Polski move homeski



Wheel Nut:

Aye well no matter what [zb] people talk on here, we’re all thinking it. Would the country really be in this state if it wasn’t full of them? :imp:

There is one thing for certain, it wasn’t the Poles who voted in Tony Blair which led to Gordon Brown becoming the premier :stuck_out_tongue:

brown is the best man for the job hes gennuine (i hate politicians but they are a necessary evil like truckers :smiley: ) immigration really kicked off in this country with the kosvoan refugees and after what they went through i dont grudge them anything.as for brown being premier if it had been illegal a jock ruling the uk it wouldnt have happened , when im tramping i im wary that according to english law i could suffer an attack of arrows by the bow men of certain english citys after sunset . :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Brown genuine!!! Clarkson should have got a medal for what he said, as for best man for the job? you dont need worry about the Poles or anyone else while you have the most useless unwanted man in the UK as PM to … your day up. He is the cause of most of our misery by his great policies as resident of number 11. I would take 10 Poles over one of him anyday!!!


At least the poles come here to work unlike the immigrants who come here and preach their hatred of all things western yet are very happy to sit on their arse all day claiming every beneift under the sun while the british man gets nothing! I think out country and finances would be in much better nick if we grew a back bone and sent them packing first :unamused:


Gordon let them all in did he?

no more than the Poles caused the recession I would think

No they didn’t cause the recession but they’ve killed the ■■■■■■■ money since they’ve been here and they weren’t needed as has been said elsewhere, there was no driver shortage but there is a ■■■■■■■ job shortage now!

Harry Monk:
Poles are flocking home in droves at the mo. Haven’t you heard?

The biggest problem we face is bringing in next February’s cabbage harvest when the Poles have all gone home- because you can bet your bottom dollar that English people would sooner lay in bed and claim the dole than do any actual work.

Well said that man, we really must be a little more objective when throwing blame arround, and take a good long look at ourselves. The reason for the credit crunch is greed. Greed on the part of American banks/mortgage companies making unsuitable loans to people they knew would default (but, hey ho the houses the loans are secured on are worth plenty are’nt they?); then greed on the part of english and other world banks seeking to cash in on the same (by now severely tarnished and lame) golden goose. Add to that Joe and Josephine Public being tempted into impossible credit transactions(cos’ surely tomorrow only happens to someone else), and there you have it. The (zb)in the fan, thousands on the dole and/or facing house repossesion, and, the real villains get to retire (at the well nigh impossibly young age of fifty) on nearly 700 grand a year.
Haven’t heard of many Poles doing that. Nuff said?




Wheel Nut:

Aye well no matter what [zb] people talk on here, we’re all thinking it. Would the country really be in this state if it wasn’t full of them? :imp:

There is one thing for certain, it wasn’t the Poles who voted in Tony Blair which led to Gordon Brown becoming the premier :stuck_out_tongue:

brown is the best man for the job hes gennuine (i hate politicians but they are a necessary evil like truckers :smiley: ) immigration really kicked off in this country with the kosvoan refugees and after what they went through i dont grudge them anything.as for brown being premier if it had been illegal a jock ruling the uk it wouldnt have happened , when im tramping i im wary that according to english law i could suffer an attack of arrows by the bow men of certain english citys after sunset . :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Brown genuine!!! Clarkson should have got a medal for what he said, as for best man for the job? you dont need worry about the Poles or anyone else while you have the most useless unwanted man in the UK as PM to … your day up. He is the cause of most of our misery by his great policies as resident of number 11. I would take 10 Poles over one of him anyday!!!


Well it wasnt comrade Brown or Blair!! Have you travelled east scania245■■?

Gordon let them all in did he?

You will find he is as guilty as the saint Blair for letting this happen as being in the cabinet they agreed no limits on the amount of new joining EU states people the right to work in the UK!! Like it or not it is not the fault of the people coming here but of our politicians for agreement of such actions? :imp:


Harry Monk:
Poles are flocking home in droves at the mo. Haven’t you heard?

The biggest problem we face is bringing in next February’s cabbage harvest when the Poles have all gone home- because you can bet your bottom dollar that English people would sooner lay in bed and claim the dole than do any actual work.

Well said that man, we really must be a little more objective when throwing blame arround, and take a good long look at ourselves. The reason for the credit crunch is greed. Greed on the part of American banks/mortgage companies making unsuitable loans to people they knew would default (but, hey ho the houses the loans are secured on are worth plenty are’nt they?); then greed on the part of english and other world banks seeking to cash in on the same (by now severely tarnished and lame) golden goose. Add to that Joe and Josephine Public being tempted into impossible credit transactions(cos’ surely tomorrow only happens to someone else), and there you have it. The (zb) in the fan, thousands on the dole and/or facing house repossesion, and, the real villains get to retire (at the well nigh impossibly young age of fifty) on nearly 700 grand a year.
Haven’t heard of many Poles doing that. Nuff said?

