Polski move homeski

Dave the Renegade:


Denis F:

If Edward Heath (Prime Minister 1970 to 1974) had actually got his way, he would have taken this country into the then Common Market (the 70’s and early 80’s equivalent to the present EU), opening up the floodgates to Europeans on this side of the old Iron Curtain.

ummm…the UK joined the Common market in 1973

Funny, I thought my history teacher was a mug! :smiley: :wink: :wink:

Still Maggie didn’t allow thousands of immigrants - legal or illegal - to come flooding in!

THere has been immigrants flooding into this country long before Maggie came to power, after WW2 thousands came from the so called commonwealth countries. Was your geography teacher thick as well. :arrow_right: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

All my teachers were thick! :wink:

Immigrants HAVE been coming into this country long before Maggie. After all let’s not forget Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech.

But Maggie did put a stop to the amount that were allowed in. There were far stricter controls under her.

Denis F:

If Edward Heath (Prime Minister 1970 to 1974) had actually got his way, he would have taken this country into the then Common Market (the 70’s and early 80’s equivalent to the present EU), opening up the floodgates to Europeans on this side of the old Iron Curtain.

ummm…the UK joined the Common market in 1973

Britain actually applied to join the EU in 1960 but General de Gaulle thought that we were just lapdogs to the USA and blocked the application, it was only when Pompidou lifted the ban in 1970 that the Heath Government were allowed to join the party.

So even the French get things right sometimes :smiley:

I don’t want to be involved in that discussion, but I just want to keep you up-to-date.

Polish economy is doing well, but it’s still not resistant for world economy, so you can note some significant slow down there as well. That’s causing some unemployment as factories producing for the western Europe, which is in heavy crisis, have less orders etc. Some branches of industry are especially affected.

Apart of that: Recently some banks like Goldman Sachs and some Danish bank were playing with Polish currency trying to do something like they did with Icelandish money before. Polish economy is much stronger and our country is much bigger, but it’s still winded up the exchange rate and recently pound was much over 5 zÅ‚oty again. That’s encourages some people who went back to Poland not long ago to come back to Britain. And this time it may be even worse, as that will be people, who already were here, who have contacts, who speaks English, who have some British documents etc. It won’t be a big move compared to what you had before, but the workers would be much better than it was on average during the last wave of migration.

But, from the other hand I just read something about eastern Germans coming to work in Western Poland… So it’s all (i mean EC economy) goes better balanced, as SOME Brits are working in Germany as well. I think in some years that would be just one big work market and there will be no more this hard situations caused by inbalance.

So that’s what I can read from Polish media.

As for the credit crunch: it’s not Poles’ fault that there is a crisis. It’s all started in US and it came to Europe via UK due to your tight economical connections with America. Off course it would come here anyway, so it’s noone to blame except some greedy fat bankers, who are now enjoying happy live on tropical island on pension earned from interest from their quit-pay. . In fact real victims of the credit crunch are some economies who weren’t at all involved in this system, but still have to comply with it’s results, like Eastern Europe or, say, China.

But it’s true that a huge amount of Eastern Europeans in UK makes lives of Brits harder. It’s always better to have smaller amount of competitors on the market, isn’t it? But you can just ban them from working here, as you already allowed them to come here, and it’s a basic law thing that you can’t withdrawn some rights already gained from people. If you want to compete from common workmarket in EC you have to learn something from eastern europenians - they are on average much more mobile, much more flexible etc. If you can’t beat enemy your way, do what he’s doing, only better. For example I am really suprised, as I am reading this forum that there is so many threads on “Poles go home” style and I can’t see almost nothing about changing your career. UK Haulage industry is dying and even if you send all Eastern Europenians home I doubt there will be enaugh jobs for all British trucker for some time at least… But that’s off course my own opinion and I do not wanted to be involved in such discussion, so forget it.


I, a wee stupid Pole witch mustache and laptop on the dash, who works for 40p per day and who can’t drive up to British standards and crashes on average every second afternoon, who lives with 40 others in a 1 bed council flat and earning 5690 weekly in benefits only, which are in majority claimed for my guinea pig which I left back in Poland, would like to ask you to forgive me my sins. This is me, who caused Credit Crunch, Global Warming, recent Earthquakes in China and Britney Spears is also my fault. I really apologise. I won’t do that any more. :grimacing:

all this is a great discussion. but does any one know the answer to the original question. Are they going home?

so it’s noone to blame except some greedy fat bankers, who are now enjoying happy live on tropical island on pension earned from interest from their quit-pay. . In fact real victims of the credit crunch are some economies who weren’t at all involved in this system, but still have to comply with it’s results, like Eastern Europe or, say, China.


I, a wee stupid Pole witch mustache and laptop on the dash, who works for 40p per day and who can’t drive up to British standards and crashes on average every second afternoon, who lives with 40 others in a 1 bed council flat and earning 5690 weekly in benefits only, which are in majority claimed for my guinea pig which I left back in Poland, would like to ask you to forgive me my sins. This is me, who caused Credit Crunch, Global Warming, recent Earthquakes in China and Britney Spears is also my fault. I really apologise. I won’t do that any more. :grimacing:

I like that one Orys, even with a touch of the irony :smiley:

I am not sure whether the word sensor will allow Greedy Fat Bankers :stuck_out_tongue:

And at least the cheap imports from India and China have kept our container hauliers busy for a while longer.

all this is a great discussion. but does any one know the answer to the original question. Are they going home?

Some are going home, some are coming here. Poor workers who have no chance for job here are going home. Good workers with previous experience in UK are coming here. Still, more people are going home, but these who are coming back here would be much harder to compete with.

Wheel Nut:
And at least the cheap imports from India and China have kept our container hauliers busy for a while longer.

Yes, but this will also slowing down, as people have no longer so much money to buy all this stuff :frowning:

Without the poles the telephone cables will fall down. :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:
Old moter to go with old thread. :laughing: :laughing:

Dave the Renegade:
Without the poles the telephone cables will fall down. :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:


And where is home of all telephone poles? In the wood? :slight_smile: Or in the sawmill? ;D


Wheel Nut:
And at least the cheap imports from India and China have kept our container hauliers busy for a while longer.

Yes, but this will also slowing down, as people have no longer so much money to buy all this stuff :frowning:

I don’t see the problem, cheap imported goods, keeps the people in the 3rd world from poverty and solves the housing crisis here, maybe I misjudged Gordon Brown :smiley:


Dave the Renegade:
Without the poles the telephone cables will fall down. :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:


And where is home of all telephone poles? In the wood? :slight_smile: Or in the sawmill? ;D

I knew a Pole, his dad was a right plank :smiley:


Harry Monk:
Poles are flocking home in droves at the mo. Haven’t you heard?

The biggest problem we face is bringing in next February’s cabbage harvest when the Poles have all gone home- because you can bet your bottom dollar that English people would sooner lay in bed and claim the dole than do any actual work.

Well said that man, we really must be a little more objective when throwing blame arround, and take a good long look at ourselves. The reason for the credit crunch is greed. Greed on the part of American banks/mortgage companies making unsuitable loans to people they knew would default (but, hey ho the houses the loans are secured on are worth plenty are’nt they?); then greed on the part of english and other world banks seeking to cash in on the same (by now severely tarnished and lame) golden goose. Add to that Joe and Josephine Public being tempted into impossible credit transactions(cos’ surely tomorrow only happens to someone else), and there you have it. The (zb)in the fan, thousands on the dole and/or facing house repossesion, and, the real villains get to retire (at the well nigh impossibly young age of fifty) on nearly 700 grand a year.
Haven’t heard of many Poles doing that. Nuff said?

And thats nothing to do with the US Government’s “Community Reinvestment Act” of 1981 forcing them to hand out bad loans? But hey you’ll never read about the CRA in the Sun or Star so it must have nothing to do with it… its only the smoking gun!!!

So you only want to send home the poles then (brainless idiot) they are not the cause of our economy going ■■■■ up. I believe they play a major part in contributing to our economy. A lot of people tell me they are taking milions of pounds from our economy, and sending it home. What they do with their money (hard earned) after taxes is their business, the same as me who sends a large wad every month to bulgaria, and others who send to different countries, and our rich who send theirs to offshore banks, but i guess thats ok then. When you talk about “poles” taking our jobs, have you thought about the dutch - belgiums - french - who work out of our docks/ferry terminals, and have been doing it for long before the recession, and the poles have only just joined the back of the queue. No one puts the blame on the government or Vosa for allowing cabbotage, or even looks at the situation within our industry, withy which no one really gives a ■■■■, except to look after themselves. If anyone really cared, we would join a union, and ballot for strike action, or do what the french do and riot in the streets for better conditions in this industry, and make our useless government sit up and take notice of what we have to put up with on a daily basis.
Immigration is a problem. but we cannot blame individuals, only those who make the rules, so vote with your pen, the same as you did when the common market was voted for.
Do you remember When the French closed Sangatte, and we promised to take all the illegal asylum seekers to the uk in return for the closure, well Sarkozy has just announced that he will allow the re-opening of more Sangattes, and the kent chamber of commerce is going to clothe them, and feed them, whilst they wait for a chance to jump on the back of trucks as a free ride to the uk.
I agree that there are many foreigners who need removing from our (once) great country, and they are Muslim extremists, Arab extremists, health tourists, and any bloody foreigner who cannot, and will not learn our language in order to claim benefits and remain workshy .


Dave the Renegade:
Without the poles the telephone cables will fall down. :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:


And where is home of all telephone poles? In the wood? :slight_smile: Or in the sawmill? ;D

The answer is easy - Poleland… :grimacing:

So you only want to send home the poles then (brainless idiot) they are not the cause of our economy going ■■■■ up. I believe they play a major part in contributing to our economy. A lot of people tell me they are taking milions of pounds from our economy, and sending it home. What they do with their money (hard earned) after taxes is their business, the same as me who sends a large wad every month to bulgaria, and others who send to different countries, and our rich who send theirs to offshore banks, but i guess thats ok then. When you talk about “poles” taking our jobs, have you thought about the dutch - belgiums - french - who work out of our docks/ferry terminals, and have been doing it for long before the recession, and the poles have only just joined the back of the queue. No one puts the blame on the government or Vosa for allowing cabbotage, or even looks at the situation within our industry, withy which no one really gives a ■■■■, except to look after themselves. If anyone really cared, we would join a union, and ballot for strike action, or do what the french do and riot in the streets for better conditions in this industry, and make our useless government sit up and take notice of what we have to put up with on a daily basis.
Immigration is a problem. but we cannot blame individuals, only those who make the rules, so vote with your pen, the same as you did when the common market was voted for.
Do you remember When the French closed Sangatte, and we promised to take all the illegal asylum seekers to the uk in return for the closure, well Sarkozy has just announced that he will allow the re-opening of more Sangattes, and the kent chamber of commerce is going to clothe them, and feed them, whilst they wait for a chance to jump on the back of trucks as a free ride to the uk.
I agree that there are many foreigners who need removing from our (once) great country, and they are Muslim extremists, Arab extremists, health tourists, and any bloody foreigner who cannot, and will not learn our language in order to claim benefits and remain workshy .

Well said that man, but you must be a conspirisy theriost for thinking its not the pole’s fault :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Things can only improve if gaps are made for us UK drivers :smiley:

Big Yammer:
Things can only improve if gaps are made for us UK drivers :smiley:

I think gaps between the poles are wide enaugh… :stuck_out_tongue:

At least the poles come here to work :unamused:

Not all of them Ollie,A young Polish couple were walking out of the Jobcentre last week when I was going to sign on,they were laughing and joking with each other…funnily enough,me and my missus weren’t :imp:


At least the poles come here to work :unamused:

Not all of them Ollie,A young Polish couple were walking out of the Jobcentre last week when I was going to sign on,they were laughing and joking with each other…funnily enough,me and my missus weren’t :imp:

So what’s made you think that they did not came here to work?

  • They were walking out JobCentre - that’s obvious place to seek for work, isn’t it?
  • They were laughing and joking: do you have any idea what about? And is that bad?
    So should I publicly cry and despair to show everyone that I am here for work not for having a good time? :wink:

Maybe they were happy as they found a job? :slight_smile:

You people should be ashamed of yourselves talk about the blind leading the blind and mud slinging :angry: Blaming the poles for what has happened here PATHETIC typically English logic . :laughing:
The best thing you can all do is follow the rest of Britain’s dreamers and head for Canada :laughing: :laughing: they blame everything on the rest of the world to.
The poles have as much right in the UK as anyone else (rant over ) :smiling_imp: