Pre Mod Prison.

You sure ? :wink:

You know, I know it, everyone knows it.

I’m only on pre-mod while you try to work out a way to safely harness the awesome power of SmashedCrabFace without compromising TNUK security.

Just tell me one thing Rikki and then you have my permission to lock this thread. Will I always be on pre-mod or can I redeem myself?

Will I always be on pre-mod or can I redeem myself?

We do not discuss individual members on the forums, I will say that any member that posts reasonably, without trolling has no fear of ever being on pre-mod

Those on pre mod, are there for a reason, the quickest way off pre mod is to show to the admin team, that they understand where they got it wrong, and to consistently post in a relevant, helpful and non trolling manner… the way that the vast majority of users of this website do…

You May not like this “censorship” or rules, but that is the way this website operates, from 400 page views a day in 2003, it is now over 2.5 million a month (thats not server “hits” a month. as other websites claim, as that is misleading if it was it would be over 10 million a month) … so it works and it is the way its going to stay

If anyone cant handle that then they can either come here or not, using this facilty provided is not compulsory… dont like the way we operate. or the small restrictions we place on posting them simply dont come here… no-one is forcing any to use this website… if you do use it however either conform to our standards of behaviour or expect some restrictions on how the website is used.

From day one we have had this attitude, and at this point in time TONIGHT we have over 500 people using the forums, show me another UK Truck driver related forum that has that amount of traffic with different rules/standards and I may concede we have got it wrong :wink:

Not being funny Rikki…I know what finally got me pre-modded. And I apologized for that.
Some of the stuff I was warned about, wasn’t half as bad as what others “got away with.”
It is frustrating to have valid points previewed first. I understand your reasons. Just annoying, when we have no idea of how long the pre-modding lasts. Reasonable point I think.

Not being funny Rikki…I know what finally got me pre-modded. And I apologized for that.
Some of the stuff I was warned about, wasn’t half as bad as what others “got away with.”
It is frustrating to have valid points previewed first. I understand your reasons. Just annoying, when we have no idea of how long the pre-modding lasts. Reasonable point I think.

A reasonable answer is,

some folks may push the boundaries once in a blue moon, but the majority of ther posts are sound,

others may have a minority of their posts sound , the rest, (in the subjective view of the admin team) be designed to inflame or troll.

Pre mod last as long as the Admin team think is needed, to stop them having to do extra work to check every post made by an individual. using the pre mod feature is not a sanction , just simply a tool a that makes the work load of the volunteer moderators easier

It is not a facilty that is abused as I speak there is 213 registered members onine and an almost equal number of guests , and one member on pre moderation, hardly overkill.

Agreed. But it’s frustrating when I post valid points, and play the guessing game as to when they get posted. Can’t they be posted at the end of the threads like everyone else? I make a point and it goes in at the time of posting…And it’s missed, cos’ loads more posted since. S’all I’m saying. :confused:

A reasonable answer is,

some folks may push the boundaries once in a blue moon, but the majority of ther posts are sound,

others may have a minority of their posts sound , the rest, (in the subjective view of the admin team) be designed to inflame or troll.

Pre mod last as long as the Admin team think is needed, to stop them having to do extra work to check every post made by an individual. using the pre mod feature is not a sanction , just simply a tool a that makes the work load of the volunteer moderators easier

I’m quite certain that out of 20,000+ posts the majority of mine would not be considered trolling etc so perhaps that is not such a reasonable answer?

I think the word “trolling” is over-used, especially by Rikki.

There’s a fine line between a troll and someone who has strong opinions and says what they mean without mincing their words. I don’t think Rikki knows where that line is.

I think the word “trolling” is over-used, especially by Rikki.

There’s a fine line between a troll and someone who has strong opinions and says what they mean without mincing their words. I don’t think Rikki knows where that line is.

I know where it is, you’re a troll, a pest, and generally post crap.

I know where it is, you’re a troll, a pest, and generally post crap.

That’s your opinion, many people would disagree.


I know where it is, you’re a troll, a pest, and generally post crap.

That’s your opinion, many people would disagree.

But many may agree :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



I know where it is, you’re a troll, a pest, and generally post crap.

That’s your opinion, many people would disagree.

But many may agree :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Not everyone liked what Jesus said either.

