A site for you Joe…

You’ll have a whale of a time with that.

you legend!

that site is brilliant

Female driver came down a housing estate road, cars parked both sides so attention is paramount, whilst holding a drinks bottle in her right hand. Alright it was a Sunday morning at 08-30, but is she a regular traveller along this route during the week & at school times?

what the ■■■■ are these people at?

Why do i want the better driving site? Its for old men and women who have nothing better to do.
What i find funny is the fact some of you think that a license will mean i know more. Your saying a learner driver who does say 20 miles a week will know moe on the road then someone that does 150? I have taken a theory test when my brothers were practicing and i passed it. A licence just means your up to a standard to be able to driver, and go look at some of the new drivers that havent been passed long. Some of them are terrible. My brother was driving once or twice a week for over a year and he is still crap.
Whats wrong Matt, cant you accept that someone younger then you has told you something you that you may think is right?
Kiwipower, again i ask why i am trying to ruin the drivers life? Have i named the driver. No. I put the registration on of the truck, so if anything thats whos life i am ruining.
Oh and Matt go ahead. Go post on a cycle forum. Maybe you could start riding a bike on the road. You would be amazed at how many posts are put on. And it would only be the few that think they have something to prove agaisnts cyclist, but will then moan that drivers dont get treated fair.

A few observations:

  1. This young man seems to be a level headed and responsible road user, never mind he hasn’t got a truck licence. Not all cyclists are.
  2. So are many truck drivers. Not all truck drivers are.
  3. There is never an excuse to overtake a vehicle, be it a cycle or anything else, and pulling in too soon.
  4. There is never an excuse for a cyclist, or any other road vehicle, to undertake at lights or anywhere else, except when occupying a dedicated lane.
  5. I’m an old ■■■■ with over 40 years experience, hate cyclists who undertake me or block the road unnecessarily, but I don’t chop them up.
  6. If something happens half way through an apparently safe overtaking manoeuvre you stop. There is never an excuse to kill someone. Somebody, whose number plate has been published here, is a very lucky person.

Oh, and in addition to my HGV licence given to me for being old (well old enough) I also found the other day my Cycling Proficiency Certificate from Beeston & Stapleford Urban District Council earned on the 8th of July…1954. :open_mouth: :laughing:

Why do i want the better driving site? Its for old men and women who have nothing better to do.
What i find funny is the fact some of you think that a license will mean i know more. Your saying a learner driver who does say 20 miles a week will know moe on the road then someone that does 150? I have taken a theory test when my brothers were practicing and i passed it. A licence just means your up to a standard to be able to driver, and go look at some of the new drivers that havent been passed long. Some of them are terrible. My brother was driving once or twice a week for over a year and he is still crap.
Whats wrong Matt, cant you accept that someone younger then you has told you something you that you may think is right?
Kiwipower, again i ask why i am trying to ruin the drivers life? Have i named the driver. No. I put the registration on of the truck, so if anything thats whos life i am ruining.
Oh and Matt go ahead. Go post on a cycle forum. Maybe you could start riding a bike on the road. You would be amazed at how many posts are put on. And it would only be the few that think they have something to prove agaisnts cyclist, but will then moan that drivers dont get treated fair.

If your not out for retrubution in some way then why publish his number plate??

You could of come on here and said a morrisons lorry cut you up you did not have to put the drivers number plate on here did you? What did you hope to gain by putting his number plate on a forum like this?


Still going on about that Kiwipower. I though i had already answered that question. I wanted to see if he was on here.
Now if i remember right, either on here or in T&D there was a letter or post about a driver that was stopped in the services, and the truck next to him moved off and took out his mirrors with the courner of the trailor. The driver didnt stop and he went after him but would pull over. And if i am correct he put the number plate to try and contact the driver for his details. I dont want the driver to give me his details, just see if he was on here to explain why he did it.
Matt f reckons this forum is very busy, which it is, and that they should go on a cyclists forum. Well this is a big forum, so there is a chance the driver was on here.
beattun there are alot worse ones on that website. It was on that roadrage Britain programme on not long ago. Some guy went around with a camera on his windscreen and put pictures on of drivers picking there nose whilst driving, or changing the radio station whilst driving. Maybe even driving one handed.
What retrubution would i want. Just the driver to say sorry, didnt realise or to explain why he pulled in would be nice. I have already said all of this, but you still went on and said i wanted to “ruin the drivers life”
My dad has his cycle certificate somewhere that he did a long time ago. Its a peace of history. Was done when a car passing you was strange, even on what was classed a busy road.

