Sad to say its time to go

Kate - Very well put. I only wish Bully and Laura had got in touch with us for a chat…in fact they are still welcome to, Bully has my MSN details and our phone numbers.

Bazman - Thankyou.

Pat - There is no reason whatsoever why the thread shouldn’t be viewed here…it is still in the public domain, it is still open for comments, and there is still a link to it in the PDF. This forum is in existance especially for this sort of thread, and any other which falls under the category of “Feedback”. Those who are interested may visit it…those who are not can simply bypass the whole lot.
If we were trying to hide anything we’d have put the thread into the Storage Shed along with all the dodgy jokes and “slagging off” posts.

Pat/Rob - We would rather this site wasn’t run as a business as well, but I explained HERE ( post 20 ) why that is the way it must be. It’s simply too big for any “average joe” - which is what we are - to finance and run out of their own pocket.

Jammymutt/SimonRS2K - Bully’s Bar will keep it’s existing name, as the name is part of TruckNet UK’s history. Bully has put a lot of time in, especially in the early days. His bar is his legacy, just as Zzarbean’s legacy is the [zb] motif that we all know so well.

If so i think it should be Kitkat,s Truckstop Bar…:slight_smile::slight_smile:

would it be sponsored by Rowntree’s :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

could be a good forum whilst having a break :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Silly old me…fancy thinking Lucy and Rikki were going…i`m sure i read that somewhere…and sometimes i forget there are more than 1 page of thread…oh well thats what old age does for ya…nice to know we still got a driver…and a few conductors…all aboard…hold tight…

No it’s not safe yet :frowning:

This site well never get anywhere while Lucy is pulling Rikki’s strings.
Just seems that I’m the only one with the balls to say it.



I’m the only one with the balls to say it.

Sorry Bully mate, but I think the words ‘Public, dirty linen, washing’ & ‘should’nt’ all apply here. :unamused:

No it’s not safe yet :frowning:

This site well never get anywhere while Lucy is pulling Rikki’s strings.
Just seems that I’m the only one with the balls to say it.


:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused: :open_mouth:

No it’s not safe yet :frowning:

This site well never get anywhere while Lucy is pulling Rikki’s strings.
Just seems that I’m the only one with the balls to say it.


This site is what it is because of Rikki and Lucy’s dedication along with all the admin and mods!

Bully, you are priveledge to alot of information that we as members are not, and quite frankly do not wish to know. As far as the majority of the contributors to this site are concerned everything is fine and dandy. What goes on between the shareholders should not, as a point of good business practice, be brought into the public domain, but should be sorted out in private between themselves.

You may be against what is/has been happening, and from what I can see in this discussion, you are selling your shareholding, that is your choice. To continue the way this thread is going just make people look like [zb]'s.

Trucknet is a business, and as such needs to make a profit, how that happens is upto the owners. But Trucknet as a site is bigger than any one person, and long may it continue to be so.

Obviously Bully is not happy :confused:

But thats no excuse for trying to stir the crap pot, as I see it Bully has now sold his shares for £500 and no longer has anything to do with Tnet he had agreed a price and once the paypal payment was made to his account he forfieted any rights to comment as a shareholder.

The strange thing is, why did Bully not offer his shares to the highest bidder? by refusing to accept the offer made by the existing shareholders (If Any), unless of course the shares had been independantly valued by an accountant?

What goes on between Shareholders is their business and has nothing to do with customers, you dont hear shareholders of multi national companies trying to stir the crap which will damage the business they have invested in and ultimately affecting their future growth, you do however hear of disgruntled shareholders who try to marr the name of a company after selling their shares.

I offer my full support in the way Tnet is and has been run, both Rikki and Lucy are doing a good job in a difficult time, and based on my knowledge of the UK transport Industry I can only say that in 2 years time or so, Bully will be regretting that he sold his shares and did not ride out the storm.

Now I think it is time to put this to bed and let things get back to normal, what goes on in the boardroom or shareholders meetings belongs there and not out here in public. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

What goes on between Shareholders is their business and has nothing to do with customers, you dont hear shareholders of multi national companies trying to stir the crap which will damage the business they have invested in and ultimately affecting their future growth, you do however hear of disgruntled shareholders who try to marr the name of a company after selling their shares.

Ever heard of Gerald Ratner? :smiley:

Wheel Nut:
Ever heard of Gerald Ratner? :smiley:

Yep and if you recall he was not out to ruin the name of Ratners, he made a comment that he thought was funny, expecting everyone to laugh unfortunately it backfired and everyone thought he was being serious when he said their jewellery was Crap and instantly started selling their shares :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


No it’s not safe yet :frowning:

This site well never get anywhere while Lucy is pulling Rikki’s strings.
Just seems that I’m the only one with the balls to say it.


This site is what it is because of Rikki and Lucy’s dedication along with all the admin and mods!

spot on… some one should lock this thread down and make it dissapear.

As requested.

Executive decision - Locked.