Rwanda Bill Passed

Stop paying the French anything, and only deal with migrants after they arrive in UK waters on on UK land?
Do you honestly think that would work better?

You still don’t get it do you?
Rwanda has already received £240 million for exactly zero migrants.
The £150,000 is a further payment for each individual to be sent there.
The Gov model proposed a few hundred to be sent each year.

Nonsense. Pure, 100% nonsense.

Look at NHS waiting lists, falling under Labour and rising under the Tories.

lets think pay the french 100’s of millions and deal with the illegals when they get here or pay bugger all and deal with the illegals. yes i know which i would choose

i bloody know hence i subtracted it from the 8 million a day did i add it on no i subtracted it so its not a saving is it.

when boris johnson announced the plan was 2021/22 we are now 2024 it has changed something you were moaning about yesterday re the renters bill that it wasnt exactly the same as the original draft/

So what is the current agreement saying?
How many per year? And what is the current cost?

You subtracted what? from what £8million a day?
I’m lost.

last time of trying

lets try it this way round

day 1 we have a negative balance of 240 million
over the next 5 years we have another 130 million to pay

in 5 years time if we havent deported anyone we will of paid out 370 million so we will be negative 370 million in 5 years time

it costs us 8 million a day to house them. 5 years = 1825 days so 8 million times 1825 days = 14.6 billion ie if we didnt house any of them we would save 14.6 billion pounds. However as i said we are in deficit of 370 million so we would only save 14,600,000,000 - 370,000,000 = 14.23 billion and we have paid off the 370 million

however if we deport them it will cost us 150,000 per person
14.23 billion divided by 150,000 = 94,866 people and we have broken even.

if we divide that by 1825 (number of days in 5 years) it comes out at 51.98 people a day as i said.

however at the end of 2023 there were 84,425 illegals so at the rate of 51.98 a day (84,325/51.98) it would take 1625 days to deport them all. however to break evenwe said that we were deporting for 1825 days at that rate so it means there are 200 days we didnt deport anyone. 94,886 - 84,425 is 10,441 people that didnt exist to be deported. so we have a saving of 10,441 times 150,000 = 1.556 billion

Here’s more costs to add,

While he refused to go into “sensitive” operations details on Monday, Mr Sunak did outline a number of measures the government was taking to prepare for the first flights to take off.

He said there were now 2,200 detention spaces and that 200 dedicated caseworkers had been trained to process claims quickly.

Around 25 courtrooms have been made available and 150 judges will provide 5,000 sitting days, he added.

Mr Sunak also said there were 500 "highly trained individuals ready to ■■■■■■ illegal migrants all the way to Rwanda, with 300 more trained in the coming week

“Detention places”?
So that is in the UK?
Well we can keep them there for 7 years if only 300 a year will go!

An extra 200 caseworkers?
Cheaper than storing them in old hotels then. Get them working or get them deported.
Why weren’t these caseworkers employed years ago to stop the current mess developing?

300 a year seems very little for the amount of people it’s employed to process it
It don’t add up its not even one a week
I would think they would charter a plane and fill it so that’s one plane a year
It’s feels like the whole thing is being used as a way of putting the frighteners on people coming and that’s all, with the exception of the 300 which won’t make a dent but will be great press for the government and keep a lot of people quiet

I think that is the real idea. A bit of high profile publicity from the taxpayer.

If drowning in the channel is no deterrent, is the slight chance of being one of a few hundred actually sent away, going to put many off?

Of course those 200 new case workers could have had an office on Calais beach…but for some reason the UK Gov doesn’t want to do that.
I mean let applicants try from France, then they know they can either come legally, or of rejected be deported the instant they arrive.
But hey! No headlines in that.

Oh, and we get to take some of the most vulnerable asylum seekers from Rwanda to here. (Times April 2022)

Interesting times.
Are the imminent elections relevant? Or coincidence?

ill post this again here as i edited my post above and people have replied since

So, you are assuming that Rwanda will accept thousands of migrants?
Thousands more than the 300 per year in the original agreement?
And at no further cost than that in the original agreement?

A big assumption.

The National Audit Office says that if only the originally agreed 300 per year go then it will cost £1.9 million each to send them.
And a fall of 300 hotel places? Will be next to nowt off the £millions paid weekly to UK hotel owners.

No. Even with the current debacle next to no asylum seekers are housed that long. After about 2 years or maybe 3 they are either granted asylum and go to work and pay taxes, or are deported.

Who has ever said that Rwanda will take all of the migrants?

The rest of it?
Are you also assuming that no more will ever come to the UK?

so your 300 a year would take 80 years that makes sense lets be realistic
i suggest you go read the report because all the figures you have quoted are wrong

its my mistake i should of realised it was just headline propaganda that was being quoted

heres the link for you

Not my 300 a year.
That is what Patel and Johnson agreed to.
That is the agreement.

Your 50 odd a day comes from where?

Well that would have been good advice for Johnson and Patel wouldn’t it?
And clearly you aren’t taking account of continuing arrivals are you?

You are conjuring figures to try to justify a ready made conclusion.

And here are the links you were trying to post.

Whilst from the link you did give:

for those that want to know the real cost

there are 2 sections payments to the Economic Transformation and Integration Fund and payments to cover asylum processing and operational costs for individuals relocated to Rwanda.

payments made to the etif will be made up of £220 million already paid as at February 2024 and £150 million agreed to paid as three payments of £50 million each in April 2024, 2025 and 2026. further payments once we start deporting £20,000 for each individual relocated and £120 million as an additional payment once 300 people have been relocated. in other words we have to pay the etif 490 million by april 2026 in one off payments provided we have deported 300 people and 6 million at 20k a person.

The payments to Rwanda to cover processing and operational costs will amount to:

£150,874 for each individual relocated (with the five annual payments being £45,262 in year 1, £37,718 in year 2, £30,175 in year 3, £22,632 in year 4, and £15,087 in year 5)

In the event that a relocated individual decides to leave Rwanda voluntarily, payments would be stopped for that individual but the UK would pay the Government of Rwanda a one-off payment of £10,000 per individual to help facilitate their voluntary departure.

we have already paid 20 million to rwanda

so worst case senario and none of them leave rwanda we have to pay 20k to the etif for every one deported and 150,874 to rwanda so total of 170,874 per deportee

there are 84,425 illegals so that is 14.426 billion over 5 years

tourists spend on average 863.29 per person as there are 84,425 illegals blocking up beds that is 72,833,258 million in lost revenue

from hotel costs of 8 million a day ( 2.92 billion a year) +lost tourisum it works out at 2,992,883,258 per year multiply that by 5 years is 14,966,416,290.

this means that we will save 14,966,416,290 - ( 14,426037450 + 490,000,000) = 50,378,840

edit to add after all that i forgot the 20 million we paid in advance to rwanda so its 70 odd million

Can you please be my accountant?
With “creative accounting skills” like those, the Gov must owe me more in taxes than I have ever paid in!

if you dont like addition take it up with Brahmagupta

Rwanda the uk version of Guantanamo Bay
One of the conditions to deport is if they travelled through different countries and didn’t look for asylum
Well that about covers everyone trying to come
No passport no paperwork and also claiming to be from a country there are not

if you want a creative accountant may i suggest Labour’s shadow Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper. she said it worked out at 2 million per deportee

14,426,037,450 (170,874 per deportee x 84425)
490,000,000 to the etif
2,000,000 in home office staff costs
2,300,000 legal fees
15,300,000 set-up costs for escorting people and training facilities
5,000,000 staff costs
16,600,000 for 5 years es-cort training

that is a total of 14,953,237,450 in costs over 5 years (not including flights)

this works out at 177,119 if you add on the quoted 11,000 per person for the flight that 188,119 a person a dang site shy of 2 million

just as a matter of point i found a business class ticket leaving 30 june for a week for 3606 so a darn sight less than 11 grand