Sad to say its time to go

All the best for the future Bully and Laura :smiley:

“Like sands through the hour glass … so are the days of our lives” :laughing:

This is better than any soap opera :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

From E-Mail Sent today:
Dear Mr and Mrs Andrews,

This e-mail is to confirm that the agreed amount of £500 (sterling) was sent to your Paypal account at 17.25 BST on 18th September 2005. This money is payment for all shares owned in either of your names in the company TruckNet (Europe) Ltd. As of the time of payment, these shares belong to Lucy Chequer.

A copy of this e-mail, the Paypal payment receipt, and all other relevant communication is being retained - along with proof of sending - for future reference.


So that’s sorted. End of.

end of… your right it should be

cheers BULLY for a good forum. (bully,s) and the pics etc etc
good luck in the future for you and family.
though isnt it a crying shame that all this had to be aired on the public forums? :unamused: .
i like to take an interest with every thing going on with T/NET but all you had to do was say bye folks, i,m off. could have been done with a bit of dignity. instead you wash your dirty linnen on the main boards.

totally un-called for

oh one last thing---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLOSE THE DOOR ON YOUR WAY OOT… :laughing:

Glad you got it sorted Lucy! I am sure you can do without all the hassle!

Bully didn’t intend to ‘Aire’ his reasons on the forum :exclamation:
His orriginal post had no mention of the reasons he quit … I believe to save anyone embarrasment.
Others pestered and asked for the reason and he eventually gave in, If he or anyone believes they are being hard done by they have the right to speak their mind :exclamation: That is what free speech is all about. :exclamation:
Not that there is much free speech on here as the slightest ‘un PC’ coment is usually blocked, removed or censored within a very short time.
I say good for Bully for speaking his mind and [ZB] (there, saved anyone the trouble) anyone who disagrees. :exclamation:

Funny anit it when tesco are getting stick for the rubbish that happens at RDC,s all this comes up,and after all rikki,s letters to them,yours an old cynic. :unamused:

Others pestered and asked for the reason and he eventually gave in

Are you reading the same thread?..

No-one pestered Bully to reveal his reasons for resigning

Bully told a outright lie about our accounting

have a share holders report showing expenses for me going to Scotland…when I was here living in the USA■■? and have only ever been to Scotland once in my life■■?

The accounts and statements are recorded at Companies House, entered there long beore this sorry state of affairs came about

The saddest thing about all of this is not the effect on TruckNet, or the shareholdings,
it is that I have lost a freindship that I valued for 5 years

I might not be right in posting this, but what the hell.
As a member and nothing else.

I do not know Bully or the other shareholders and do not really care less, what is happening behind the scenes, It should remain there. (Private)

What is important is that TrucknetUk stays as it is.
No1 forum in the UK

Rikki, Lucy, the Moderators, news team, and Admin have made it No 1, It has now been stated that it will continue as it is with Rikki and Lucy at the helm.

So lets put this subject to bed, get on with debating, discussing and talking, and now and again having a good waffle to let off steam and let the people who offer us this No1 site get on and sort their problems out without the hassle of posting on threads like this one.

We have shown Rikki & Lucy that they have our support, which is what is important,

So to the 1000s that look on here but do not post, we are still one community that like to argue, and disagree but at the end of the day would help and stick up for each other because we are all professionals.

I am finished now and yes I have had a couple of pints this dinner time, so I felt like a rant

it is that I have lost a freindship that I valued for 5 years

Sadly Rikki, it is at times like these when you realise who your TRUE friends are and then you realise those with more faces than the Middlesboro Town Hall clock . . .

I know I haven’t posted here in a long time, but I still pop in every now and then. And I have a comment about all this.

The way I see all this is that there MAY have been some conflict between owners, shareholders, ect over whether to make this site a pay-for site. As any business should, Rikki and Lucy asked the members and contributers their opinion, which, to be honest, is more than most business owners do before they make financial decisions about their companies. The people replied how they felt… some find the site beneficial enough to pay for it, some don’t. And some just have to whine and moan because the question was even raised instead of appreciating the fact that your opinion is valued here. Rikki and Lucy aren’t the end all-be all of trucknet, they have people to answer to. Rikki has said that as long as they run the site, it will not have a membership fee… that should be good enough for the members, and they should stay out the argument between him and Bully. None of us know whats gone on between them, and to be quite frank, its none of our business. It’s a shame that a long-term friendship like theirs has to come to and end over crap like this… regardless of which one is responsible for starting it.

Isn’t it possible that its a HUGE misunderstanding, or just a simple difference of opinion? If they can’t see eye to eye, and someone has to leave because it, then so be it…I doubt either of them have intended it to resort to this. Best of luck to Bully and Laura if this is what they feel they need to do. I’m sure their contribution to trucknet will be missed. :frowning:

Rob K:

it is that I have lost a freindship that I valued for 5 years

Sadly Rikki, it is at times like these when you realise who your TRUE friends are and then you realise those with more faces than the Middlesboro Town Hall clock . . .

DIDNT NO IT HAD 1…there u c u learn every day on t/net… :laughing:

Now here is a prime example :exclamation:
This entire thread has been moved from where it is noticeble to a separate section where most will not see it :open_mouth:

Sorry to say but kate is right :exclamation: Business and friendship should be kept apart, whatever has gone on between the shareholders is not for us to see, we are not shareholders :exclamation:

The site should not be run as a business, I joined at first because it was a fun site and I made some good mates, but now there is too much back stabbing and bickering going on so I hardly ever visit.

It’s such a shame that something intended for the common good of all of us turned into a money issue.

more faces than the Middlesboro Town Hall clock . . .

Rob,it hasn’t got any.They were nicked by someone from Grangetown.


Pat Hasler:
Now here is a prime example :exclamation:
This entire thread has been moved from where it is noticeble to a separate section where most will not see it :open_mouth:

Sorry to say but kate is right :exclamation: Business and friendship should be kept apart, whatever has gone on between the shareholders is not for us to see, we are not shareholders :exclamation:

The site should not be run as a business, I joined at first because it was a fun site and I made some good mates, but now there is too much back stabbing and bickering going on so I hardly ever visit.

It’s such a shame that something intended for the common good of all of us turned into a money issue.

however it has turned out, sad as it is. ive got to agree with the above,
the site just isnt the same as it was when i first joined.

clicky is the word.i will remain here. though at times i do feel like loading both barrels and letting go,

Pat Hasler:
The site should not be run as a business



Rob K:

it is that I have lost a freindship that I valued for 5 years

Sadly Rikki, it is at times like these when you realise who your TRUE friends are and then you realise those with more faces than the Middlesboro Town Hall clock . . .

DIDNT NO IT HAD 1…there u c u learn every day on t/net… :laughing:


If Bully is going then should the forum named after him be renamed ■■.

If so i think it should be Kitkat,s Truckstop Bar…:slight_smile::slight_smile:

If so i think it should be Kitkat,s Truckstop Bar…:slight_smile::slight_smile:

That dont sound to bad actually and make him mod of it


Is it safe yet :sunglasses: