Rob K question

The “other site” as someone kindly gave me a link to is full of idiotic swearing.

It’s like walking through a park full of kids who are away from there parents and are trying to impress there mates with the amount of useless swear words they know.

As well as ■■■■■■■■ about the moderators on this site it holds no and a i mean no real value to any driver or person aspiring to be one. There is no usefull information on there its just line after line ■■■■■■■■ about how they can use adult words infront of adolesent members.

Trucknet has nothing to fear from this crap i mean those who get bored and need some helpfull advice from experienced well mannored drivers will return… Those who stay on that “f this f that site” are not worth a second thought.


Do you think this will become a them and us north and south lets meet in the underpass for a tear up situation. :astonished: lets hope not because they have Rob and weve got FH12 guy and me :open_mouth: oh dear.


We are all entitled to our views, even when they are wrong.

The other site was set up because some people were fed up of the amount of PC carp that goes on, it was never, and has never been a site that is heavily moderated, it relies on the fact we are all adults (with a few exceptions) and as such are able to say exactly what we like in whatever way we like, Now I don’t know where you work, but when I was on the road the type of language used on LDF is the same as I encountered on the road - maybe in the last couple of years people have stopped swearing - I can’t see it personally, and therefore can only assume that either you are deaf or live in a bubble. That having been said, you do have a choice, you had a look at the LDF and decided you didn’t like it, that is fair enough, others have decided they like the idea of a very free forum.

As for the information thing, the site does not have loads to offer in that way, but again, it was never intended as that type of site - it is somewhere people can spout off with out fear of being moderated, and many people want that at the end of a carp day, many don’t, but there is plenty of choice out there at the moment.

P.S. I hope you don’t fall too far when that bubble of yours bursts!!!

Slight edit to remove the snip that had been edited out of another post , also an active link seems to have accidently appeared in your post so i edited that for you too . Rikki :wink:

OOps, my apologies, not sure how that happened!!! :laughing: :laughing:

ok im a backroom reader… and iv always enjoyed reading other members post with interest… without Rob K this site will be boring, will someone send me the other site web addy… thanks

some people need to wake up and smell the coffee and get a ■■■■■■■ life :smiling_imp:

Purely out of curiosity but hom many bannings have there been on Malc/Terrys site?.

The other person to be banned from there besides you was Gizmo !!!


Purely out of curiosity but hom many bannings have there been on Malc/Terrys site?.

The other person to be banned from there besides you was Gizmo !!!

And me. :smiley: :smiley: My account was deleted over the weekend. :wink:



Purely out of curiosity but hom many bannings have there been on Malc/Terrys site?.

The other person to be banned from there besides you was Gizmo !!!

And me. :smiley: :smiley: My account was deleted over the weekend. :wink:

But to be fair, you did ask to be banned, so Terry was only following your wishes :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

And me. :smiley: :smiley: My account was deleted over the weekend. :wink:

Well the mind boggles, what the hell could you have done to deserve that Neil, I thought anything goes over the other side :open_mouth: . Was it over zealous mods :laughing:

Doh ! the guy with a picture of an Afgan Hound as a avitar beat me to it . You can disregard the above quote :blush:

deja vous?

deja vous?

What? Again?

And Paulb. For saying something here that they didn’t like. :unamused:

The Mods should get jobs as chief editors for the Sun Newspaper or something :bulb: :bulb: Mind you, The amount of editing they keep doing on this site makes me think that they would be over qualified though :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :smiley:

Obscenity (1) prurient interest, (2) patently offensive, (3) lacks literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

(3) covers every single post on Trucknet save a few diaries.

So how many memebers have been banned & suspended in total then.

Is RobK back then ?

Does anyone know if Rob has had his apology from Trucknet and the whole admin team yet?.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Not showing any favouratism towards RobK at all, indeed i have been on the receiving end in the past of his sharp (& sometimes rather personal) tongue,however:

  1. His input is sometimes enlivening. (although sometimes childish)

  2. I wasn’t aware that there was a rule within TN that says our posts have to include:

literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

2. I wasn’t aware that there was a rule within TN that says our posts have to include: literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

If there is we are all screwed. :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

Oh [ZB] me ( done it for you mods :wink: ) Will you all get real, why cant you have 3 ,4,5,6, sites who cares, i visit loads, Tnet is going nowhere it is to well established now, as for Terrys site whats wrong with it, great for having a bit of fun, so what if there is swearing on it, if you read the rules you are told it is no holds barred so dont go, same here you all know it is moderated so if you don’t like it don’t go. and as we know Barries is for getting a better deal for drivers, same again if you aren’t interested dont go

So you have a choice nobody is forcing you to press enter.

I am now going to light my bonfire :laughing:

Does anyone know if Rob has had his apology from Trucknet and the whole admin team yet?.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Personally, I don’t think that is sufficient. I feel that TruckNet should pay him compensation for his hurt feelings as well :wink:

Harry Monk:

Does anyone know if Rob has had his apology from Trucknet and the whole admin team yet?.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Personally, I don’t think that is sufficient. I feel that TruckNet should pay him compensation for his hurt feelings as well :wink:

And that could run into Millions :open_mouth: :wink: :wink: :smiley: :smiley: