Rwanda Bill Passed

same argument was made when the likes of primark were using chinese sweatshops except it was 1 pound a day. The answer still applies that 1 quid a day provides food housing and clothing to the family same as it does in rwanda

Before Stupid Brexit the UK was a signatory to the Dublin agreement. Refugees could be sent back.
Following the world beating Stupid Brexit deal they can’t.

You make me laugh quite often Frangers, but for all the wrong reasons.
The unneccesary and disgraceful amount of money wasted on these freeloaders is just shrugged off by you, justifying it by comments like your porthole analogy, and the implication that more money is wasted in many other ways, …so lets chill out, it’s not worth bothering about.

I’ve been accused on a few occasions of being a drama queen in a water off a ducks back kind of way, because this issue annoys me, but the drama you caused over trivialities like after work govt parties, was the biggest crime since Hitler was doing his thing by your reactions.

Get real, these people are NOT bonafide asylum seekers, they are pi55 takers, an issue far more important than stuff such as Boris and his mates cracking open a bottle of Chablis 55 in their extra curricular activities, and not to be casually shrugged off in a ‘oh just let em all in’ socialist stylee.

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Read what I have Written.

So, don’t argue with me, tell the current Gov and it’s judges that you know far better than they all do, and that they are all wrong in granting asylum to so many of the applicants.

No, ok correct …I should not argue with you.
I mean every member of this forum (especially yourself) takes it as granted that YOU are always right.
What the hell was I thinking.

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That statement is far from reality.
Depending on sources and political bias, about 5% is optimum.

Well, it is the Current Gov that sets the rules about who can stay and who has to go.
They decide that the majority of asylum seekers can stay.

Have I at any time said even more should be allowed to stay?
I’ll give you a hint…I haven’t.

If you think too many are staying, then argue with those who make and enforce the rules!
Y’know? The ones in power for 14years!

You are right you have not.
But neither have you ever condemned them as being here under an agenda…ie to get every last drop of blood from the UK because they dont get the same level of welfare at their first second third fourth even fifth (safe) country that they passed through, that they SHOULD have claimed asylum from.
On the other hand a lot of noise came from you about the likes of that blonde baroness bird, who’s name escapes me, because of the money wasted nicked and embezzled (allegedlly) by her, but hey…she’s got Tory connections, so what else would we expect eh?

True… I don’t know how many are telling lies, or how many are telling the truth.
The Gov and it’s judges are saying most have legitimate claims.

So, what safe countries are paying less than the UK?

Turkey certainly is paying less, but the conditions there are far from good, and following their earthquake are even worse than before.

Says who? No law says that, so far I am aware?

Most of those who do come here, a low percentage of all asylum seekers, do so because they have ties here. It isn’t because the UK gives out much more benefits than other developed countries.
They don’t risk their lives on a whim!

Michelle Mone?
What has that to do with anything here?

so by your reckoning then we dont need any more labour so we can stop the migrants and immigrants coming over then?

So Turkey is a no no then, and not enough that they have escaped their so called ‘plight and persecution’ then.

Ok lets go with France as opposed to UK?

Last time I heard it was a free peaceful country…so why not settle there?
Dont give me the family ties in the UK crap, those family members are over here for the same reason…more benefits, more freebies in the UK.
They aint risking their lives on death trap boats for the British climate.

So we’ll all be like you and your socialst pals, keep funding their lifestyle through our taxes and keep smiling while making excuses for them and justifying their presence here.
Got it.

It is the current Tory Gov that has made the waiting times for decisions much longer than the previous Labour gov. They are the ones who have chosen to house asylum seekers for years at the tax-payers expense rather than employ more people to process them much quicker so that they are kicked out or become working tax payers themselves!

But hey!
You just keep on accepting the Gov line without questioning it, mate.
You just keep on believing what the Tory owned media tells you.

No answer?

UK about 67,000 asylum seekers
Turkey about 3,800,000 asylum seekers
“no no”? Nonsense.

Germany is the place to be if you are looking for the best benefits, they have the most immigration refugees or what ever else you want to call them
Europe is a joke they have no way of controlling human traffic so much for open borders and they still want to make it bigger

My reference to Turkey being a ‘no no’ in terms of them settling there was a comment, or basically an answer to your opinion of it being ‘‘far from good,.and worse after the earthquake’’ …your words
So now you are disagreeing with my interpretation as a nonsense are you ?
err right. :thinking:
So ok, it aint a ‘no no’ after all, it’s a suitable place to settle ?
Do make your mind up so we can keep up.:smiley:

My reference to the lovely Ms Mohne (still think shes fit) and her antics was to do with your incessant fussing about wastage of money on her part, and alleged criminal activity, and ‘oh what a travesty for the country and the taxpayer’ (accompanied with all the pearl clutching :smiley: …)
So way I see it is …If a Tory associate does it…it’s a Franglais big deal.

Where as in direct comparison…

If illegal immigrants actually do us all out of even more money, on a more regular (and ongoing) basis, with all the criminal activity in the background, big difference, it’s a Franglais ‘Not a problem, in comparison to other wastes of cash…Titanic portholes’.etc etc. ‘Tories waste much more’ etc etc
Inconsistency I would say…no?

Hope that answers your question as to ‘what it or she has to do with anything here’.

Fact is Frangers (without any accompanied links,.statistics or back up) is that most people in this country of a certain class and ideal, (not a racist one btw :roll_eyes:) are of the opinion that these people on the whole are not bonafide asylum seekers, but economic migrants using the asylum system as a means of living over here, to basically bleed us for everything, whilst at the same time abusing the hospitality of the woke, the socialists and the politically correct by breaking a variety of our laws including serious and s3xual crimes at the same time.

Until you see and admit that is actually and basically correct, instead of ignoring things and concentrating on being seen to toe the line to a certain political ideal (or party) we are never going to agree.

Turkey has many issues of it’s own, but with millions of displaced persons living there, it clearly is not a “no, no” place is it? It is probably a “yes, no” place: safe for many but not with suitable facilities.
It may be far from “suitable” but is in fact sheltering about 3.6 million refugees, whilst the whole of Europe has about 3.4 million.
And I apologise for saying “nonsense” to you, since I may not have been clear in what I meant.

I don’t think that I actually accused the good looking, but not necessarily “lovely”, Mone of criminality, and without putting words into your mouth, I am sure you wouldn’t wish to say that here either… :wink:
But I do think that there are many questions to be asked about her and her husband’s actions, of the Gov decisions about supply of PPE, and of Ministers’ and various MPs’ actions surrounding all of that.
You think it is all to do with party politics? I take equally firm stance with all the similar allegations against Labour and other PPE suppliers.

The excessive waiting time for decisions on asylum seekers is wasting millions every week in hotel bills. That is not the fault of those awaiting decisions. It is the fault of those making the decisions.
The Gov.
Look at how the delay in decision making has increased recently.
Note that it isn’t all Tory Govs but only the latest versions of it.

Pointing out some more of the many different acts of incompetence by this Gov is very nice of you, but really isn’t necessary. :grinning:

I think the use of the word ‘alleged’ adequately covers my arse concerning Ms Mohne.

I have no problem with pointing out incompetence in this government, I have clarified I have no alliegance to any party.
I just voted for them last time because of Boris Johnson and mainly because of his Brexit promise, that he kept, but this cabinet is like my old chippy analogy, and is not the actual govt I voted for in real terms…nor the Brexit I voted for, but let’s not go there eh? as it will achieve nothing.

We could argue all day as to how different I think things would or could be if it had not been for the covid farce, of which led to Johnson’s downfall, very convenient btw getting rid of a guy responsible for turning Labour strongholds,.aka another hidden agend in disguise (as a after works party :roll_eyes:) a downfall responsible directly or indirectly depending on your perspective, but we will never agree on that either.

We both look upon this deluge of illegal immigrants/freeloaders in a different way.
You mention processing them, giving them jobs, homes…
Call me wtf you like but I simply dont want them at all, nothing to do with colour or race either, you can believe or disbelieve that if you like,.I aint fussed, I would feel the same if they were blonde Norwegians ffs, it’s to do with logistics,.size of the ISLAND, shortage of jobs and homes for our own Brits, the drain on the NHS and every other laterally thinking issue.
So once AGAIN me and you ned to agree to disagree eh?

I too think that illegal immigrants should be deported.
I think that should be done as quickly as possible so that they are not taking resources away from legitimate immigrants etc.
Previous administrations, Labour and Tory, have dealt with asylum seekers etc much, much quicker.
The present lot are incompetent at day to day work but spend millions of tax money on grandstanding schemes like Rwanda to boost their profile, whilst doing no good!

The NHS isn’t in a bad way because of some thousands of immigrants, most of whom you describe as “fit young men”!
It is in a bad way because of years of underfunding.

Shortage of jobs? Really?
Regular immigration is at an all time high under this Gov to fill vacancies!
But don’t worry: we are only recruiting abroad for well paid jobs, we are not investing in training UK citizens for better work, as that would affect business profits.

are you for real there
232 million spent directly to france between 2014 and end of the financial year 22/23
an extra 86 million between 2014 and 2019.

between april 2023 and april 2026 another 476 million

all this to a country that is nothing to do with us and has done the far end of nothing to stop the issue other than a few token gestures. And having the army on the docks stopping only british cars waving automatic rifles around. looking in the boots.

kinda puts the rwanda bill ito prospective doesnt it? how many of them could be deported at 150k for 476 million

no sorry i disagree there the nhs is in a bad way because labour filled it with incompetance and bureaucracy. And dont say well the conservatives could of changed it you cant just sack people and if the conservatives had “downsized” once cameron had free reign there would of been all out outrage.

the other issue is that the population of the uk has grown exponentially because of migration and immigration. Its all very well shouting they are fit young men but even fit young men have accidents and fall ill and get fit young women pregnant all of which costs the nhs money.

I dont know weather you missed it yesterday as a couple of people posted afterwards but you said unemployment should be around 5% currently it is 3.7% so we dont need the immigrants or migrants anymore thanks.

Here is the think about training uk citizens to do better jobs. Not all of them are capable of getting a degree or further study but they are forced into it by the schools government and families because there is no work. So you end up with lots of disenfranchised youth with 30k-50k debt with a micky mouse degree or qualification sitting on the till at aldi no prospect of ever getting out of debt no chance of getting a house because of the debt etc etc etc.

Since the bill is passed will people who were already illegal before it passed be exempt from the rwanda treatment
Just a thought