Sad to say its time to go

Well its time to say goodbye to you all.

I am currently having discussions in regards to selling my shares and saying farewell to TruckNetUK.

After recent events backstage I am sad to say I’m not happy and its time to move on!

Both Laura & I have made many friends through TruckNetUK and yes we will keep in touch.

I hope TruckNetUK goes from strength to strength & continues to be the Number 1 site for truck drivers in the UK (sadly without me & Laura)

Best Regards to you all

Shaun (Bully) & Laura (Kiddo)

Good luck for the future Bully.

First the boss and Mrs boss now you is there something we havent been told here?.

Good luck to you bully.

First the boss and Mrs boss now you is there something we havent been told here?.

hmmm my thoughts too jammy. :confused:
p.s bully… still wish you all the best for the future though! :smiley:

Something is going on here and i wish we knew,but i suppose bully has his reason’s and all i can say is all the best for the future hope everything you’s do work’s out. :wink:

Time to get your wallets out boys :laughing: :sunglasses: .

How much will it be again? £15 per year, £20 per year ? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses: :laughing:

Rob K:
Time to get your wallets out boys :laughing: :sunglasses: .

How much will it be again? £15 per year, £20 per year ? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses: :laughing:

As Lucy as said as long as they are running this site they will be no charge.

I do go on another forum and i do pay £XXXXX amount of money per year,only because i choose to.

If i was asked to contribute to this site i think i would.

The reason:
It’s a bloody good site.
It as got some decent folk on it, that do know what they are talking about.

P.S All the best for the future Bully.

Rob K:
Time to get your wallets out boys :laughing: :sunglasses: .

How much will it be again? £15 per year, £20 per year ? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses: :laughing:

You can afford it, think how much you’ll be saving by not ringing Nova, or using registered post to get your ID to them :wink:

But there seems to be a familiar sound to this thread, is Rome burning and are we being left to fiddle :question:

Good luck Mr and Mrs Bully

Something is going on here and i wish we knew,but i suppose bully has his reason’s and all i can say is all the best for the future hope everything you’s do work’s out. :wink:

All I can say is that as far as we are concerned the ambition backstage has all but gone…its not about keeping this site free…its about one man and his woman…& MONEY…and alot of shall we say “Blind people”
For example:
I have a share holders report showing expenses for me going to Scotland…when I was here living in the USA■■? and have only ever been to Scotland once in my life■■?

The whole thing is a mess & we are tired of it.



I’m sure this will be pulled quickly…I will be posting all details in full on my own website in the next day or two.

Why are the words “cat”, “pigeons” and “amongst” in the forefront of my mind at the moment ? :confused:


Something is going on here and i wish we knew,but i suppose bully has his reason’s and all i can say is all the best for the future hope everything you’s do work’s out. :wink:

All I can say is that as far as we are concerned the ambition backstage has all but gone…its not about keeping this site free…its about one man and his woman…& MONEY…and alot of shall we say “Blind people”
For example:
I have a share holders report showing expenses for me going to Scotland…when I was here living in the USA■■? and have only ever been to Scotland once in my life■■?

The whole thing is a mess & we are tired of it.



I’m sure this will be pulled quickly…I will be posting all details in full on my own website in the next day or two.

Well my eyebrows have shot off my forehead at that reply.

:smiley: All the best for the future.

All the best Bully

:unamused: :unamused: The fan doesn’t appear to have been turned on yet :wink:

What you have to realise is that this thread was started by someone who is just starting it for the sake trying to cause trouble. Bully wanted to take over the running of TruckNet UK if Rikki and Lucy left. He failed in those ambitions so now it is seems to be a case of if he can’t have it lets spoil it for everyone by stirring the pot as much as possible. Rob where is that stirring icon of yours, we could do with it in this thread?

This thread changes nothing, the situation is still exactly as laid out by Rikki last week.

Best thing to do is to just wish Bully and his wife luck, although there is no reason for him to stop visiting and posting on TN. TruckNet UK will continue, but if Bully doesn’t want to be a part of, or contribute, to the site that is his choice.

I like I am sure most of the members would rather things just carried on as normal, so the best thing to do is not feed the troll.


That’s the one, thanks Rob. :wink: :smiley:

Oh Dear :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Since our accounts are all in the public domain, I’m not sure what the fuss is about… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh Dear :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


PMSL Simon, that’s just BRILLIANT!