2.5 millon immgrants 2 mill unemployed get them out



Harry Monk:
Poles are flocking home in droves at the mo. Haven’t you heard?

The biggest problem we face is bringing in next February’s cabbage harvest when the Poles have all gone home- because you can bet your bottom dollar that English people would sooner lay in bed and claim the dole than do any actual work.

Well said that man, we really must be a little more objective when throwing blame arround, and take a good long look at ourselves. The reason for the credit crunch is greed. Greed on the part of American banks/mortgage companies making unsuitable loans to people they knew would default (but, hey ho the houses the loans are secured on are worth plenty are’nt they?); then greed on the part of english and other world banks seeking to cash in on the same (by now severely tarnished and lame) golden goose. Add to that Joe and Josephine Public being tempted into impossible credit transactions(cos’ surely tomorrow only happens to someone else), and there you have it. The (zb) in the fan, thousands on the dole and/or facing house repossesion, and, the real villains get to retire (at the well nigh impossibly young age of fifty) on nearly 700 grand a year.
Haven’t heard of many Poles doing that. Nuff said?

2.5 millon immgrants 2 mill unemployed get them out

I’d agree with that sentiment if I thought that chucking the immigrants out would magically get 2 million lazy idle gits off the dole, sadly you would only get the 300,000-500,000 or so that have lost their jobs in the last couple of years back to work.

mmmmm now why did the Poles come here
oh yeah to fill the gap in the driver shortage
sending them home wont reduce dole queue
and not all of us signing on are wasters

Aye well no matter what [zb] people talk on here, we’re all thinking it. Would the country really be in this state if it wasn’t full of them? :imp:

we’re not all thinking it :unamused: without the eastern Europeans I’d have very little work !! Every abattoir I deliver too has a large percentage of the workers from abroad ( and this has been the case for a lot of years) mainly because they can’t get British workers to do the job :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:


Harry Monk:
Poles are flocking home in droves at the mo. Haven’t you heard?

The biggest problem we face is bringing in next February’s cabbage harvest when the Poles have all gone home- because you can bet your bottom dollar that English people would sooner lay in bed and claim the dole than do any actual work.

Well said that man, we really must be a little more objective when throwing blame arround, and take a good long look at ourselves. The reason for the credit crunch is greed. Greed on the part of American banks/mortgage companies making unsuitable loans to people they knew would default (but, hey ho the houses the loans are secured on are worth plenty are’nt they?); then greed on the part of english and other world banks seeking to cash in on the same (by now severely tarnished and lame) golden goose. Add to that Joe and Josephine Public being tempted into impossible credit transactions(cos’ surely tomorrow only happens to someone else), and there you have it. The (zb) in the fan, thousands on the dole and/or facing house repossesion, and, the real villains get to retire (at the well nigh impossibly young age of fifty) on nearly 700 grand a year.
Haven’t heard of many Poles doing that. Nuff said?

Well said,

The fact is alot of people went through the spend it now worry later, thinking it was gonna be alright, then when the (zb) hits the fan, it was too late to do anything about it.
Thankfully I have not had a credit card or a car on finance for a few years now, I rent my house and I only have 2 small personal loans which I can cope with on basic wages if I had too.
It was only a matter of time before the bubble burst, and the Polish didn’t burst it single-handedly.
Blame the BIG companies, that got too greedy, trying to maximise their own pensions, sub-contract the work out and let EU countries take the contract. ( I went to a site the other day, The contract for a complete new factory near peterborough is almost entirely being built by a GERMAN company, with German workers, but the are using british workers too, for the menial jobs!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: )

The fact is that we are all Europeans now. We cant be like Canada or Australia BEcause our borders no longer belong to us. If you have to blame someone try Edward Heath.

I have just had a long conversation with a very good friend who is a property developer, entrepreneur and all round decent bloke. His wife does promotional work in the motor trade and they have both said that things seem to be picking up in both areas.

He certainly said that now things were out in the open with the state of our global finances. The trade shows that were cancelled will be back, bigger and better, the natural selection and wastage of dead wood can only improve things.

It doesn’t help anyone who has just lost their job or is living in the dog kennel though but the house that you payed 30 grand for 5 years ago isn’t and never was worth 120k.

The fact is that we are all Europeans now. We cant be like Canada or Australia BEcause our borders no longer belong to us. If you have to blame someone try Edward Heath.

The historic fact is this.

If Edward Heath (Prime Minister 1970 to 1974) had actually got his way, he would have taken this country into the then Common Market (the 70’s and early 80’s equivalent to the present EU), opening up the floodgates to Europeans on this side of the old Iron Curtain.
But there was one politician in his party - supported by many backbenchers - who was absolutely against it, and that was Margaret Thatcher!
The two of them were bitter enemys, mostly over this policy.

Labour got in under James Callaghan from 1974 to 1979 and we entered one of the worst recessions ever!
Meanwhile Maggie ousted Ted Heath to become leader of the opposition.

Maggie - as we all know - took the Torys back into power in 1979 and stayed there herself until 1990.

No matter what you say about the woman she stayed stubbornly steadfast against joining Europe in a way that would allow an influx of immigrants - and all for the reasons that are causing this country all sorts of problems now, under “New” Labour!
Maggie did not want europeans coming into Britain in their thousands and ruining the economy (re europeans working for a lot less money!), and she spoke many times about the dangers of letting thousands of “unknown” immigrants in anyway!

The Iron Lady was not my favourite person when it came to a number of policies, but when it came to this policy she was ABSOLUTELY right.
And she’s been proved right!

The “Poles are taking all our jobs” stuff is getting very boring now. It’s not completely true anyway. But I personally blame the thousands of employers who happily take on these workers because they know they can pay them a lot less! That’s what upsets me!

But what makes me really angry are the amount of immigrant ■■■ offenders and other types of immigrant criminal types, who are roaming the streets of our country! Blame Labour for letting them in!

Meanwhile we’ve got the Mad Mullahs who preach their “Islamic” hatred with their megaphones on our street corners! I’m all for freedom of speech - but none of that should be tolerated in any way!


The “Poles are taking all our jobs” stuff is getting very boring now. It’s not completely true anyway. But I personally blame the thousands of employers who happily take on these workers because they know they can pay them a lot less! That’s what upsets me!

But what makes me really angry are the amount of immigrant ■■■ offenders and other types of immigrant criminal types, who are roaming the streets of our country! Blame Labour for letting them in!

Meanwhile we’ve got the Mad Mullahs who preach their “Islamic” hatred with their megaphones on our street corners! I’m all for freedom of speech - but none of that should be tolerated in any way!


Agreed totally…

If Edward Heath (Prime Minister 1970 to 1974) had actually got his way, he would have taken this country into the then Common Market (the 70’s and early 80’s equivalent to the present EU), opening up the floodgates to Europeans on this side of the old Iron Curtain.

ummm…the UK joined the Common market in 1973

Maggie Thatcher did more damage to this country than any political leader in the last century, she sold everything off, knackered all the industry, marmaliised the coal mines and the steel. An absolute disaster. :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

I’m not thinking it .
I don’t like being lumped in with the bigoted views of a minority on here either.
I used to deliver to building sites all over the country and If we had an English team to handball the 7 tonne of wood flooring sometimes they would start moaning, complaining , some even refuse to tip you.
But Polish, or other eastern Europeans on site would just get on with it, get finished and your on your way. but thats some not all.It was the same with a Latvian Fork driver , who wouldnt tip me at the Old Highbury ground one day, not because he was a latvian , but because he was a Waaa ker !!
I judge a person by who they are not what they are and that’s not being PC, that’s called being human.

Remember this?

"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;

And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;

And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;

And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up."

Lots of reasons why the country is Screwed one is manufacturing. The big companies started using India and Turkey and China to make things.
No one complained getting a pair of jeans for £6 in Asda or Tesco, but
In reality that price is not sustainable in our society. Jobs will, and did go.
To blame a whole race of people is frankly stupid.

Denis F:

If Edward Heath (Prime Minister 1970 to 1974) had actually got his way, he would have taken this country into the then Common Market (the 70’s and early 80’s equivalent to the present EU), opening up the floodgates to Europeans on this side of the old Iron Curtain.

ummm…the UK joined the Common market in 1973

Funny, I thought my history teacher was a mug! :smiley: :wink: :wink:

Still Maggie didn’t allow thousands of immigrants - legal or illegal - to come flooding in!


Denis F:

If Edward Heath (Prime Minister 1970 to 1974) had actually got his way, he would have taken this country into the then Common Market (the 70’s and early 80’s equivalent to the present EU), opening up the floodgates to Europeans on this side of the old Iron Curtain.

ummm…the UK joined the Common market in 1973

Funny, I thought my history teacher was a mug! :smiley: :wink: :wink:

Still Maggie didn’t allow thousands of immigrants - legal or illegal - to come flooding in!

THere has been immigrants flooding into this country long before Maggie came to power, after WW2 thousands came from the so called commonwealth countries. Was your geography teacher thick as well. :arrow_right: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: