Rwanda Bill Passed

forgot to say this so i will post here rather than edit the previous post. Its not just british crimes only being reported in the local rag as you suggested its your bestie starmer failing to prosecute the likes of savile whilst hounding cliff richards with no evidence

no thats your game i havent ignored anything i have said i dont think its a coincidence that the rise in ■■■■ reports is proportional to the rise in the import of forigners

So you do continue to think that less than 0.1% of rapes are “by forigners”?

You maintain that a rise in reported rapes is due to increased immigration?
Although there were fewer reported rapes in 22/23 than in 21/22?

This raises a lot of questions, if the uk can prove they came from France then they should be let send them back,
The eu has a lot to answer for letting people wander all over the eu without proper documentation,
if they were that concerned they would accept people back and deal with them properly

The UK will not take back asylum seekers who cross the border into Ireland “until the EU accepts that we can send them back to France”, according to a government source

percolate on that one for a bit untill you see how you just contradicted yourself

whats more likely scenario here given the two facts immegration goes up and no of reported rapes goes up.
option 1 its the immigrants/emigrants doing it because thats how it is in their own country
option 2 someone suddenly decides that ■■■■ is ok and commits it out of the blue

as i said before southern ireland has got what it asked for. apparently its easy to send them to france its the dirty english that wont do it. Now the shoe is on the other foot they dont like it and want to send them back here because they have discovered despite being in the eu they cant.

The post is about the uk and eu not southIreland

enough said are you cloning franglais or he cloning you

The only reason why the rwanda thing is happening is because the uk is not allowed send them back to France eu where they came from
SouthIreland was always going to happen
And will benefit uk reasons for doing what they’ve doing

Is that clear enough for you

@franglais from your link on Grooming gangs and ethnicity
In her independent review of the Rotherham case, published in 2014, Prof Alexis Jay concluded that the majority of “known perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage”

Now i have never been to pakistan but are they known for their equal treatment of women or are they known for how they look down on women as lesser beings.

Yet you want to import more of them with the same belifes

It is very well known that the majority of the Rotherham offenders were of Pakistani heritage.

You omitted where I pointed out that although you suggested there were more immigrants in 22/23,
there were actually fewer reported rapes than in 21/22.
More immigrants, fewer rapes.

And from your figures
0.1% of offenders were “forigners”.

Having had a nice little percolation I think that it is you who is being contrary.

blow me you mist have a lower opinion of them than me if you think that they were committing rapes in the uk in 2021/22 when they didn’t get here till 2022/23

my figure’s were from the first 4 months of this year and all of them were forign so thats 100%

There were no “forigners” in the UK in 2021? [quote=“cooper1203, post:113, topic:238422”]
my figure’s were from the first 4 months of this year and all of them were forign so thats 100%
So we can expect 60 rapes this year?
Excellent, a fall of nearly 69,000.
I really do not know what you are talking about.

clearly not or though i suspect its deliberate when your comparing and increase in immigration/emigration in 2022/23 with reported ■■■■ cases in the year 2021/22

year by year case
2019/2020 increase in approximately 5k of ■■■■ cases…immigration/emigration up
2020/21 drop of about 3.5k in ■■■■ cases…decrease in immigration/emigration due to covid
2021/22 increase in cases of about 16k… increase in immigration/emigration
2022/23 decrease of 24 … simular decrease in immigration/emigration

see you have to compare like years

So you think in the years of decreased immigration, the previous year’s immigrants all left?
I think that immigrants actually stay here so the overall number is always increasing.

put in jail hard to ■■■■ women when your in a male jail. or deported
have you not had enough of making yourself look foolish

You couldn’t write this, paying to send people back to their own country and then accepting people from that country in exchange for taking people from the uk

The magic roundabout

A man who was unsuccessful in a bid to claim asylum in the UK has been sent to Rwanda, under a voluntary scheme separate to the government’s flagship deportation plan.

The unnamed man is the first to have voluntarily moved to Rwanda after being offered up to £3,000 (€3,500) financial aid and sent on a commercial flight to the central African country, the PA news agency understands.

The man is understood not to be from Rwanda originally, though the Sun newspaper, which first reported the story, said he was of “African origin”.

The failed asylum claimant took the voluntary offer some weeks ago, and is now in Rwanda it is understood, with the Sun reporting his flight left on Monday evening.

Dont want to keep banging on about this, but it seems it aint only my area where all this sh with these economic migrants…(oops sorry to offend I mean ‘opressed asylum seekers’ ) goes on.
All the deniers are either deluded or just ignoring facts.
Never mind Franglais and his types talking about ‘processing them to see if they are fit to work’ or xy & z countries take so many thousand more thsn the UK, as some kind of attempted justification :roll_eyes:
Who tf cares exactly apart from people like him?..
Just stop the ■■■■ s coming in altogether, to this small overcrowded island, then send the ones already here to…well anywhere, never mind if it is deemed ‘safe’ or not by the left wing limp.wristed wet lettuces, our OWN ■■■■■■ streets aint safe where these dregs conregate.

Atound my area, a couple of our hotels are now cleared, some other poor sods have to put up with them…still at least I dont have to secretly track my 15 yr old grandaughter in the car, as she walks past them, and me with a baseball bat under my seat like some 2 bob ‘Enforcer’ anymore. :roll_eyes:

I don’t know about anybody else but my experience from visiting Muslims countries was the inhabitants had expectations about western women and that was page 3 of the sun newspaper
I think they thought that all western women walked around like that
It’s about time the powers that be cop on and realise that different cultures don’t mix, it just creates grief for everybody
And the worse been no checks done on these people and there walking around free to do whatever they want