Rwanda Bill Passed

what does the word any mean.

it never ever said that all it ever said was that after 300 arrive a further allotment of money will trigger

i said that to point out the stupidity of your statement

You did see the full stop before that indicating the end of the sentence right so the pm has pledged that the first flight will leave as early as july

So all the calculations you made the other day are nonsense, because you didn’t account for the extra funds needed to trigger further migrants deportations.
Maybe another 300 million quid lump, plus £150,000 per head?
IF the Rwandans agree to take more.

As I pointed out, and you chose to ignore earlier there is currently a limited agreement in place but you have been consistently rushing in, and assuming that ll will be scaled up, so that no migrants will remain in the UK. Isn’t that what all your supposed savings on hotel costs were about?
Far cheaper to deal with all claimants quickly and either allow them to stay, get a job and pay taxes, or deport them to country of origin. The crass stupidity of the current Gov. since 2018 in wasting money warehousing people rather than investing a few quid in sorting out the problem is scandalous.

i didnt in the first lot because i was going off your figures i thought you would of studied them. However as usual it was just the headline half baked rubbish. However once i looked at it properly i then posted the amended figures as i said at the time

no where does it say that there is no limit the only limit ever mentioned is in the headlines parroted by those that cant be bothered to read and think for themelves.

lets get this sorted once and for all as i posted above ANY person arriving illegaly will be deported end of no ifs buts or maybe’s that is the agreement

i notice what you have been quiet on is them all running off to ireland because they dont want to go to rwanda up to 6 thousand have rushed off to ireland

far easier is stopping them coming and if they do deport them job done oh wait thats what we are doing thats a bugger int it

Of course it is! And far cheaper!
Hence the need for an office in Calais !

They apply on Calais beach.
If accepted they can get on a ferry and put the smugglers out of business.
If refused and they show up on UK shores then no need for time consuming bureaucracy, and hotel accommodation, ship them out.

But no headlines for the Gov.
No drama.
No pointing at immigrants as being the scapegoat for years of Tory failure!

But hey!
You just keep on blaming the French for failing to secure the UK borders!
Some sovereignty and control you have there, mate.

so you have your office in calais which is what the le torquet agreement was by the way and some of the billions we have given to france and what happends. what happened when we had border force in the french ports.

as im under no delusion that you will actually answer that ill tell you. the french police stopped british lorries to let the illegals get on. They allowed thousands to sneak throw “gaps” in the fencing and into the tunnel. when border force found them the french police wouldnt hold up their end of the bargain and arrest them because they didnt have id and couldn’t tell if they were foreign or not so they had to let them go. Nothing to do with the french police telling them not to have id on them im sure. so been there done that it doesnt work.

thats just it they arent interested in applying properly if they were they could of applied from the first safe country they came to. Italy for example allowed them to stay ad work for a year then they have to move on. They want to come here to apply so when they are turned down they can disappear they cant if they are in france.

sure there are for example “brilliant calais office stops illegal immigration”

no scapegoating…did we have muslim bombers before labour no did we have hundreds of thousands of migrants clogging up the nhs and the labor market driving wages down before labor no need i go on.

You have been to tangier if the post i read the other day is anything to go by. You have witnessed first hand how these characters operate do you really think they will have magically changed their beliefs and attitudes and behavior just because they have floated across a bit of water in a rubber dinghy.

I blame the french for not doing what we gave them billions to do same as i would blame a mechanic i paid to fix my car if he didnt do it. nothing to do with sovereignty.

There is of course a very simple option that i mentioned before we get a couple of frigates to sail round them at full throttle till they either swamp the dinghy or capsize them. Then if you need a fresh head or to grab one or two bodies and stick the head on a pike like the cartels do

Where does that come from?

You been reading WS and CF posts and confusing them with reality or summat?

Some migrants do want to come here, yes.
The vast majority do stay in other countries.

Like all ports there hustlers and scammers. Just like Marseille and Liverpool.
The vast majority are friendly and peaceable people.

Ah… so is that is the kind of attitude you want the migrants to display then?

Of all the towns of all the places of all the countries
Who would believe it, they could be sent there

India is facing a unique labor challenge despite a growing workforce. Annually, 12 million young Indians enter the job market, set to reach 1.04 billion by 2030. Despite this demographic advantage, India grapples with a shortage of skilled and unskilled labor

they are sent there because it is culturally similar to where they came from. same customs etc. India has the same problem as a lot of countries its skilled labor goes else where to find work because of the conditions and pay. Its one of the reasons we dont have such a big market for engineering anymore/

i have proved their attitude with the video i posted yesterday. Or are you saying the french police are too thick to work out how to use surveillance and never use helicopters or drones to look for their own criminals.

you think 84.5k is some. So what are you saying is then that 84.5k are too thick to work out the clear rules or that 84.5k dont give a monkeys about the rules but once they come here they will magically change. Well i guess the latter might be possible i mean something changes them from young women and children into young men.

I have never done dock work but some good friends of mine have. None of them have reported being held there for 5 days or having their passport held until they paid to get it back. In my limited experience i have never had gangs of people waiting at a set of lights to strip the trailer either.

its the kind of attitude they display when they try to sneak into britain. Its the kind of attitude they display when they attack and ■■■■ women and children. Its the kind of attitude they display wen they steal from shops and mug people. Its also the kind of attitude they display where they came from because it is their belifes, customs and way of life.

So you consider that a video of Police on a beach with migrants is proof that Police stop trucks to allow migrants to climb on board?
I somewhat disagree.

The EU had about 1,100,000 asylum applicants. (including France167,000) The UK had about 67,000. I think “some” is fair comment.

Here is Braverman on “the clear rules”

I have no idea what you are referring to.
I have been held in customs for days on end in Europe.

Again, I’ve no idea where that is coming from?
But holding of documents until a fine or duty is paid is common in many countries.
Guess what? The UK does it too.

Try looking up some facts and figures about violence before making sweeping statements.
When you were in Morocco did you see drunks in the street? Violent footie fans?
What are the violent and ■■■ crime rates in N Africa compared to the UK?
Yes there are pushy street vendors, but I never saw any who didn’t back off when firmly told No.

try reading the post

it wont let me copy the video. Safe and simple route is go to a safe country and apply job done or in that particular example get the sibling to apply and send a plane ticket

again read what you wrote
or is it you do know what im talking about but it doesnt fit your rosy bs picture your trying to portray

andyou know why■■? simple they have proper laws and no woke entitled idiots crying about human rights.
i cant find the tangier post right now i cant remember the guys id who wrote it and you have your porfile blocked so i cant look back through your posts. He described exactly what i have been saying and your response was yep thats pretty much what i had. im paraphrasing it but that was the jist.

you bang on about this country as if its the white man… but read the papers and the stats is it ever a white person stabbing a black person no. its black on black crime… a white girl is attacked oh mustaffer has been arrested in connection its very rarely john smith. The police know it everyone knows it. All you ever get is some woke tweeny crying racism though.

i tell you also what we didnt have in this country was female circumcision or muslim women being murdered for divorcing their husbands etc things any westernized person would think was reprehensable

Try this.
Braverman clearly doesn’t about your easy solution. Or your “safe and simple route” does not really exist.

I did. And found no justification for your earlier post.

Ah…Is this what you meant?
And you tied that in with another post about my truck driving in Morocco?
Over twenty years ago?

Well, 20plus years ago there were immigrants trying to board trucks all over the place, yes.

L P Hartley: “The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.”

From a more recent trip, just over one year ago, no. No immigrants stopping trucks at lights etc. I wasn’t in a truck, but if I was I wouldn’t park in unsecure places, but then again, unless empty I wouldn’t park in a UK service area to day, whereas 40 years ago they were safer.

Other countries have stricter laws and so they have less violence.
They are violent here because they are culturally more violent at home.

Asian grooming gang? Weeks of national headlines.
White grooming gang? Local press.

Edit to add

and was this the comment i quoted

dont think it was some how do you so you clearly didn’t

just for clarification so no you didnt read the post.

the bloke wouldnt give a specific country so she gave a generalized response the guy didnt like the answer so he did what you do harp on and on and on until someone else gave the exact same answer.

However im a slow typer so it probably took me 3 seconds to type into google “how do i enter theuk with a relative already living there” and a further half second to click on the first link

The topic you commented on wasnt 20 years old so what your saying is that is hasn’t changed between the time you went and the time he went…kinda makes my point dont you think.

You wernt in a truck so you didnt have someone trying to get on. I went to calais when the camp was there and you know what i never had a single immigrant try and get in the back either or try to steal anything at the lights. Maybe just maybe thats because i was in a car and not a lorry. I tell you what i did see was lorry after lorry both irish and british being pulled off the road into rest areas by the gendarme and scores of illegals standing around and sneaking into the backs of lorries while the police spoke to the driver. I dunno about you but if i wanted to sneak onto a lorry i would find it a lot easier sneaking onto a stationary lorry than one going at motorway speeds.

so on this trip did you go to the docks at tangier did you go to was it rabat they had the trailer stripped in seconds? or did you go to the tourist areas where they have removed the illegals because its bad for tourisum.

what do you mean so… women having their bits hacked up is ok? muslim women being stoned to death/murdered for leaving their ■■■■■■ / abusive husbands is ok? Have you not heard of sharia law?

so the independent is local press is it rather than a national broadsheet okay…

350 women killed by “men” how many of those “men” where white british?
I use “men” in quotes as they arent men in my opinion.

child abuse is just as bad as single instances of ■■■■ no one is saying any different but how many of those cases involved foreign nationals.

Unfortunately child abuse has been in this country long before immigration was even thought of that doesnt excuse importing more of them.

Seriously mate knock it on the head… you are wasting your time.
I used to get into these 10 page arguments with him and I gave up.
He will almost literally argue that black is white even if he is looking at something black, dressed in black, in a black painted room, sat in the black dark in BLACKpool…usually backed up with a link.
It’s what he does.
You are better off evrn arguing with Carryfast.

I just now pick him up on things from time to time when he gets carried away with himself.
We have a on line TN love/hate relationship.
I ‘love’ him,.and he hates me. :joy:

Anyway just to lighten the mood.

just done a quick google in the last 4 months have have been over 20 cases of ■■■■ by forigners

too be fair to franglais i guess i guess there rise in trans people over the last decade or so does suggest there is a machine in the channel that turns women and children male. i guess those that go from male to female went through it on the way to france. They havent been fully transformed because of the faraday cage effect of the boat

Nah not having that.
Send a link to ‘prove’ it.

In 2023 there were nearly 69,000 recorded ■■■■ offences in the UK.

So, 20 cases in 4 months means 60 per year “by forigners”.
So, your figures suggest that 0.1% of rapes are committed “by forigners”?

i did say over 20 but ignoring that my stats come from counting hits on google for a short period however looking at your stats is it coincidence that the increase coincides with the foreigners coming over i think not

edit to add if you actually read the information it says that there was a change in the way this was recorded and includes historical cases

So if you believe stupid made up " stats" support your case you print them?
If those same stupid made up “stats” don’t support your case ignore them?