150 miles a week is good going young man… is there not a closer school to you? :laughing:

i’m with joe on this he will have gained a lot of foad sense with that mileage

being on here shows he aint no divet
he understands what trucks can do
i bet he haa relatives who drive trucks or has been long time truck fan

No thats not the story wheel nut .

The morale of that story Mike is that stating that you are a member of a bike club means nothing , that particular club I mentioned carried on as described in that little story and paid for it .
Being a member of a club doesn’t mean Jack , to me anyway .
It’s like that Morrissons driver saying he is a member of the Haulage association and done an advanced driving course .

lost count the number of cyclists that have been killed in dublin by nipping up the inside of an artic turning left

i hate to say it serves them right, but it wouldnt hurt to have some sort of theory test before youre allowed to own a bike

No thats not the story wheel nut .

Ah, well doesnt hurt to remind people about Carl Baxter. Maybe he has taken lessons in prison about how to slit his wrists properly.

I bet he was popular with the boys and spent most of his time lubed up :stuck_out_tongue:

Beattun, i sort of agree with you. I wont go p the inside of a car. I saw someone go up the inside of a truck, it wasnt turning left, but when i went past the guy on the bike i slowed down and told him how dangerouse it was, all i got was F off.
My dad drives a truck which is where i got my intrest from trucks from.
Ady1 not sure what the point of that was. :confused: Not sure i have enough meat on me to be able to provide much of a meal. :laughing:
There cant really be a Theory test because well, look at some of the recently passed drivers. They have done a theory test, and a driving test and they still cant drive properly. It would be hard to do it for bikes anyway because you cant do it on everyone. It would be impossible, how would you get your kids to be riding? A whole new set of laws would have to be brought in.
If you ever get chance, or are botherd have a look at Cycle Craft. Its a book that shows cyclist how to stay alive on the road. Problem is most cyclist dont know about it and will ride like complete idiots.
I will look at Shobba today when i go into paper shop. See how good it is.

Don’t worry about it Joe, he will kill someone eventually and then do some serious time for it and it won’t be so funny then. Some people are just inconsiderate and not very good at driving.

what about some form of registration for every bike, not quite like a tax disc but something you dont have to pay for as such, just a certificate that youve done some sort of mandatory road awareness training, and let you be fined if a copper doesnt see one on your bike

just to add, i absolutely hate cyclists, in fact if i pass a cyclist whos on the road when they have an enclosed cycle lane theyre not using, ill over take them and then pull the trailer right in close to the kerb when i stop at the next lights just to ■■■■ them up, but i would like to see a safer environment for safety minded cyclists

but i would like to see a safer environment for safety minded cyclists

Excellent sentiment Beattun! I agree entirely.

I know the point a lot here have is that a significant amount of cyclists (and we all spend enough time on the roads to know a bit about the actions of other road-users) do not ride in a safe manner.

Yesterday I was driving along a lovely stretch of road, come round a corner and there is a cycling club (as I assume you would call them)

About 20 of them, all riding in 4 abreast! COVERING the road, two of them were reading a map stretched between the handle bars of their two bikes, a lot of them only had one hand on their handlebars as they were drinking and talking to each other.

After about 3 minutes they went to 2 abreast and I managed to get past, they were quite simply one of the most selfish groups I have ever seen.

Later in the afternoon I was out in my car this time, one lone cyclist riding exactly down the middle of the lane on a reasonably narrow, twisting country road. There was no way I could pass in my car and leave a “safe” gap for him.

I shouted “could you please move over” (with me head stuck out the window looking like a twit) and he just looked over his shoulder and carried on.

So obviously I barrelled past as fast as I could and yes I did possibly get closer than was needed, but the guy was an arrogant git and deserved it.

Cyclists are a pain in the arse, I’ve seen too high a percentage of them being such to ever have my mind changed. They are a danger to themselves, and when I’m in a large vehicle on small roads they also pose a danger to me, I HAVE to move out far enough to give him safe distance as a lorry can have a big effect on his stability, and doing that on country roads puts me in a dangerous position.

They should all have to cycle in single file, not more than 2 feet from the curb, and be not allowed to cycle down the side of a stationary or slow moving vehicle any larger than an estate car.



but i would like to see a safer environment for safety minded cyclists

They should all have to cycle in single file, not more than 2 feet from the curb, and be not allowed to cycle down the side of a stationary or slow moving vehicle any larger than an estate car.