Get over it Joe and move on …

It’s being dragged out now …

Was thinking the same thing. I got over it the day it happened.

Really !
So why the whining on the Internet ?, hardly the behaviour of someone who is over it .

I stopped moaning about it the day after it happened. You may also fined that i only moaned once really which was my main post. My other posts were done to correct people who put something in that wasnt true. Give it a proper read Paul. You have already not read something on here once and posted something which no relevence, now you do it again.
Its not whinng anyway, its me getting a point across. :unamused:

Well ive had enough of this subject now. Very well done Joe you express your points very well have enjoyed it time for me to find another subject.

I stopped moaning about it the day after it happened. You may also fined that i only moaned once really which was my main post. My other posts were done to correct people who put something in that wasnt true. Give it a proper read Paul. You have already not read something on here once and posted something which no relevence, now you do it again.
Its not whinng anyway, its me getting a point across. :unamused:

So going on about the bike clubs and going on about the letters and unable to find email addys isn’t whining about it ?
It reads like that to me, so it is relevant .
Roll your eyes elsewhere…

Poor old Joe couldn’t find the driver that had messed his day up , wait til you get a licence , you will be a busy boy chasing anonymous people up .

Thread over for me .

welcome to the real world joe,the chances are you were tucked right inhis blind spot,these sort of things happen mate,write it of to experience and move on.

no hill to high no town to far

Listen mate for one thing you should have taken the prats no and posted a letter to “Morrisons HQ” @ Bradford telling them what a pillock they are employing as (assuming) it was Nottingham it would very likely be a “Kettering Depot” driver, they would track him down and bring it to his attention as the majority of the Kettering drivers are Polish because when you go into the office all the co. signs are in two languages “Polish and Yorkshireish” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Obviuosly “coffeholic” is still in dire need of the lotion and other things as it ain,t bloodywell worked for him :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

welcome to the real world joe,the chances are you were tucked right inhis blind spot,these sort of things happen mate,write it of to experience and move on.

no hill to high no town to far

No wouldnt have been in his blind spots. I have already put it down to experience, and have moved on. Hence when my last post was. :wink:

some drivers are ■■■■■■■■ a lot of other drivers dont like to admit this, till they get carved up by the ■■■■■■■ then they start squealing, joe ride on the path dude, it’s safer.

some drivers are [zb], a lot of other drivers dont like to admit this, till they get carved up by the [zb] then they start squealing, joe ride on the path dude, it’s safer.

Errrrr no. Because then pedestrians will moan i am on the path, my wheels with go out of true. Plus when a pedestrian walks infront and i have a near miss of tap them because i cant brake in time, its me to blame. So thanks, but i will stay on the road. Dont really wont to be fined for being on the pavement either.
So i will stay on the road, its alot safer.


some drivers are [zb], a lot of other drivers dont like to admit this, till they get carved up by the [zb] then they start squealing, joe ride on the path dude, it’s safer.

Errrrr no. Because then pedestrians will moan i am on the path, my wheels with go out of true. Plus when a pedestrian walks infront and i have a near miss of tap them because i cant brake in time, its me to blame. So thanks, but i will stay on the road. Dont really wont to be fined for being on the pavement either.
So i will stay on the road, its alot safer.

got to say i went through nottingham last night and seen loads of cycle paths and cannot agree that the roads are brilliant so why not stick to cycle ways

Because cyclepaths are usually badly surfaced, badly designed, covered in broken glass, overgrown with shrubs and full of dogs, dog [zb] and pedestrians. … -the-month

Oh, and statistically, they’re more dangerous than roads.

Where about in Nottingham where you Matt? If you go down the ring road you will see the tree roots have broken the surface that cyclists are ment to be on.
Some paths are good, but when you get to a side road you have to give way, or wait. Makes it sort of like traffic lights, And when you have to keep stopping, then starting its gets very boring.

This thread is so hypocritical. Well, nothing new there then eh? Drivers stabbing people in the back when it suits. :unamused:

The kid was nearly taken off his bike by a Morries truck that cut in too close and quite rightly he’s ■■■■■■ off about it so made a post about it on here. Why are you all jumping down his throat about it? Is it because he’s a cyclist perhaps? :bulb: I know for sure that if Joe had been driving a wagon and another one overtook him and cut in too close, nearing putting him in the ditch, you’d all be jumping up and down in his support saying how all Morries drivers are ■■■■■■■■ Eastern European’s, tractor licences, blah blah, etc etc.

Give the ■■■■■■■ kid a break yeah. :unamused: