Rob K:
This thread is so hypocritical. Well, nothing new there then eh? Drivers stabbing people in the back when it suits. :unamused:

The kid was nearly taken off his bike by a Morries truck that cut in too close and quite rightly he’s ■■■■■■ off about it so made a post about it on here. Why are you all jumping down his throat about it? Is it because he’s a cyclist perhaps? :bulb: I know for sure that if Joe had been driving a wagon and another one overtook him and cut in too close, nearing putting him in the ditch, you’d all be jumping up and down in his support saying how all Morries drivers are [zb], Eastern European’s, tractor licences, blah blah, etc etc.

Give the [zb] kid a break yeah. :unamused:

:unamused: :unamused:

Yawn, yawn.

Hypocrisy’s got nothing to do with it! Nobody - regardless of their age - should be putting reg numbers up here!

Hypocrisy’s got nothing to do with it! Nobody - regardless of their age - should be putting reg numbers up here

got to agree with that comment 100%

If you want to moan about reg numbers being used, theres a special thread for you to vote on and moan about it.

I’m 16, and the thing i dont want is some idiot not knowing where the back of his trailor is, Joe

If you had spent more time in school, rather than poncing around on a bicycle, maybe you wouldn’t come across as an IDIOT WHO CAN’T SPELL TRAILER!

Cyclists! MUSHROOM HEADED MORONS… grow up and stop riding machines meant for children!

hear hear tramper can you mods please lock this thread i think it has run its course . and is there anyway you can stop people that are not professional drivers posting in professional drivers forums ?

If you want to moan about reg numbers being used, theres a special thread for you to vote on and moan about it.

Hear we go again!

Listen son - moaning’s got nothing to do with it! It’s the moral ethical principle of all of this!

You came on here complaining about an artic driver cutting you up. You put his reg number up on this forum hoping he would come on here and apologise to you.
But then after being given the full address of his employer, courtesy of the “magic powers” of a stupid adult on here, you decide you’re going to write to his employer.
You tell us on here that writing to his employer will hopefully ensure that the driver is enlightened in the error of his ways, and will subsequently know better next time (oh really - is that how you’re sure he’ll be treated?).
Then low and behold, after a few posts on here, you decide to back out and tell us you “can’t be bothered” to write your letter anymore!

JoeG, with the greatest of respect - you (and many others on here - it would appear) know nothing about the haulage business or it’s workings! WHY? - because you haven’t worked in this business!
You know nothing about employer/employee relations! WHY? - because you haven’t got a job yet!

Posting that reg number on here, could already have caused that driver a lot of problems for all anybody knows! Morrisons - as I said in an earlier post - do not have a great record when it comes to their treatment of drivers - a lot of logistics and haulage companies dont!
Posting that reg number may have very well blackened that drivers name - and whilst I’m not condoning his behaviour on the day - there are still two sides to every story!
Your argument JoeG about people posting videos of bad driving etc on U-tube does not justify you putting a reg number on this forum - and is typical of the X-box generation!

Whilst the british legal system might not be brilliant - thank god it’s here to combat this nonsense!


If you want to moan about reg numbers being used, theres a special thread for you to vote on and moan about it.

Hear we go again!

Listen son - moaning’s got nothing to do with it! It’s the moral ethical principle of all of this!

You came on here complaining about an artic driver cutting you up. You put his reg number up on this forum hoping he would come on here and apologise to you.
But then after being given the full address of his employer, courtesy of the “magic powers” of a stupid adult on here, you decide you’re going to write to his employer.
You tell us on here that writing to his employer will hopefully ensure that the driver is enlightened in the error of his ways, and will subsequently know better next time (oh really - is that how you’re sure he’ll be treated?).
Then low and behold, after a few posts on here, you decide to back out and tell us you “can’t be bothered” to write your letter anymore!

JoeG, with the greatest of respect - you (and many others on here - it would appear) know nothing about the haulage business or it’s workings! WHY? - because you haven’t worked in this business!
You know nothing about employer/employee relations! WHY? - because you haven’t got a job yet!

Posting that reg number on here, could already have caused that driver a lot of problems for all anybody knows! Morrisons - as I said in an earlier post - do not have a great record when it comes to their treatment of drivers - a lot of logistics and haulage companies dont!
Posting that reg number may have very well blackened that drivers name - and whilst I’m not condoning his behaviour on the day - there are still two sides to every story!
Your argument JoeG about people posting videos of bad driving etc on U-tube does not justify you putting a reg number on this forum - and is typical of the X-box generation!