You should go and read Cycle Craft. You will learn alot. Cycling 2 feet from the curb is dangerouse sometimes. If there is a pinch point where there is a small crossing section in the middle of the road, cyclist hould move out slightly so you dont get a car squeezing past them. Also when coming up and stopping at traffic lights, cyclists should be in primary, in the middle of the lane. This way you dont get a car coming up next to you or passing you for no reason. In traffic you do it aswell. I will go into primary if i am keeping up with traffic, or on a quiet road doing the speed limit.
Beattun, theres 2 good points there. There should be a more cycle afer environment, but the council not being too clever do a stupid job of it. There is a cycle path going towards Mapperly top, i dont ride on it at all. Its got glass on it, and is just really a path with cyclepath signs on. The road i think should have a nice wide cycle lane because the road is wide enough. On Porchester road, there is a cycle lane. Its stupid and i only ride in a small bit of it. Its in the car door section, theres often glass and other rubbish, and the trucks, buses and cars that cut into it have made it bumpy. So if theres a cycle path i wont ride on it at all. Theres also a speed limit of 20mph on cyclepaths and cyclelanes, so alot of the tme i’m doing just over the limit. And if your on a cyclepath, and its a shred one then i dont think you should be doing more then walking speed because there are pedestrians about.
beattun, a quick word of advice, its best not to cut your trailor in too soon. Alot of cyclists are fitting helmet and bike cameras to video bad driving. It goes on youtube and if its a commercial car, van, bus or truck then the video is sent off to head office with a letter telling them what happened. It could also be passed onto police after aswell.
Your not supposed to cycle down the inside of any car and i dont. I go down the outside and overtake them, like a motorbike would do.
Appologies i’ve waffled, again. :unamused:

Hi JoeG,

I ride about 2500 to 3000 miles a year too and come across alot of problems with other motorists( cars, vans,buses and trucks). Unfortunately when you take to the highway you will come across allsorts of dangerous situations. If all drivers wrote into this forum regarding the dangerous encounters they have everyday there would be no room for any other subjects.

I am amazed that you claim you emailed a company because of a driver gave you a wide berth… then WHY haven’t you contacted Morrison’s and inform them? They can approach the driver who may not have realised his mistake and thus help him understand about cyclists and also this may save a life, which is the most important factor here.

Can I also offer some advice, please do something about your grammar if you do contact them.


beattun, a quick word of advice, its best not to cut your trailor in too soon. Alot of cyclists are fitting helmet and bike cameras to video bad driving.

i wouldnt swing my trailer in or towards a cyclist, nor a car for that matter, perhaps i should clarified a bit, i try to stop them sneaking up the inside when i stop at the next lights, and hopefully really really upsetting them in the process, maybe even giving them the hint to use the cycle lane (the one everyone else is using)

i hate to say it serves them right, but it wouldnt hurt to have some sort of theory test before youre allowed to own a bike

I took my cycle proficiency test in 1964, but only because without it you were not allowed to ride your bike to school, it was either that or a 3 mile walk to school :open_mouth:

Do they still have cycling proficiency tests? Looking at the standard of kids riding bikes today, probably not.

Hi JoeG,

I ride about 2500 to 3000 miles a year too and come across alot of problems with other motorists( cars, vans,buses and trucks). Unfortunately when you take to the highway you will come across allsorts of dangerous situations. If all drivers wrote into this forum regarding the dangerous encounters they have everyday there would be no room for any other subjects.

I am amazed that you claim you emailed a company because of a driver gave you a wide berth… then WHY haven’t you contacted Morrison’s and inform them? They can approach the driver who may not have realised his mistake and thus help him understand about cyclists and also this may save a life, which is the most important factor here.

Can I also offer some advice, please do something about your grammar if you do contact them.

The reason i havent contacted Morrissons is because well, if you can try and find an email address on their website then you must have magic powers. I looked everywhere and couldnt find one, postal addresses and phone numbers, but how do i get through to the people i wont to contact. The only reason i emailed because the driver waited and gave me a very wide berth and beause they had an email address.
Dont see me being on here just to comlain. I see bad driving everyday, and have some strange encounters with motorists. Its the fact that it was a truck and i wanted to see some views of cyclists on here, which from reading you can tell alot from it. Also to see if the driver does come on here.
The cycle proficiency test is still going i think. My brother did it in school. But i never got the opportunity to do it. But the local council has a scheme where someone trained takes a group out and shows them how to ride on the road. Round here its “ridewise”.
I always type any important emails in on word for grammer and spelling, but on forums my grammer and spelling is normally pretty decent. I’m not the worst, and not the best. So i dont really worry too much about it. I would think its normally spelling because i type too fast and i end up tryping in the wrong sequence of letters sometimes. :unamused:

Hi Joe,
Just found this for you. I have the MAGIC powers!!!

If you write to them addressing it to the Transport manager it will find its way to him/her. If you phone then ask how do you contact the Transport manager, they will be very helpful.

Customer Service Department
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC
Hilmore House
Gain Lane

Or telephone 0845 611 6111

Yes, but that is still not an email address.
I will write them a letter, but i know what the probably outcome will be. “That you for your letter, we have contacted the driver in question and he has been told. We are sorry … ect”
I had already found the postal address and the phone number.

Hi Joe,

Send a letter as this is far better than receiving an e-mail…trust me. If you get a reply and it states exactly what you say “Thank you for your letter, we have contacted the driver in question and he has been told. We are sorry … ect” then PM me and I will tell you what to do next.

Thank you xjrv8. I’ll type a letter up tonight and send it off and let you now what reply i get. See what happens from it all.

This is all very interesting to read
Nobody has pointed out that the driver MAY have been driving on his european tractor and trailer permit. :smiley: