Morrison truck. If you were driving it today through Burton Joyce in Nottingham, you are the biggest ■■■■■■ on the road.
If you are the driver and you are reading this you should be very embarrissed.
To those who are woundering what happened, i was riding my bike back through Burton Joyce. I’m a very competent rider on the road, and i have road alot of main road,
But this driver came past me very close, i could have put my arm out, and it would have been bent to touch the truck. The driver then started to come back in way too soon, forcing me do dive into the curb, then into the the end of a side road to stop being flattened. I wasnt driving slowly, and if they had waiting for abit longer there would have been a safer place to pass.
Before anyone starts saying i am some lycra lout that jumps red lights i dont. I stop for red lights, give way, and if theres a truck behind me and i am going to be going slow, i go into a side road and slow down so the truck can easily pass me.
I’m 16, and the thing i dont want is some idiot not knowing where the back of his trailor is, and coming passed me too soon. You also cant miss me, i have a bright coloured jacket, and a bright coloured helmet, i wouldnot have been in any blind spots either.
Well i hope the driver sees thisand realises just how much on a idiot he was.


sorry sonny but at 16 you may think you are competant and experienced but you are at the bottom of a long learning curve that i dont think anyone ever reaches the top . chill out a bit because with that much anger in you you will either kill yourself or get a good slap from a older wiser person

matt f:
sorry sonny but at 16 you may think you are competant and experienced but you are at the bottom of a long learning curve that i dont think anyone ever reaches the top . chill out a bit because with that much anger in you you will either kill yourself or get a good slap from a older wiser person

Why dont you be a bit more patronising matt? :unamused: :unamused:

Its quite possible that the trucker was driving like a pillock - it can happen you know. Just cos JoeG is 16 doesn’t mean he doesn’t know what crap driving is.

i have a bright coloured jacket, and a bright coloured helmet

A lot of teenage lads can suffer with that, I know I did. :blush: :blush: Some kind of lotion might help reduce the chaffing and restore normality. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Matt, try not to be patronising. I have rode my bike in Germany, France, Holland and Czech Republic.
I ride with a club so i do know how to ride. I do 150miles a week, sometimes more.
The age has not got much to do with it. I have experienced alot of crap driving, behing told to get out of the way, thats when i am sitting at traffic lights. Being cut across by car drivers turning left, i even saw a car driver overtake me, and start going through some roadworks when a police car was coming the other way with sirens on. The car had to shoot into the cones and the police car go on the pavement. You might be surpirsed how much i do know about riding bikes on the road.
The helmet i wear so when i come off doing about 30mph+ i dont look like a bowling ball.
I dont have any anger anyway, but when someone starts to come back in when only half the trailor has gone past you, you do get annoyed.

I remember a story from a couple of years ago about a bike club …
They thought they owned the country lanes and rode without respect for other road users or the highway code .
Constantly riding down country lanes in a big group rather than in single file so as to allow traffic to safely pass .
One day a car came round the bend and into this big group , killed a couple of them .If they had been in single file the car would have missed them.
Bike clubs mean jack .

i even saw a car driver overtake me, and start going through some roadworks when a police car was coming the other way with sirens on. The car had to shoot into the cones and the police car go on the pavement.

And of course the Car Driver was in the wrong because in your opinion the Police car had right of way due to his blue lights flashing■■?

Sorry Joe, but in my opinion youv’e a lot to learn, Police cars by law have to treat Red Traffic Lights as “Give Way” Signs, if I’d been the driver of the car I’d have reported the Police Car Driver for Dangerous Driving, ohhhh and of course my claim for Whiplash . :wink:

matt f:
sorry sonny but at 16 you may think you are competant and experienced but you are at the bottom of a long learning curve that i dont think anyone ever reaches the top . chill out a bit because with that much anger in you you will either kill yourself or get a good slap from a older wiser person

Eh? He’ll get a slap for nearly being knocked off his bike? How does that work Matt?

Well, there’s the letter of the law, and then there’s the spirit of the law.

I know for sure that when I see flashing bue, or green, lights in front of me, or behind me, or even at the side of me; I’ll do want I can to mot get, or stay in thier way.

JoeG is indeed almost still at the beginning of a very long, often steep learning curve.

I’m 47 and I’m still on it :unamused:

From JoeG’s apparent attitude so far, I’ll step forward and offer to buy him a pint as soon as he reaches the required “spirit of the law” legal age.

Yep - I find cyclists pretty much more or less a pain in the arse when I’m working, but I don’t think that’s now the main point of the way this thread is beginning to turn.

