Rob K question

why has his posting rights been suspended?

We do not ban people for no reason, they have to repeatedly break the rules of this website to warrant a ban/suspension

the exact reasons why any member is banned is between the member and TruckNet UK

oooooh who,s been a naughty boy today then?
just when we were all getting along weeely well n all. :laughing: :laughing:

Right then, that’ll be this place going all ‘quiet’ for a while! :confused:

I’ve only seen one comment by Rob in the last few days that could’ve upset a certain person - but I didn’t see it as that bad. Must’ve been something else . . . . . . . . . .

they might have removed the thread that got him banned…so only Rob knows why he got banned

We do not ban people for no reason, they have to repeatedly break the rules of this website to warrant a ban/suspension

the exact reasons why any member is banned is between the member and TruckNet UK

What kind of a pathetic answer is that, one that someone might give to a pre school kids forum :unamused:

Lets hope he’s back soon eh. I think we’ll all kind of miss his outlook on things.

What kind of a pathetic answer is that, one that someone might give to a pre school kids forum

the only one your going to get unfortunatly :wink:

It is private between the ex-member and the management of this site.

All anyone else needs to know is that the rules were repeatedly broken, and the publicaly stated guidelines for consistent rule breakers was followed.

100 lines immediatley. thou must conform or else. :laughing: :laughing:

I didn’t always agree with him but he was reliable! :laughing:
( Look forward to hearing from KRob…? )

I didn’t always agree with him

I think you’d be worried if you did.

Of late though a lot of what he has said I have found myself agreeing with. I was reading through one of diaries yesterday and was actually quite surprised by the time and effort that he must have put into them.

Better watch out or I’ll be next, after all I got booted out of a job last week along the lines of causing problems. :unamused:

Will we be told what rules were broken to prevent any of us doing so in the future?.

Would it be something to do with a certain female moderator i wonder?.

Robk is a vital part of this website , whether people agree with him or not (mostly not) we the other members , you know the people who make the site what it is deserve to be told what we should avoid doing to prevent us being banned without reason.

If anyone wants to know what Robs opinion is P.M. me and ill give you a link to the site where he is allowed to freely post defence , although he hasnt been told what hes done wrong yet!!!.

Or you can look here but ill probably get banned too for posting a link to the opposition after all Trucknet is a business these days isnt it.

:unamused: mmmm not a bad forum that

Maybe we should start a BRING ROBK back thread :smiling_imp:

edited, twice, to remove link

Will we be told what rules were broken to prevent any of us doing so in the future?.

These Rules
:wink: :smiley:

Would it be something to do with a certain female moderator i wonder?.

No. As has been pointed out It was for consistent rule breaking and was nothing to do with any other member of the site.


Will we be told what rules were broken to prevent any of us doing so in the future?.

These Rules

All of them?.

He hasn’t been told what the reason is.

they are nearly as bad as the queens rules & reqs :laughing:

If it is for allegedly using words to get round the censor then should the member who wrote:

and it goes like [zb] off a shovel

not also be banned? They are, after all, using a well known pharse to circumnavigate the censor? When [zb] is used in a sentence then we all know it is to either hide a swear word or has been put there by the poster instead of a swear word, either way it has the same result as just using numbers instead of letters etc.

So ■■■■■■■■ would be allowed but using the number 7 where the ■■■■ is would not?.

If it is for allegedly using words to get round the censor then should the member who wrote:

and it goes like [zb] off a shovel

not also be banned? They are, after all, using a well known pharse to circumnavigate the censor? When [zb] is used in a sentence then we all know it is to either hide a swear word or has been put there by the poster instead of a swear word, either way it has the same result as just using numbers instead of letters etc.

[ZB] is put there by the auto censor in place of foul language…
that way folks can insert their own most appropriate word without it being placed in front of them, or those who may find it offensive…