wise or tech support wise.
Ive only just joined trucknet and dont wanna see it go down the pan before ive made some good mates on here!!!

Hopefully we can sort it all out for you guys!


This site is going no where peopleā€¦just chill :sunglasses:

Iā€™m having fun :exclamation: with this site this morning and from the number of members logged on, I think others are having the same probs - It.s like pulling teethā€¦

This site needs sorting fast as itā€™s is getting to be such a pain to load up pages etcā€¦

It is starting to really (zb) people off
language edit mm

Ive never had any problems with the site being slow and i check the site at least twice a day.
:confused: :confused: