Pre Mod Prison.

@Smashed Crab Face. Deal with your own failure to communicate and don’t drag me into your madness.
That is all…Hope this helps… :wink:

Too late, consider yourself well and truly dragged into my madness.

Well I for one think your the most entertaining member here and have no idea why your on premod when idiots like, errrrrmmmm, well lets not name them but idiots that derail every thread they contribute to with irrelevant crap never end up on premod.

Well I for one think your the most entertaining member here and have no idea why your on premod when idiots like, errrrrmmmm, well lets not name them but idiots that derail every thread they contribute to with irrelevant crap never end up on premod.

Putting this into context…

Derailing threads after being warned is definitely a no no and they should deserve to be on premod.

SCF is comical and comedy is fine… in the right place.

There are certain threads that ask for genuine responses and do not need comical replies.

All I am saying is there is a time and a place for these things

A piece of string is equal lateral distance form the middle :laughing: :laughing: simple as that

Premod ain’t all bad…It keeps you guessing what month your replies/threads show up in. :laughing:

Premod ain’t all bad…It keeps you guessing what month your replies/threads show up in. :laughing:

13 minutes for that one. Sorry for the delay but I was on YouPorn and had my hands full.

Well I for one think your the most entertaining member here and have no idea why your on premod when idiots like…


Thanks for your kind words Mr Logic. I’m on pre-mod because I was dangerously naughty and a serious threat to TNUK security. I’ve said some naughty things in the past but I’m a reformed character now, fully rehabilitated and eager to get back into the community.

Pre-mod is good for controlling naughty boys like me but it’s also very frustrating when it takes a day for your posts to appear and a lot of posts that don’t break the rules never appear. I’m thinking about hanging up my claws and going to another forum to spice it up a bit. I like it here though, perhaps you could gather my fans together and get a petition started for my early release? That would be nice.

get a petition started for my early release?

been tried before on a few occassions, made no difference then either… :wink: :bulb:

perhaps you could gather my fans together and get a petition started for my early release? That would be nice.

As well as a petition they could hold a demonstration in a small room somewhere :wink:

As well as a petition they could hold a demonstration in a small room somewhere :wink:

Excellent idea.


As well as a petition they could hold a demonstration in a small room somewhere :wink:

Excellent idea.

May I suggest this as a suitable venue.


Its more entertaining with the Gorilla’s in here … :grimacing:

Just recently been released from the same place for a crime I did not commit,so can sympathize with the trauma you are currently going through SCF,I was also banned from a forum so at least the powers to be are being a tad lenient with you.
Hang in there(no pun intended),sense will prevail sooner rather than later,it took me 7/8 months of hard labor before the overlords saw the error of their ways.
Should get some of your pals to start a "free the crab"campaign,sure Big Vern will help :question:

flat to the mat:
Should get some of your pals to start a "free the crab"campaign,sure Big Vern will help :question:

We have stuff we can use should that happen, it kills crabs.


You do realise I’m not actually a crab?

flat to the mat:
Just recently been released from the same place for a crime I did not commit,so can sympathize with the trauma you are currently going through SCF,I was also banned from a forum so at least the powers to be are being a tad lenient with you.
Hang in there(no pun intended),sense will prevail sooner rather than later,it took me 7/8 months of hard labor before the overlords saw the error of their ways.
Should get some of your pals to start a "free the crab"campaign,sure Big Vern will help :question:

Nah…■■■■ him. I’ve got me own problems! LOL. :wink:

i never knew this naught boy corner existed, had been wondering where people like SCF, big vern and ady1 had disappeared too, now i know. the sooner they are back in the fold the better, i for one liked reading their posts!!!

selby newcomer:
i never knew this naught boy corner existed, had been wondering where people like SCF, big vern and ady1 had disappeared too, now i know. the sooner they are back in the fold the better, i for one liked reading their posts!!!

All those on pre mod are still in the fold :wink: Just that their more exuberant posts no longer appear, and those that are not over the top may take a while to show up.


selby newcomer:
i never knew this naught boy corner existed, had been wondering where people like SCF, big vern and ady1 had disappeared too, now i know. the sooner they are back in the fold the better, i for one liked reading their posts!!!

All those on pre mod are still in the fold :wink: Just that their more exuberant posts no longer appear, and those that are not over the top may take a while to show up.

You need to change the rules then Rikki. Are you seriously saying a post doesn’t necessarily need to break TNUK rules to be denied? If it’s “over the top” in a Mod’s/Admin’s opinion then that is enough to not make it public? Exuberance within the rules is not allowed on TNUK?