Polski move homeski

Did anyone else see the B.N.P. poster showing a Polish spitfire?

one of our local employers had 20 poles working there they have nearly all gone home after 3 years earning 25/30k a year well for 8 months in the year they say polish money is now better than here mass exidus anyone :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Sooner they all [zb] off the better. British jobs for British people[/]

Quick, there’s an episode of Love Thy Neighbour on if you hurry.

I was speaking to mate today ho said that they have got 850 eastern europeans coming to work on the farm where he works for the coming season. Trouble is once they get in what chance have you got of getting them out! Though you would never get someone from here picking fruit for a living and doing all the manual work they do!

Sid :slight_smile:

The historic fact is this.
If Edward Heath (Prime Minister 1970 to 1974) had actually got his way, he would have taken this country into the then Common Market (the 70’s and early 80’s equivalent to the present EU), opening up the floodgates to Europeans on this side of the old Iron Curtain.
But there was one politician in his party - supported by many backbenchers - who was absolutely against it, and that was Margaret Thatcher!
The two of them were bitter enemys, mostly over this policy.
Labour got in under James Callaghan from 1974 to 1979 and we entered one of the worst recessions ever!
Meanwhile Maggie ousted Ted Heath to become leader of the opposition

if you’re going to quote facts, at least know what you’re talking about.
Ted Heath was Macmillans Lord Privy Seal, and was in charge of the UKs first attempt to join in 1960
Heath took us into the common market in 1973, so i think you’ll find he actually got his way.
Heath remained bitter over his defeat to Thatcher, nothing to do with the common market.
if Thatcher was so against the common market, why did she head the yes campaign in the 75 referendum
in fact if she was so against it, why didn’t she take us out when she had such a huge majority in parliament

Did anyone else see the B.N.P. poster showing a Polish spitfire?

Was that the one where the Spitfire is lying in bits in a ditch?
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing:

Have people forgotten that the Poles fought for us in World War 2?


Did anyone else see the B.N.P. poster showing a Polish spitfire?

Was that the one where the Spitfire is lying in bits in a ditch?
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing:

telegraph.co.uk/news/newstop … oster.html

No, it’s a this one where they used a picture of spitfire from the best division in RAF (which was, at the time of Battle for Britain , Tadeusz KoÅ›ciuszko’s Division 303 - fully staffed by Poles except of one Czech )

Have people forgotten that the Poles fought for us in World War 2?

Not at all. Have you forgotten we went into WW2 when the Germans invaded Poland? If I could keep the Poles and get rid of some of the other trash we have here I’d be a happy bunny! And when I talk about Poles it’s just me being lazy instead of saying czechs, romanians, latvians, lithuanians etc. I have nothing against them as a people in fact I like them but don’t ask me to be happy about pay rates being driven down over the past 5 years because there’s been a GLUT of drivers in that time. The driver shortage was a myth.


The historic fact is this.
If Edward Heath (Prime Minister 1970 to 1974) had actually got his way, he would have taken this country into the then Common Market (the 70’s and early 80’s equivalent to the present EU), opening up the floodgates to Europeans on this side of the old Iron Curtain.
But there was one politician in his party - supported by many backbenchers - who was absolutely against it, and that was Margaret Thatcher!
The two of them were bitter enemys, mostly over this policy.
Labour got in under James Callaghan from 1974 to 1979 and we entered one of the worst recessions ever!
Meanwhile Maggie ousted Ted Heath to become leader of the opposition

if you’re going to quote facts, at least know what you’re talking about.
Ted Heath was Macmillans Lord Privy Seal, and was in charge of the UKs first attempt to join in 1960
Heath took us into the common market in 1973, so i think you’ll find he actually got his way.
Heath remained bitter over his defeat to Thatcher, nothing to do with the common market.
if Thatcher was so against the common market, why did she head the yes campaign in the 75 referendum
in fact if she was so against it, why didn’t she take us out when she had such a huge majority in parliament

How long did it take you to GOOGLE that - (zb)

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

haulage company near me his 90% polish brits employed 10%
why because they are cheap labour will do work we wont and from my exprience will break the odd tacho law here and their
just dont mix poles and cosivans together they dont get on


Dave the Renegade:


Denis F:

If Edward Heath (Prime Minister 1970 to 1974) had actually got his way, he would have taken this country into the then Common Market (the 70’s and early 80’s equivalent to the present EU), opening up the floodgates to Europeans on this side of the old Iron Curtain.

ummm…the UK joined the Common market in 1973

Funny, I thought my history teacher was a mug! :smiley: :wink: :wink:

Still Maggie didn’t allow thousands of immigrants - legal or illegal - to come flooding in!

THere has been immigrants flooding into this country long before Maggie came to power, after WW2 thousands came from the so called commonwealth countries. Was your geography teacher thick as well. :arrow_right: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

All my teachers were thick! :wink:

Immigrants HAVE been coming into this country long before Maggie. After all let’s not forget Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech.

But Maggie did put a stop to the amount that were allowed in. There were far stricter controls under her.

There’s always some numpty who cites dear old Mr Powell as some sort of hero, usually quoting a one off speech he gave when he thought he might be able to run as leader of the Tory party. Enoch Powell oversaw the employment of a large number of coloured immigrants to work for the NHS and also called for privatisation of the Post Office and the British Telecom in the early '60s. Your Professor of Politics was a thicko too?

How long did it take you to GOOGLE that - (zb) :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

didn’t need to google it, i lived through it, unlike you i don’t need my mates down the pub telling me what my history is
seeing as you’ve brought old enoch into the equation, he and Heath were the bitter enemies, not Heath and Thatcher
can you pm me the insult please :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

ANDY1961 wrote:

But Maggie did put a stop to the amount that were allowed in. There were far stricter controls under her.

Would this be the same Margaret Thatcher who reduced public spending on health care, education and housing? Virtually did away with employee protection by all but destroying trade unions? The self same Maggie that gave us the Poll tax? Who not only encouraged, but instigated mass deregulation of industry? Oh and of course, Margaret Thatcher the milk snatcher. Where is the proof that she actively put a stop to the amount of immigrants? What were these stricter controls than we have today?

Not at all. Have you forgotten we went into WW2 when the Germans invaded Poland?

Theorethically, yes, but you weren’t fighting too much until it becomed danger for you as well…

Then, after Germans were beaten, you let Stalin to do whatever he wants in Eastern Europe…

Did anyone else see the B.N.P. poster showing a Polish spitfire?

Just found something interesting: They aren’t as stupid: picture is photoshopped. Compare:

Do you noticed that on this other picture you can see a small chessboard just behind the propeller? This is a symbol of Polish Air Forces… This sign is removed from picture used on BNP poster. But they still left all other marking, including Donald Duck, which means, that this plane was belonging to this guy: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Zumbach


Not at all. Have you forgotten we went into WW2 when the Germans invaded Poland?

Theorethically, yes, but you weren’t fighting too much until it becomed danger for you as well…

Then, after Germans were beaten, you let Stalin to do whatever he wants in Eastern Europe…

orys you’re talking drivel now, usually I can’t really find fault with what you say, but have you read ANY history books that state what you have just stated? I very much doubt it. The joint powers who declared war on Germany in September 1939 were in no state to fight both Germany AND the USSR, although embargoes were immediately put in place which in turn severely hurt the German economy, and ultimately sped up the demise of ■■■■ Germany. The conference at Yalta, during which the map of a new Europe, post war, was drawn up, although attended by Churchill representing these great isles, we were politically sidelined by Stalin and an appeasing Roosevelt (much to Churchill’s disdain). If you want to point a finger at anyone for the rotten state of your country over the last 70 odd years look to America or closer to home. After all during the cold war years Russians didn’t govern you, you did. We as a nation were also done over by the American’s during and after the war, due to the US administrations wishes to end the British Empire and put their own in its place. I could go on, but as this is a trucking forum and site I won’t, as there are more appropriate places for a discussion of this type.

please be very careful where you are going with this thread it is now way off topic and in danger of being locked

I am a bit short of time and have done a quick reveiew of this post-

  1. Some comments have been removed for personal attacks and other rule violations
  2. The subject matter is about Polish workers today, and wether they are staying in the UK or Going back to Poland, However it has moved off that into areas of a more political/history debate, and as such belongs not on the truck driving forum but in the general discussion area (bully’s bar)
  3. If members cannot not discuss this issue (or any other) without resorting to personal attacks or descending into thinly veiled racism then the thread will be locked permanantly
  4. members who make offensive comments towards the volunteer team who are simply doing a job will find themselves very quickly having their posting rights put on pre-moderation or more serious sanctions.

I have reinstated this thread to Bully’s Bar, any attempts to open this discussion in other area’s will be deleted without warning

So you only want to send home the poles then (brainless idiot) they are not the cause of our economy going ■■■■ up. I believe they play a major part in contributing to our economy. A lot of people tell me they are taking milions of pounds from our economy, and sending it home. What they do with their money (hard earned) after taxes is their business, the same as me who sends a large wad every month to bulgaria, and others who send to different countries, and our rich who send theirs to offshore banks, but i guess thats ok then. When you talk about “poles” taking our jobs, have you thought about the dutch - belgiums - french - who work out of our docks/ferry terminals, and have been doing it for long before the recession, and the poles have only just joined the back of the queue. No one puts the blame on the government or Vosa for allowing cabbotage, or even looks at the situation within our industry, withy which no one really gives a ■■■■, except to look after themselves. If anyone really cared, we would join a union, and ballot for strike action, or do what the french do and riot in the streets for better conditions in this industry, and make our useless government sit up and take notice of what we have to put up with on a daily basis.
Immigration is a problem. but we cannot blame individuals, only those who make the rules, so vote with your pen, the same as you did when the common market was voted for.
Do you remember When the French closed Sangatte, and we promised to take all the illegal asylum seekers to the uk in return for the closure, well Sarkozy has just announced that he will allow the re-opening of more Sangattes, and the kent chamber of commerce is going to clothe them, and feed them, whilst they wait for a chance to jump on the back of trucks as a free ride to the uk.
I agree that there are many foreigners who need removing from our (once) great country, and they are Muslim extremists, Arab extremists, health tourists, and any bloody foreigner who cannot, and will not learn our language in order to claim benefits and remain workshy .

Hi Bob, there’s much you said there I agree with but listen to this. About 4 years ago I had a mate just passed his 2 and looking for a start so I rang our old mob for him (Oakwoods) and they weren’t looking for anyone, now that;s a first! And the place is full of Bertie Bassetts so no room for local lads, that’s not right mate. Kenny