Pre Mod Prison.

Mary Whitehouse is alive and well

I am here:,-3.269964
Been told I can’t use my signature by some elitist ■■■■■■

I am here, just not as quickly as I’d like. :smiley:

Mary Whitehouse is alive and well

She is, but she is on pre-mod for bad language and ■■■■■■ innuendo.

Its quite obvious that some mods get off on this subject … :unamused:

Its quite obvious that some mods get off on this subject … :unamused:

It’s quite obvious some people take it far too seriously. I’m currently on pre-mod on 2 forums and just been released 01/01/2011 on another, it’s really not that big a deal.


Mary Whitehouse is alive and well

She is, but she is on pre-mod for bad language and ■■■■■■ innuendo.

what? Dennis is on premod?

Been told I can’t use my signature by some elitist ■■■■■■


Its quite obvious that some mods get off on this subject … :unamused:

It’s quite obvious some people take it far too seriously. I’m currently on pre-mod on 2 forums and just been released 01/01/2011 on another, it’s really not that big a deal.

Quite obvious if you search my posts there is tongue in cheek in probably them all … :cry:


All those on pre mod are still in the fold :wink: Just that their more exuberant posts no longer appear, and those that are not over the top may take a while to show up.

You need to change the rules then Rikki. Are you seriously saying a post doesn’t necessarily need to break TNUK rules to be denied? If it’s “over the top” in a Mod’s/Admin’s opinion then that is enough to not make it public? Exuberance within the rules is not allowed on TNUK?

Talk to me Rikki, talk to me. There are questions to be answered.

Ok I will rephrase just for you :wink: :wink: for exuberant posts read complete crap posts

Hope that helps :wink: :grimacing:

Ok I will rephrase just for you :wink: :wink: for exuberant posts read complete crap posts

Hope that helps :wink: :grimacing:

That’s not very nice is it? Are you saying a post that is “crap” in your opinion will not be made public even if it’s within the rules? If so, you need to include that in the rules and a few other members need putting on pre-mod, don’t ya think?

If so, you need to include that in the rules

its always been there :wink:

  1. Discussion forums: Road Transport Media Ltd reserves the right to remove any comments from the discussion forums at anytime without prior notice.

Are you saying a post that is “crap” in your opinion will not be made public even if it’s within the rules?

If its a troll, especially a bad attempt at trolling then yes :bulb: :bulb:

Fair enough. Your site, your rules.

I don’t want to hang around somewhere I’m not wanted. Would you prefer if it I didn’t post on here anymore? One word and I’m gone for good Rikki, 'sup to you blad.

Would you prefer if it I didn’t post on here anymore?

I really dont have any opinion on your goodself at all, its your choice whether you come here or not.


Would you prefer if it I didn’t post on here anymore?

I really dont have any opinion on your goodself at all, its your choice whether you come here or not.

so long as you dont mind being pre-modded for the foreseeable future

To Vascoingles: Thanks for the PM mate, I can’t reply to you because I’m too naughty to be allowed to send PMs. I might just take your advice though, thanks.

To Rikki: I see you haven’t got the minerals to publish and answer the last post I tried to make on this subject? Just another genuine question that you can’t answer so you don’t bother to publish. Bit spineless blad.

Plenty of minerals … just better things to do with my limited time :wink:

Fair enough. Your site, your rules.

I don’t want to hang around somewhere I’m not wanted. Would you prefer if it I didn’t post on here anymore? One word and I’m gone for good Rikki, 'sup to you blad.

For gods sake Rikki, say the word!!

If for nothing else than for his use of the word “blad”…just ban the pre juvenile ■■■■ and be done with it!

Calling for people to be banned? Get yer’ neck back in nosey. :unamused:

Calling for people to be banned? Get yer’ neck back in nosey. :unamused:

Just sick of the whinging.

He’s on pre mod for a reason…he should either deal with it, or gtfo. Instead he comes bleating to the forum in some bizarre that whining about it to all and sundry is somehow going to persuade the admin/mods to change their minds?

Just sick of the whinging.

He’s on pre mod for a reason…he should either deal with it, or gtfo. Instead he comes bleating to the forum in some bizarre that whining about it to all and sundry is somehow going to persuade the admin/mods to change their minds?

Don’t read it then silly. Rikki won’t ban me because I’m a valuable asset to TNUK.

Ya get me blad?