Rob K question

Neil, you are sounding more and more camp:

coming ready or not

he’s behind you

People will start to wonder :laughing:

wadaya mean, START TO WONDER. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Neil, you are sounding more and more camp:

coming ready or not

he’s behind you

People will start to wonder :laughing:

wadaya mean, START TO WONDER. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I have a mate who says don’t knock it till you try it, I say I’m not trying it in case I like it. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley: :blush: :blush:

Ok, I know I’m gonna be shot down in flames here, and I usually bring my own fence to heated discussions, but I have an opinion so here goes…

I totally disagree with Rob having been banned, and wish he was still posting on these forums. However, after Jammy kindly supplied me with a link to ‘the other site’ (cheers for that), I went to have a look see.

Yep, it’s not nannied, yes, you can say what you want, and no word censor so what you type is what you see. But… although I have no problem with swearing, I think it’s nice to have the ocassional comment in between. It’s like a load of youngsters who have decided that because they can, they must! Some posts consisted of three words - zb zb zb.

Yes I do swear, and when you’re talking to people, especially other drivers, you do tend to swear in the normal course of the conversation, but that is sort of natural, but when you type, you have to consciously put it in, and some people seem to only have enough brain cells to string together [zb] and [zb].

Ironically, the most articulate posts over there are by Rob!

So, do I want Rob back over here? YES!
Will I go over the other side and trawl through the bilge to find the point of the post? Nope
Will I stay on this forum? Not sure… really don’t agree with the over the top heavy-handedness.

Okay, just give me a minute to run for shelter before you start!

I came to pretty much the same opinion. I too crossed the line about 2 months ago when" He who shall never be mentioned" PM’ed me a link to the swearing forum [ sorry can’t remember the full name ] it seemed to be much the same posts and people as T/Net but with swearing. I will miss " H.W.S.N.B.M " as well and would like to see him back. I will likely join the swearing forum as well if they will let me post without the use of extreme industrial language, perhaps they will suspend my posting rights if I don’t use the F and C word in consecutive sentences who knows. But i’ll stick with T/Net as well



Neil, you are sounding more and more camp:

coming ready or not

he’s behind you

People will start to wonder :laughing:

wadaya mean, START TO WONDER. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I have a mate who says don’t knock it till you try it, I say I’m not trying it in case I like it. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley: :blush: :blush:

try,s to hide the fact

theres always a mate

try,s to hide the fact

theres always a mate

I’ll give you his phone number if you want teddy, I have a feeling he may ‘like’ you. :wink: :smiley:


try,s to hide the fact

theres always a mate

I’ll give you his phone number if you want teddy, I have a feeling he may ‘like’ you. :wink: :smiley:

no problem i hope he like,s a blow torch :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

if we want to talk go nads we can on Malcs site
thats the place for slacking off and it works ok

on here a bit of decorum is needed

its horses for courses and this one is flat and smooth

My poll in the feed back forum has gone again, what rule did I break, do you want feed back or not?

It seems that negative feed back is not welcome and I now feel that after 4 years or so of being a member of T/Net that I am no longer allowed to express my own opinion.

I expect this thread to go the same way as the others, if you decide to delete or lock this thread then please delete my memership along with it.

You see it as spam but a lot of members are only trying to voice an opinion on a member being banned, along with others who have tried to voice concerns over this.

People on this site say thing like " Drivers never stick together any more" or “it ain’t like the old days”.

Is it any wonder when a site claiming to be “By Drivers, For Drivers” is doing the dirty on Drivers.

Sorry but the whole thing stinks.


Ive lost complete intrest in this site!!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Ive lost complete intrest in this site!!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Could not agree more.

Mods, please delete my membership to TruckNet as per my previous post.

its like a pantomime

Give over being so mellow dramatic the guys been booted so who cares move on

Free speech this and free speech that bla bla bla so far as i’m concerned if i came in your house and started ■■■■■■ and jeffing and causing offence infront of your family then i would expect to be booted out.

That’s what Rob K has done here This forum im sure was set up for the greater good of all drivers and we are invited into it to help and ask for help not to cause mayhem.

Rob K is like the Truknet Hoodie a dam pain in the bum cheeks with the occasional good comment, stop moaning on and either get bent or get on with life


well saidI dont care about all the eogoes, i joined to get some information and converstaion this site has given me more help thani could ever have asked for
i dont post much but i read it all i read the rules and follow them if people cant do that they should not be here thats what i think anyway

There seems to be a lot people creeping out of the woodwork to express an opinion on this who are not regular posters.

Bearing in mind that one of the biggest posters has gone that leaves a big gap to fill. For this site to function properly there needs to be fresh posts and fresh responses to other posts. If you are prepared to read these threads and seek information, then you really should be prepared to particpate in them rather than sit on the sidelines.

well saidI dont care about all the eogoes, i joined to get some information and converstaion this site has given me more help thani could ever have asked for
i dont post much but i read it all i read the rules and follow them if people cant do that they should not be here thats what i think anyway

ok let me this right you read the rule and follow so i i tell u to ■■■■ in a corner u will do u realy belive that poeple on here tell the honest truth

[zb] :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :stuck_out_tongue:

edited for personal attack. Rikki

I am stupid? what did i do to to get called that ,
I said what i think becuse i think this website is ok and i i agree that if you cant be enough of a grown up to follow the rules then you should not be here that makes me a idiot

I am stupid? what did i do to to get called that ,
I said what i think becuse i think this website is ok and i i agree that if you cant be enough of a grown up to follow the rules then you should not be here that makes me a idiot

no rikki no attack intended here my point was don,t listen to every one because some ppl on here give u the crap where was the personnal attack in that

if we want to talk go nads we can on Malcs site

Only it’s not his site anymore and hasn’t been for a long time. In fact he is not even a registered user.

Just thought I ought to jump to Mals defence as he doesn’t even post on here either.

Purely out of curiosity but hom many bannings have there been on Malc/Terrys site?.

i can remember at least one :laughing:

The “other site” as someone kindly gave me a link to is full of idiotic swearing.

It’s like walking through a park full of kids who are away from there parents and are trying to impress there mates with the amount of useless swear words they know.

As well as ■■■■■■■■ about the moderators on this site it holds no and a i mean no real value to any driver or person aspiring to be one. There is no usefull information on there its just line after line ■■■■■■■■ about how they can use adult words infront of adolesent members.

Trucknet has nothing to fear from this crap i mean those who get bored and need some helpfull advice from experienced well mannored drivers will return… Those who stay on that “f this f that site” are not worth a second thought.

[zb] small edit for what could be construed as a personal attack