If everyone was the same then the world would be a very boring place. TNUK is a diverse community. We’ve got clever people, thick people, sensible people, silly people, boring people, interesting people, old people, young people and me.

If you don’t like what I write, don’t read it. It’s not that hard a concept to grasp.

I skip through most of the boring stuff on here because I don’t come here to be bored. I come here to relieve the boredom of being stuck hundreds of miles from home with not a lot else to do. I know for a fact there are others who do the same and enjoy reading what myself and the other different people write.

If you come here to be bored then that’s fine, read the boring stuff and skip past the more entertaining posts that in your opinion are childish and beneath you. If you come here to read sensible posts and get advice then read them and be on your way before you read the posts from members on the more silly end of the scale.

TNUK is a community of different people with different views and opinions and different ways of putting those opinions across. Some people would do well to remember that not everybody likes the same thing.

It’s called a forum.

I know from earlier threads that SCF has another user name, from the same IP address…Does he know that the mods know this? I have one, but only posted twice. ( I think) Maybe that’s why he’s up that creek! :open_mouth:

Not everyone liked what Jesus said either.

Are you suggesting we shut you up using the same method ?

If everyone was the same then the world would be a very boring place. TNUK is a diverse community. We’ve got clever people, thick people, sensible people, silly people, boring people, interesting people, old people, young people and me.

If you don’t like what I write, don’t read it. It’s not that hard a concept to grasp.

I skip through most of the boring stuff on here because I don’t come here to be bored. I come here to relieve the boredom of being stuck hundreds of miles from home with not a lot else to do. I know for a fact there are others who do the same and enjoy reading what myself and the other different people write.

If you come here to be bored then that’s fine, read the boring stuff and skip past the more entertaining posts that in your opinion are childish and beneath you. If you come here to read sensible posts and get advice then read them and be on your way before you read the posts from members on the more silly end of the scale.

TNUK is a community of different people with different views and opinions and different ways of putting those opinions across. Some people would do well to remember that not everybody likes the same thing.

It’s called a forum.

After reading the above, i’m not sure why you don’t engage in your lighthearted banter in Bullys Bar, thats what its there for. But please be aware (i speak for myself here), if i have to pre mod your contents and they continually are all trivia, crap in the wrong place that eventually they will not get through. There’s a time and place for everything, if you can’t grasp it then tough, i havn’t time to do a one to one with you and explain.

I know from earlier threads that SCF has another user name, from the same IP address…Does he know that the mods know this? I have one, but only posted twice. ( I think) Maybe that’s why he’s up that creek! :open_mouth:

Please don’t talk about me like I’m not here.

Yes I’m aware of it and as far as I’m aware it’s not against the rules. I can count the number of posts I’ve made under another name on my fingers (and despite the rumours, I am human and not actually a crab so that’ll be ten). I’m also aware of why I was put on pre-mod but the reason for me being kept on pre-mod is another matter which leads me to this.

…i’m not sure why you don’t engage in your lighthearted banter in Bullys Bar…

Because sometimes I have an opinion on the topics in the main forum Mike and sometimes I want to air those opinions just like most other members are free to do.

Sometimes I might post in the wrong section but I’m not the only one who does and it’s easily resolved by your goodself or the other henchman. Are you suggesting because I have a distinctive writing style, a dark, sometimes silly, sense of humour and don’t take some things quite as seriously as others I should be banished to Bully’s Bar?


…i’m not sure why you don’t engage in your lighthearted banter in Bullys Bar…

Because sometimes I have an opinion on the topics in the main forum Mike and sometimes I want to air those opinions just like most other members are free to do.

You feel free to air your opinions. You’ve not been denied any.

Sometimes I might post in the wrong section but I’m not the only one who does and it’s easily resolved by your goodself or the other henchman. Are you suggesting because I have a distinctive writing style, a dark, sometimes silly, sense of humour and don’t take some things quite as seriously as others I should be banished to Bully’s Bar?

I’m suggesting nothing. I’m telling you that if you continue to post crap then it won’t be me allowing it through. You’re in the tiny percentage of posters that cause me 99% of my work here. Posting here is not a right, you know what to do if you don’t like it. No reply needed, you’ve had your answer to your pre mod prison question. And thats where it stands. I’m done conversing with you on the subject.