Whilst the british legal system might not be brilliant - thank god it’s here to combat this nonsense!

Incase you did’t undertand what he said Andy, he said there is a special thread for you to air your views on the subject. You missed it? Its at the top of the forum.

Andy1961 you said in your opinion there are many people on here who post statements and no nothing about Employer / Employee relations or know nothing about road haulage or logistics.

So what % of the posters on here according to your statement “know nothing about the job” as by your statement I am one of them (a stupid adult was the term you used) as all I did was something that this lad could have done quite easily and that is to look in the “Yellow Pages” and find the address which as you failed to see was a Name & Town of the HQ and not the address as also as it escapes your knowledge the name of the co. is painted all over their vehicles.

If you want to be personal with your comments feel free to do so as it shows your lack of intelligence when you come on here posting personal insults to people you don,t know or have never met, as you are entitled to your opinions the same as everyone else when you come on here.

Maybe I fall in to the category of knowing nothing about “Logistics or employer /employee relations” as well as “many others on this site” and if you think that about this site then why bother coming on it ?


If you want to moan about reg numbers being used, theres a special thread for you to vote on and moan about it.

Hear we go again!

Listen son - moaning’s got nothing to do with it! It’s the moral ethical principle of all of this!

You came on here complaining about an artic driver cutting you up. You put his reg number up on this forum hoping he would come on here and apologise to you.
But then after being given the full address of his employer, courtesy of the “magic powers” of a stupid adult on here, you decide you’re going to write to his employer.
You tell us on here that writing to his employer will hopefully ensure that the driver is enlightened in the error of his ways, and will subsequently know better next time (oh really - is that how you’re sure he’ll be treated?).
Then low and behold, after a few posts on here, you decide to back out and tell us you “can’t be bothered” to write your letter anymore!

JoeG, with the greatest of respect - you (and many others on here - it would appear) know nothing about the haulage business or it’s workings! WHY? - because you haven’t worked in this business!
You know nothing about employer/employee relations! WHY? - because you haven’t got a job yet!

Posting that reg number on here, could already have caused that driver a lot of problems for all anybody knows! Morrisons - as I said in an earlier post - do not have a great record when it comes to their treatment of drivers - a lot of logistics and haulage companies dont!
Posting that reg number may have very well blackened that drivers name - and whilst I’m not condoning his behaviour on the day - there are still two sides to every story!
Your argument JoeG about people posting videos of bad driving etc on U-tube does not justify you putting a reg number on this forum - and is typical of the X-box generation!

Whilst the british legal system might not be brilliant - thank god it’s here to combat this nonsense!

Andy, read and understand my post. If you look at the top there is a special post for people to air their own views on this thing of posting Reg numbers.
Yes, of course you know me and you say i know nothing about the haulage bussiness. Because you know me very very well and know all of my interests and what i do all day.
Do you work for Morrissons Andy?
It hasnt blackened the drivers name, his name wasnt mentioned.
I mentioned the videos on Youtube( that is how it is spelt by the way, no text speek) beause they are about, and are being used to make complaints. it was just a warning so that drivers would know its being done. And you may find its done by middle-aged people mostly.
If you want to moan about the british legal system, and the law then, if you dont have 100% proof about what Morrissons do and how they treat drivers you are breaking the law.
This has all been coverd already.

What it comes down to in the end is that if there is a collision - regardless of whos fault it is - between a cyclist and a truck then the cyclist gets killed.
So when any person takes poseesion of an LGV licence and goes trucking then they must also take on the responsibility of taking care that they are not endangering any other road users and drive with due care and consideration - and also a lot of patience.
I drive trucks, I also drive a car, pull a caravan, ride a bike and used to ride horses too and of course there are times when I am a pedestrian - as we all are.
I just think it is general good manners and consideration to others to safeguard other road users when the vehicle you are using is bigger than the one nearby.
I agree that there are some idiot cyclists out there and also some idiot car drivers too but it is down to us as professionals to read the situation and deal with it safely.
There are also some very good car drivers and cyclists who obey the rules of the road and use consideration to others and drive/ride responsibly.
(There are also some idiot truckers out there - as we all well know!)
Being bigger than someone else does not give anybody the right to be a bully - as this is generally what it boils down to.