Rwanda Bill Passed

So according to you, every place, in every old, and run hotel, currently occupied by an asylum seeker, would be occupied by a tourist?
And every penny spent by said tourist would go straight to the treasury?


Good solution there mate.
Just give every deportee a ticket, and tell them what time the plane goes.
I am sure they will be happy to do as you ask.
They will even jump under a truck to get a free lift to the airport. :wink:

again this is self explanatory but if you actually read the nao report you would see 11k was allocated for each person for their flight

lets ask @robroy how many of the hotels are filled up with these people

The 11 grand would include hiring a private charter plane, landing fees, takeoff fees, wages for escorts, overnight hotels for escorts, i would imagine their would have to be specialised insurance if you’re transporting people against their will
Still feels excessive
Other countries have been looking at the same solution, i would imagine looking at them costs it will put them off
Its a revolving door

staff costs were included else where… there is no need to charter a plane just stick them in the cargo flights

alterativly with the other 1.08 billion a year it costs the tax payer buy a couple of planes

There we are then…
buy a couple of aircraft or set up a portacabin on Calais beach?

Tough choice.

Its not the illegal immigrants fault it’s the governments fault for not having proper speedy processing procedures and not being able to control the borders
The government don’t know where most of these people are from and the ones they do know the country don’t want them back
Also most of them are freely walking the streets as we speak without proper background checks
If they choose to stay in rwanda they will get 5 years of being looked after by the uk
It might suit some

why would i want a portacabin so the french can sneek them out from a different beach like they did before.

it realy is this simple mess around with france and any harebrained scheme ad you will pay over and over and any that you do manage to catch will just be on the next boat 10 minuets later

the alternative is pay a fixed price over a number of years and if they disapear or try to come back you dont have to pay anymore job done. makes sence to anyone

oh yes it is they crossed umpteen borders to get here. however what is the giverments fault is signing the la torquee treaty oh wait no that was Labour

Depending on where they came from they only need to cross one border to get to any part of eu

each countty in the eu has its own borders there is just no border check or control.

well if it confuses you lets put it like this
pay me 4 billion a year and ill pay you 470 million over 2 years and not solve the problem

ill just post this here for those that think the french actually want to stop them

if anyone is interested this is the story that led to the video

So the French fired tear-gas, and took many back to France, and have arrested and taken to court some of the smugglers.

“And he was not put off by the government’s plan to send some migrants entering the UK “illegally” to Rwanda to have their claims processed there.
“That will not stop me, I will never give up. I will try my best to cross the English channel,” he said.”

no the french flew over them in the dunes knew they were there then sat the wrong side of the beach fireing tear gas driving them towards the sea. then when they “rescued” them they let more than half stay on the boat.

well thats the beauty of the agreement once we have sent them there is they leave all we have to do is pay 10k thats it doesnt matter how many times they are sent there. Unlike the french system where they force them towards the boats and only rescue the ones that want to be rescued.

Your are wasted as a truck driver, you should be a spin doctor for the Tories:
Even the Gov aren’t saying that everyone from the boats will be sent to Rwanda, yet you still persist with your own invented reality.

What should they have done?
Walked on the water?

I thought that you believed only Johnson was capable of that!

yes they are
Under the new law, any asylum seekers who arrive illegally in Britain will be sent to Rwanda. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has pledged that the first flight will leave as early as July, promising a wave of deportations

thing is though you will carry on spouting your media lead lies trying to discredit the conservatives when your efforts would be better focused on the labour party

jesus christ are you realy that thick

here is an idea… oh there is a bunch of illegals over there in those dunes and another bunch over the in those dunes what ill do is radio my mates and get them to go stand between the water and the dunes to stop them getting on the boats

things is they wont do that because they want to let them go despite the billions we have paid to them to stop them.

So exactly how many French were there?
Were there personnel behind every single sand dune? All sitting around for mile, after mile, after mile, of coast line? All there 24hrs a day and for 365 days a year?

Go on, tell us how many security staff are at your local supermarket, scale it up from there, and tell us how you could do it for less.

Does that mean that all will be sent to Rwanda?
Has anybody told the Rwandans that?

The last I heard the agreement was for 300 a year. Has that changed?

Or are the new migrants going to housed somewhere whilst that wait…what did you say 80 years?.. to take their turn.
That will be interesting since criminals are already being released early because of insufficient secure places!


Well, that means it’s gospel truth then! Please forgive me for being so thick!