Rwanda Bill Passed

So no change then, can’t wait for the next tinpot idea
Don’t think there is a way to stop it and if there was i don’t think anyone who has the power to stop it wants to stop it
At some stage after years and years past present and future the majority of the masses
Tolerance and acceptance does change
Where does the people who fill these hotels come from, there can’t be that many coming in on boats from Costa france so how do they get into the country, coming in on a plane you need proper paper work before your allowed to board
The mystery of the infestation

Previously asylum applicants were processed in a few months. Recently it was taking 18 months or so. So instead of either getting jobs or of being deported they are stored in hotels.

There were comparable numbers of arrivals in the early 2000’s but they were dealt with quicker so weren’t being housed for so long.

Do you think that all the services provided to weddings and guests are being provided to asylum seekers? Do they have dinners and breakfasts provided by room service? Are the same number of waiters and cleaning staff running around after them? Do maids make the beds are clean the rooms?

Not all asylum seekers are in hotels, of course. Those that don’t have food provided are allowed £49-18 per week for food, toiletries, clothing etc.
That’ll provide a wedding breakfast with champagne every day won’t it!

Oh Jesus H Christ…this guy :flushed: :joy:
Ok no waiters.:roll_eyes:
Check out the vids made by ex military veterans, actually in those hotels, disgusted at the comparisons of what their ex mates with PTSD are on, (maybe sustained by fighting the exact same people in there ffs😳) all the meals laid out for them,.all the nice rooms cleaned every day.
Oh yeah and a bike shed full of brand new bikes for them to get around on…but again that aint the official line on things,.so to Frangers…MORE ‘nonsence’.

Again what I SEE … at least one army vet, who is on my local streets who I buy a coffee everytime I pass him, he sits half a mile from one of these hotels.

Check out the (is it red rose or white rose) vids,.who specialise visiting these quality hotels…and holiday camps ffs.:joy:

You are maybe right about not a first class executive service Frangers, (hey I’m surprised they dont complain…oh hang on thete was a rooftop demonstration only last year) maybe not cordon bleu menus , maybe not nouveau cuisene served by waiters in penguin suits,…and certainly no knobbly knees contests at the holiday camps, but nevertheless true,.and paid for by you and me.

But again the official rhetroric refutes all that (cant think why btw) so you are right Frangers, it MUST be all complete
horlicks eh ?
Looking for a good site to buy some blinkers my friend ,.can you reccomend one?

@robroy did you hear the news last night/ this morning. there are 3000 attacks a day on women /girls apparently it equates to 20% of all crimes committed.

Do UK veterans get treated well enough? No.
Is that because the UK gov has been frittering money away on housing asylum seekers in luxury? No.

I have seen some of those videos from Yorkshire Rose, and if you noticed I posted one earlier? One where she claims that one hotel spends thousands of £ just on sweets! Some even believe stuff like that!
Food standards?
If they the migrants say the food is good then you think they are being too well treated. If they say it is bad then you think they are whingers. As per normal you just like having a moan about them.
If they say the rooms are nice you moan, if they say they are bad you moan.

Is under funding for vets due to migrants?
Who decides where funds are spent? It isn’ t migrants.

If the migrants were treated as in years past and dealt with efficiently and quickly, they wouldn’t be in hotels.

Oh, and if Michelle Mone hadn’t had so many millions of quid thrown at her, then that would have made that cash available for better things. Better support for veterans, not yachts for Tory donors!
But hey!

Oh ffs he’s whinging about Michelle Mohne and the kin Tories again.! :joy:…I’m sure if you tried harder you could shoehorn Brexit and Covid in somewhere.

So we’ll single out the one ridiculous ‘sweet’ routine,.and just ignore the facts…ok got it.

No you tried to justify it by arguing they were not living in luxury, they are 4 star hotels, not Lincoln Farm transport hotel.
As I said in comparison vets are on the street begging.
I dont give a flying f whoes fault it is, pointing out the unfairness that illegally entered criminals are prioritised on.

Anyway your Labour Party will soon ‘solve’ the problem, they will no doubt provide them all with houses,.while we watch young Brit couples struggling to find a home.
Good old socialism eh?

Ok Frangers, you win, let’s sweep it all under the carpet, pretend it aint happening,.all is well with the world.

Turn the f.ers back on the beaches, send out a message !

If you book into a building that used to be a “4 star hotel” and find out that the hotel staff are no longer there, but a few security guards are, that the meals are produced for pennies, that the linen previously there has been replaced with cheaper stuff, is it still a “4 star hotel”?
Of course it isn’t.

No one should be begging on the streets of the UK, and if any are it is because of many failings. Those who arrived here by whatever means and who cannot legally work, nor vote, are way down the list of those responsible for that.

Another straw man?
When did I say all was well? Never.
You keep saying I’m always moaning, so you don’t even agree with yourself!

But you keep pointing your finger at the migrants and blaming them.
Exactly how Braverman and the last bunch wanted you to.

You swallowed it all; hook, line, and sinker.

Can I just ask, how much per week were they getting in the likes of France for food, toiletries etc. ■■

Looks like 6-80 eu per day for those in provided accommodation.

Whatever the conditions are like in the hotels, they all beat mud huts and shacks from where many illegals hail from and we are all paying for the privilege of wiping the ar5e5 of the cr4p arriving here.

You’re ■■■■ in unbelevable mate,.and not in a good way…
Oh and YOU of all people chucking ‘hook line and sinker’…at ME ffs.
Priceless irony at it’s best.

in other words just over 10 euro’s a day less than those that work for a living on min wage and have to pay for food and rent etc

Well, no.
Nothing at all, in any form of words, remotely similar.
Minimum wage is now 11-65 eu per hr so 7.5 hrs would give 87-00ish eu per day.
You are out by a factor of about 8.

Instead of all the verbals, she could have answered the question with one word.
‘‘NO’’. :roll_eyes:

30 p Lee has a nerve. He didn’t ask his own party’s Secretary the same question. The conservative party closed the reception and processing centre that was in Calais and brought in the law regarding only being able to claim asylum on land in the uk.
Pre stupid brexit under the Dublin convention they could have been sent back but not now.
Why isn’t the reply " Where is the £ 700 Million of tax payers money wasted by the Cons ? "

A “Rwanda plane” is set to fly out with 55 deportees.
Without spending hundreds of millions of quid too.

It is part of a returns agreement.
The sort of thing done by negotiating with other Govs.

i worked it on an 8 hour day didnt bother with deducting the lunch break but if you wish so its actually 7 euro’s a day

Yeah he maybe does have a nerve.
On the other hand he more than likely agrees with you on the Tories…hence he kicked em into touch.

My point was a sensible logical (and popular) suggestion given by one person, ie (create a deterrent, and get rid of them in one move) followed by the obligatory load of usual ‘MP speak’ ,avoidance of the question type ■■■■■■■■ by the other.

What is 7 euros a day?

The Rwanda “plan” was to act as a deterrent by deporting a tiny number of people at vast expense, to a place where they would be allegedly well housed and fed and looked after from day one.
A deterrent for people who have not been deterred by often risking life on small boats in rough seas.

I fail to see anywhere that sense and logic have been applied.