Pre Mod Prison.

Can someone give me a rough estimate of how long my sentence on pre-mod will be?

Also I’ve had a few posts rejected for no obvious reason. You send me an email when a post is approved, but you don’t bother sending one when a post is rejected?

I can live without the ‘approved emails’ because I can see for myself when a post is made public, an explanation as to why a perfectly decent post has been rejected would be more useful.

No doubt this post won’t even make it through the system.

And yet it did. :smiley:

As to your first question it is a complicated formula involving several bits of strung, a tape measure and a calculator to work out the average. I will try to get back to you with the answer shortly.

It’s just my luck to post this when TNUK’s most helpful moderator is on duty.

Please tell me how long I will be left to fester in this stinking pit with bigvern1 and all the other naughty boys.

I have many fans to keep happy and the brutally oppressive TNUK regime is denying them what they want: SmashedCrabFace, uncut and uncensored.

It’s just my luck to post this when TNUK’s most helpful moderator is on duty.

I’m not on duty, I am at work. Which is the reason for my lack of helpfulness, I don’t have access to the bits of string at the moment.

Fair enough.

Do us a favour though Coffee, next time you pop into TNUK HQ to massage the overlord Rikki’s feet, can you sneak a look at those pieces of string on his desk and let me know roughly how long they are?

Ta very much,

I’m back home now and I have checked the string. It’s about this long, so that gives you some idea.

I hope this helps. :wink:

Thanks Addictedtocaffienerichbeverage, you’ve been a great help tonight.

If only all the other henchman of the overlord were like you and didn’t have a sense of humour similar to that of a Taliban elder… TNUK would be a much better place.

Is there anyway I can make the string shorter?

My bit of string is 16 months long … so far

Is there anyway I can make the string shorter?

Hope not … :sunglasses:


Is there anyway I can make the string shorter?

Hope not … :sunglasses:

ROFLMFAO :laughing: :laughing:



Is there anyway I can make the string shorter?

Hope not … :sunglasses:

ROFLMFAO :laughing: :laughing:

It wasn’t that funny MADBAZ, calm down or you’ll give yourself a thrombosis.

This pre-mod doesn’t really work though does it, even with it the threads are still coming thick, if not fast. :stuck_out_tongue:

Tis easy, when the trolling sub commitee feel your postings no longer need moderating they will reccomend to the forum admin team at a general meeting that pre mod is lifted, the admin team will review all posts made including those disallowed and make a judgement on if that individual can be trusted to post within our guidelines

The clue to getting past this stage is to post pertinent/relevant discussion, and not to troll/personal attack, a small detail that most still on pre mod are struggling to comprehend…

Botton line, you come off pre mod when the admin team feel you are not going to be a pain the arse Until then… you only on pre mod due to to your own actions

Wheel Nut:
This pre-mod doesn’t really work though does it, even with it the threads are still coming thick, if not fast. :stuck_out_tongue:

You havent seen the ones that dont make it through… you seeing the mild versions… and they wonder why they are on pre mod :bulb: :question:

Tis easy, when the trolling sub commitee feel your postings no longer need moderating they will reccomend to the forum admin team at a general meeting that pre mod is lifted, the admin team will review all posts made including those disallowed and make a judgement on if that individual can be trusted to post within our guidelines

The clue to getting past this stage is to post pertinent/relevant discussion, and not to troll/personal attack, a small detail that most still on pre mod are struggling to comprehend…

Botton line, you come off pre mod when the admin team feel you are not going to be a pain the arse Until then… you only on pre mod due to to your own actions

Or possibly cash in brown envelopes. :wink:

Large brown envelopes with large amounts of cash- in the case of some an exortionate amount of cash in used notes

Large brown envelopes with large amounts of cash- in the case of some an exortionate amount of cash in used notes

Here you go is that enough to stop going into month 17 ?


Large brown envelopes with large amounts of cash- in the case of some an exortionate amount of cash in used notes

Here you go is that enough to stop going into month 17 ?


Blimey like everything the prices have shot up around here. It used to be a tin of baccy and 6 pack :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

and they wonder why they are on pre mod :bulb: :question:

Please don’t talk about me like I’m not here.