Yes bike clubs will ride two side by side, but if you read the highway code you will find that cyclists can on roads which are not busy, or are wide enough for it. The club i am in cycle very well and on busy roads its straight down to single file. If theres a car coming from behind or in front a signal is passed along and its straight down to single file so as not to hold the car up for too long. You seem to be stereotyping.
The bit about the car and the police car. Its hard to explain. Basicly there was roadworks going to a mini round about. Roadworks on each side of the round about. There was only room for one car to pass. The police car was on its way down when the lights were on it green for it. It went through the lights slowly when they were on red for it as it came when they were on red. It came up to the section of roadworks where i was, and started to come on through. There was not room for two cars and you could see the car coming.
Your telling me that you would go through the lights on green even though there is a police car coming down, in a rush, and you had no room to pass each other? Stopping the police car from travelling, and causing you a delay of about 5 seconds to stop the police car from having a clear run through?
I never say i dont have alot to learn, i dont think any driver can say they know it all about being on the road. Something will always happen where you dont know what to do.
Are you aware of how much room to give a cyclist according to the highway code? This driver gave me about a foot and abit of room, going down to near enough nothing by the time i was near the end of the trailor.
You seem to be taking this as an attack on truck drivers. I have never really had any problems with truck drivers, i always let them past me if i have room to, and they wont be able to pass me for a while. This was the first real problem i have had with a truck driver passing me close. I wouldnt complain if he just didnt give me slightly enough room. I even sent an email to a company whos driver waited for me, and gave me a wide berth to let them know the driver past me with care.
Dont go straight on the defence and start sterotyping. If the driver is on here or even has the balls to reply and say it was him it would show something.

JoeG, you better not read Shobba in this months Truck & Driver, the second panel might not be appreciated by the cycling club. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

JoeG, you better not read Shobba in this months Truck & Driver, the second panel might not be appreciated by the cycling club. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

How dare you?!!!

I’ll have you know I was the model for that drawing! :stuck_out_tongue:


JoeG, you better not read Shobba in this months Truck & Driver, the second panel might not be appreciated by the cycling club. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

How dare you?!!!

I’ll have you know I was the model for that drawing! :stuck_out_tongue:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Impressive, although I fear you may be indulging in a bit of bragging now. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

next, you’ll be telling me my bum looks big in lycra! You cheeky so-and-so. :blush:

That’s your bum? I though it was a bum bag. My bad. :blush: :wink:

think the truck driver was just after a bit of roadkill for his lunch, them butty vans are getting rather pricey

think the truck driver was just after a bit of roadkill for his lunch, them butty vans are getting rather pricey

Was that comment necessary ?

When was the last time yoy were on a bike ■■ ■■■■■ !!

I remember a story from a couple of years ago about a bike club …
They thought they owned the country lanes and rode without respect for other road users or the highway code .
Constantly riding down country lanes in a big group rather than in single file so as to allow traffic to safely pass .
One day a car came round the bend and into this big group , killed a couple of them .If they had been in single file the car would have missed them.
Bike clubs mean jack .

Paul. Do you mean this story. Kindly reprinted to remind people that there are knobs out there.

A Lorry driver who tried to slit his wrists in a Hull courtroom after being sent to prison for an horrific road rage attack was behind bars today. Carl Baxter was jailed for reversing his two-and-a-half tonne Range Rover onto the buggy a four-year-old girl was riding in behind her father’s bicycle.

Both were seriously injured in the attack.

Baxter slashed his left wrist with what is believed to be a small knife blade after being jailed for two years by Recorder Guy Kearl QC at Hull Crown Court.

Father-of-one Baxter was rushed to Hull Royal Infirmary for treatment but his injuries were not serious.

An inquiry is expected to take place into how he managed to smuggle the blade into the courtroom.

The court had earlier heard how haulage firm boss Baxter almost killed Emily Kirwin, four, and her father Stephen during a bike ride on the A1034 South Cave to Market Weighton road on June 23 last year.

Baxter sped too close to Mr Kirwin, his wife Maureen, and their daughter.

Chemical engineer Mr Kirwin, 52, of South Ings Lane, North Cave, shook his fist at Baxter.

The driver then reversed 200 yards at speed, running over Mr Kirwin and Emily.

Baxter drove off, but returned to the scene in another vehicle after passers-by called emergency services.

He claimed he would have given himself up to police then but feared he would be “lynched” by the crowd that had assembled. He later owned up at Pocklington police station.

Emily suffered facial and palate fractures, lost five teeth and has been left with an eye squint.

She was unconscious for six days.

Mr Kirwin suffered a broken leg and pelvis.

Baxter, of Shipman Road, Market Weighton, admitted dangerous driving and two counts of causing grievous bodily harm against Mr Kirwin and his daughter.

In mitigation, Simon Jack said Baxter had been under considerable strain after his father became seriously ill.

He added that six drivers working for Baxter would lose their jobs if a custodial sentence was imposed.

The court heard Baxter had previous convictions for driving offences and one for assault in another road rage attack in 1994.

Detective Inspector Tony Burke, who led the investigation, said: "Justice has been seen to be done.

“Although the matter has been concluded, the mental and physical scars of the Kirwin family may take a lot longer to heal.”

Mr Kirwin said: "People should start respecting each other. It is about having the courage and humility to accept you make mistakes and say sorry.

“People think it’s their right to drive a car. It’s not a right, it’s a privilege.”

I remember a story from a couple of years ago about a bike club …
They thought they owned the country lanes and rode without respect for other road users or the highway code .
Constantly riding down country lanes in a big group rather than in single file so as to allow traffic to safely pass .
One day a car came round the bend and into this big group , killed a couple of them .If they had been in single file the car would have missed them.
Bike clubs mean jack .

What is the moral of the story then Paul?

sorry sonny but at 16 you may think you are competant and experienced but you are at the bottom of a long learning curve that i dont think anyone ever reaches the top . chill out a bit because with that much anger in you you will either kill yourself or get a good slap from a older wiser person

LOL !!!

think the truck driver was just after a bit of roadkill for his lunch, them butty vans are getting rather pricey

LOL !!!