Rwanda Bill Passed

Its a hard one one to understand, why not just send them back to France
Of all places Rwanda, you would have to question why a African country would want to take people like this
Ones that are here now will be heading to southIreland through northern ireland southIreland love the foreign people, no matter where you come from or what you’re done before they will shower you with loads of benefits
Easy touch when the Ukraine people started moving and say they went to Belgium or holland first and after six months they heard how much benefit they would get in southIreland they moved in droves
Maybe Rishi should have done a deal with southIreland

Rishi Sunak’s Rwanda deportation bill will become law after peers eventually backed down on amending it, opening the way for legal battles over the potential removal of dozens of people seeking asylum.

After a marathon battle of “ping pong” over the key legislation between the Commons and the Lords, the bill finally passed when opposition and crossbench peers gave way on Monday night.

The bill is expected to be granted royal assent on Tuesday. Home Office sources said they have already identified a group of asylum seekers with weak legal claims to remain in the UK who will be part of the first tranche to be sent to east Africa

rwanda is part of the common wealth

it will teach them a lesson they didnt want to leave the eu and fought over the brexit deal blaming boris it basically boils down to the age old argument of southern ireland and northern ireland wanting to be one country. Its quite funny realy how they shouted we were racist etc etc and they wouldnt mind then the first few arrive and they are crying already

too close to england with no border control as the irish are finding out. Like the french they would stand on the beaches waving them off.

king charles has already given his assent

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Nothing to do with northern ireland they will pass through from mainland to northern ireland to southIreland no border

They can’t get enough of foreigners in southIreland, its like every where else they need slave labour

French waving them off, no reason why they can’t be transferred onto a boat as soon as they arrive and brought back to where they departed from

Commonwealth country
thats a joke, it’s a poor country with little resources and of all the commonwealth why the lowest of the lowest, why not Canada or Australia

There seems to be a uk policy on not upsetting france its as if they are afraid of a conflict, as you said the French waving them off laughing at the uk

it will take them 10 minuetes to get back on a boat from france. its a little further if you drop em off in rwanda

its everything to do with northern ireland they didnt want a hard border with checks they didnt even want cameras they have no one but themselves to blame

what they should be doing is having 2 or 3 frigates in the channel and just sail round them at full throttle till they sink then if they feel like it pick up the survivors and straight to the holding pen for the first flight to rwanda

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Its simple they are taking back to where they came from, and they came from France
What is the problem, if they arrive on a plane they go back to where they started on a plane
If they arrive on a boat they are sent back on a boat
Its a easy process to sort but it seems nobody wants to be seen to be too harsh
This Rwanda thing is pre historic, it’s racist, its like they have sentenced people to prison in a no mans land and who wants that
Anyway its a bit late for trying to stop it there is already enough in the country to change the landscape in years to come
As i remember reading somewhere spot the English man

Also just thinking the france to dover route must be a haven for drug smugglers if people on a raft can cross it without being detected
Now there’s a thought

race has nothing to do with it. they fled their country and need a safe place to live. internatioal law says the first country that is safe has to take them they ignore that so rather than messing around with 20 different countries send them to one country that is safe job done. There is no prison that happened in the late 90’s with the serbs and croations that came to england illegally

its because of the woke brigade that shout racism that has caused the issue in the first place and the need for the rwanda bill

One of my pet hates these freeloading ■■■■■■■ s.
That is what the majority of them are, economic migrants posing as oppressed refugees…but you cant say that, oh no.

As for the few amongst them who are genuine refugees, fair enough, but after saying that they have already arrived at a safe haven, when they arrived at the first point over their borders, but the attraction of freebies over here is too much of an incentive for too many of them, for them wanting to come here, have you seen the interviews on news programmes?
They think the UK is the land of milk and honey ffs…and for them it IS at OUR expense.
It is especially wrong as our own welfare system to our own indiginous population is shot to pieces, the NHS alone can not cope.

Put that with the importation of criminals, including rapists and attempted child abductors,.and that is just in MY home city alone,…which is incidentally hushed up.
Then there is the costs of providing luxury hotels, causing us to be where we are today.

The derisory Rwanda farce, the 6 mill + per day could be spent on a fleet of patrol boats, with proper coast guards turning them back, then some sort of combined UK France military operation to sort out the people smugglers and their infrastructure…as you would dealing with an anti terrorist type operation.

But if you aint a limp wristed wet lettuce woke liberal type, you are classed as a racist for having these views,.according to those blinkered clowns,.these people are not all young men, but normal stereotype families,.who are an asset to multi culturism, being that ‘‘they are mostly doctors and solicitors’’ :joy:… not criminals, ex or potential terrorists, nor rapists.
But as ever, the minorities with minority opinions rule the roost in this country.

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£370,000,000 over 5 years (£240,000,000 already spent) plus £150,000 per person sent there.

Rwanda was a German colony until end of WW1 when it became Belgian.
It has never been part of the British Empire/Commonwealth.

[quote=“cooper1203, post:2, topic:238422”]
it will teach them a lesson they didnt want to leave the eu and fought over the brexit deal blaming boris
[/quote] You think it correct to punish Eire for not being stupid enough to follow the UK lead in leaving the EU?
So much for sovereignty then.

Who is to provide the planes and airport?

Blaming a few thousand refugees for the millions of NHS place shortfall is like saying the Titanic sunk because a porthole was left open.

I agree is money wasted.
It is better to spend that on processing the migrants quicker, as we used to, so they either get jobs and pay taxes or are thrown out.
But it is UK companies selling old hotel rooms and employing security guards getting money.
Not extra money though.
The money comes from the Foreign Aid budget…it should be going to those countries the migrants are leaving to make things better there…think about that.
Instead of making conditions better in Turkey which houses millions of migrants, it goes to UK companies…follow the money.

Oh, so you want a foreign army to help guard the UK borders?
If only we had some sort of political agreement with France?
Just like we used to have a few years ago? :grinning:

firstly welcome back i was worried you had indeed followed in captain oats footsteps

sorry it is it was the second country to do so that had no historical ties british
Rwanda became the 54th nation to join the Commonwealth at the 2009 CHOGM. It became the second country (after Mozambique) not to have any historical ties with the United Kingdom. Rwanda had been a colony of Germany in the 19th century and later of Belgium for the first half of the 20th century.

who is punishing them?? if having migrants come over in hoards is punishment then we were being punished when they came here… but thats ok apparently. Even the irish minister jim allister says they deserve what they have got

plenty of trade flights going out there already

i will comment on the cost when i have found the real figures not the bbc propaganda that doesnt mention the huge cost of keeping them

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I stand corrected.

And will they agree to take politically controversial, and legally questionable passengers?
RyanAir has said they would, but I’m not sure they have suitable aircraft in their own fleet.

If the Gov sorted the vetting procedure out there wouldn’t be the ongoing cost of warehousing the applicants. The cost comes out of UK foreign aid budget. It isn’t an “extra”, but would be better used sorting the system out rather than storing the migrants for months or years.
But pointing fingers at them is a helpful scapegoat for the Gov.

just a quick scan from the bbc i was wrong it does mention the cost as an afterthought at the bottom of the article

4 billion a year for the asylum system including 8 million a day just for the hotels.

370 million over 5 years = 202,740 a day so that leaves 7,797,260 a day. this means that for the same cost as the hotels we could send off 51 people a day just on what it costs for the hotels never mind the other 1,080,000,000

this obviously doesnt include the cost of food health care education crime etc etc.

That 370 million quid is for zero migrants ! It is an extra £150,000 for each one sent, and only a few hundred will be sent. Most will stay here so the hotel bill be remain almost unchanged.
The hotel bill comes out of funds already allocated. It costs nothing extra.

The hotel bill does include food etc. or if in non hotel housing then food allowance is as follows

The bill would be much lower if applicants were dealt with quicker.
Don’t keep them hanging around, give them jobs or kick them out. But then, there would be no-one for the Gov to blame for their shortcomings.

sorry i guess i didnt explain the maths sufficiently. i know the 370 million was extra hence i deducted the daily amount from the daily amount to house the miggrants ie 8,000,000 - 202,740 = 7,797,260. in other words its costing 7.797 million more a day in hotel bills than the daily charge for the deal

so the 370 million plus the 150,000 per person can come out of the same money then as deporting 51 a day costs the same as housing them per day, Btw i rounded that 51 down it was actually 51.98 people so every 100 days you could send out another 98 people.

thats a fair point i forgot to mention the cost of unemployment benefit and poverty due to not being able to get work because the unskilled jobs have gone to the asylum seakers

I can’t make head nor tail of that.

The Gov says it costs about £69,000 more to deport asylum seekers than to keep them here.

We currently have net immigration to meet our employment needs. Why pay extra money to export “fit healthy young men” since we need to import more from elsewhere anyway?
Or would you rather we import more skilled workers from overseas so UK natives can fill the low-skill low-pay jobs?

well sorry i cant make the maths any simpler
although i suspect you dont want to as im sure you are capable of basic arithmetic and subtraction

i dunno where your getting 69,000 from thats not mentioned anywhere in your link

what it does say is that if out of 1000 potential illegals all of them come it would cost 169,000 under the current system but 106,000 under the new system a saving of 63,000 for the foreign aide budget. the worst case senario is if 40% (400/1000) dont come then we only SAVE 5 grand

Half the population of rwanda live on 2 quid a day that’s about 6 million people
So is the government’s plan going to support the people that’s sent there for years to come
It’s possible that a few hundred will be sent first then after that i would think they would be hoping that its severe enough for people not to chance it
They can’t be all coming in on make shift boats, so how are they getting in

i have yet to see a single job being filled by an immigrant or migrant that a british person couldn’t do with a weeks worth of training if really needed we only need to import labour when our unemployment level is at zero. incidentally if we need to import more labour so does rwanda rwanda has 2.19 million unemplyed and we have 2.57million