Sad to say its time to go

I am sure this business is best kept to the Share holders and Directors! its a shame Bully feels he needs to do his washing in public.

Reading all the posts its quite obvious that we all support Lucy and Rikki in this matter so I personaly dont see what he has to gain from publishing any details.

Well first Bully sorry to hear that you wish to part as a member of the
trucknet directors but all the best, and as for the future we will have to wait and see what comes,and for me this is still


So now that bullies going how about putting a minimum age limit for entry into the new room so we can put some things of an adult nature in there (and i dont mean ■■■■)


No problem Simon We have set it up so that anyone can enter the room but to post certain things, and to view them, there is a minimum age of 75. Oh yes, you must also be accompanied by both parents. :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

Seriously though there are plenty of sites where you can post the type of thing you are referring to, I don’t see that this one needs to follow suit. If the rules were relaxed, I for one wouldn’t want to be part of the site anymore.

Woa Woa Woa Neil i only meant things like funny pictures like in the neighbours thread last night

You know change it from a sunday school to a Bar and inject a bit of fun into it


I know what you meant, still doesn’t change my view. :wink:

Rules stay, I’m afraid. In fact, so far as the structure and workings of the site are concerned, nothing is going to change. :wink:

Twas only an idea sorry


No need to apologise…and 10 out of 10 for trying. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

All the best for the future Bully and Laura.

As far as what goes on in the backroom, that should be left to the people who it concerns. As long as the site stays free to users, what business is it to any of us what happens between the shareholders. If there was a problem I’m sure they would let us know.

I may be going out on a limb here but in an attempt to put people’s minds at rest I am making the following post. It may get me into trouble, but I will risk that in an attempt to clarify the situation and put the minds of TruckNet members at rest. It might not be the wisest post I have ever made but I feel there are many questions being asked and it may help to stop the rumours.

I do not doubt that Rikki and Lucy have taken money out as expenses, which would be cheaper than PAYE and nowhere near minimum wage, and after the amount of money and hours they have invested in bringing us our favourite part of the Net, who could begrudge them that?

When Bully was going to take over the site, he announced that he would be sacking half the Mod and Admin team. He quoted various reasons for this, most of which highlighted the fact he actually had very little clue as to the day-to-day running of the site. This was the reason that Rikki and Lucy withdrew their resignations, they did not want to see the heart ripped out of the team and the possible consequences for TruckNet UK with Bully at the helm.

My opinion is that Bully bought shares in TruckNet UK with the idea they would make him a bundle of money, while wanting Rikki to do the work in growing his very small investment. I think that was very naive of him, when it did not happen he started making various accusations, which have now continued into this thread.

I, for one, cannot understand Bully’s reaction. He has been in TruckNet from the start, and been a friend of Rikki’s for all that time, I can only imagine how hurt and confused by his radical change of attitude Rikki and Lucy are. He was always one of those who believed in the dream and worked towards it, but he seems to have lost sight of that and turned his back on his friends in the process.

I hope this goes some way to explaining this thread and will show members that this thread has been started for the sole reason of stirring things. As stated previously the situation remains exactly as explained by Rikki. The site goes on and will hopefully continue to grow.

If I have said too much I am sorry but I feel it was time to attempt to put the record straight.

Right, I’ll get my coat.

by eck missus this is getting interesting :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

And I remember reading one of Bullys posts about how he couldn’t get by on £90,000 a year in this country, kinda suggests financial mismanagement to me :open_mouth: As for Rikki and Lucy earning something from this site, if they can do it, what’s wrong with that? Don’t know what’s going on don’t know the chaaracters involved DON’T WANT TO KNOW !

Henrys cat:
All the best for the future Bully and Laura.

As far as what goes on in the backroom, that should be left to the people who it concerns. As long as the site stays free to users, what business is it to any of us what happens between the shareholders. If there was a problem I’m sure they would let us know.

Yes! I would go with that view Henry’s Cat.

Good luck to Bully & Laura.

Well…well…somethings are certainly stirring…I want to wish Shaun and Laura all the very best for the future and hope they will continue as contributers to this site…I would like to ask…Is Bullys Truckstop…coming to an end…or will it be re-named ■■
With Lucy and Rikki…going
with Bully…going
Who is gonna run this site
I hope that the new Bosses…have a good idea of what the uk trucking market is all about.
I hope that this doesnt become an off shoot of the american site…
i fear i can see a lot of back room bitchiness going to go on…a lot of boardroom fighting…and i fear for this sites demise…but as they say…when one door closes…another one opens…

With Lucy and Rikki…going

Are we■■? I thought we had said on a number of occasions that we are staying for the foreseeable future :unamused: :unamused: :open_mouth:
You know something me and lucy don’t :wink: :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

have a share holders report showing expenses for me going to Scotland…when I was here living in the USA■■? and have only ever been to Scotland once in my life■■?

Interesting… I for one would like to see that shareholders report … in full , seeing as I wrote it I can tell you that the statement above is total news to me !!!

As I am sure it will be to anyone who has read the company annual returns and reports… which are filed at Company House. and have been filed there since the date of the return.

So PLEASE publish that "Shareholders report IN FULL and let everyone compare what you supposedly have alongside the record kept by HM Government

And I’m still here, and Pam, and the rest of the gang. :open_mouth:

Best wishes Bully.

Bob, you didn’t read all of my post, see the important bit below.

This was the reason that Rikki and Lucy withdrew their resignations

Can I also say that there is NO backroom bitchiness going on at the moment and no boardroom fighting. The only person going it seems is Bully, you are stuck with the rest of the team, and team is the important word here.

and have only ever been to Scotland once in my life■■?

Eh.your kidding me on Bully :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: