think the truck driver was just after a bit of roadkill for his lunch, them butty vans are getting rather pricey


JoeG wrote

I will write them a letter, but i know what the probably outcome will be. “That you for your letter, we have contacted the driver in question and he has been told. We are sorry … ect”

Hang on a second young Joe!

You come on to this forum with your grievance. You put the driver’s registration up on full public view (in my opinion that should not be allowed) hoping you’ll get a response from him. You don’t get a response from him - either because he doesn’t want to respond, or far more likely he doesn’t read these forums at all!
So now - after having no success on this forum, and after being coaxed by someone else on here - you’re going to take this to the driver’s employer.
Falling short of getting the man sacked, what is it you actually want to see happen to him? Or do you want him sacked?
For your information, Morrisons - in the relatively short space of time since they bought over Safeway - do not have a great record when it comes to their treatment of drivers.

My suggestion - you seriously think about what you’re doing writing any letter to his employer.
If you have already written to Morrisons, and they subsequently take action, I just hope the driver gets a fair hearing.
Because at the end of the day Joe - and whilst I’m not doubting your side of the incident - the fact is, certainly the rest of us so far, only have your version of events to go on!

No, you are completely wrong. First of all look when i have joined and look at my posts. You will see i didnt just join for this, i joined a good time ago.
Second of all, i dont want the driver sacked. Why would i want that. What i do want doing is the driver to be told, and reminded to give cyclists some more room, and make sue you have completly gone past them before you start pulling in. Thats not the sack is it? The bit i wrote about “Thank you for your letter, we have contacted the driver in question and he has been told. We are sorry … ect” is what i would class as an autoreply that is given to keep the complainent quiet. The letter will just be saying what happened, and that the driver should be reminded how much room a cyclist should have. I wasnt reallly going to bother writing a letter because i like to email more then write a letter. But think about it, what happens if someone in your family is going along the road, and the driver does it and takes the cyclist out. What will happen is it will fill up all the papers and the driver will be in court.
Whats wrong with putting an number plate of public view? Any number plate could be got easily, its the same as people who take pictures of trucks and put them on the internet. Do you disagree with that aswell because the number plate has not be blanked out?
To be honest i have told it how it was, i havent lied at all becausethat would be a waste of time. Dont you think trucks should give cyclists more room? If you go out on the road on a bike, do you think you get enough room from every car that comes passes you? The road was the A612 and is a very busy road, but i was in the 30mph speed limit zone. There was also enough room for him to give me more room. Is it going to hurt him to just move over more?
Andy are youone of the drivers which think that drivers should be treated alo fairer? Do you think that passing cyclists close is going to do any good for it?
The driver can come on and post his side of the story, i have no problem with that. He shouldnt have a problem either unless he didnt even know he had done it. I cant really be botherd to write a letter, because its going to take up my time to bother writing one.

he wont get afair hearing at morrisons treat there drivers like ■■■■ idoubt they even know who was driving it on that day

Joe you sound like a even minded considerable sort of chap.
PITY THERE WERENT A FEW MORE ON THE ROAD DRIVING TRUCKS ( and Im not to fond of cyclists but each to their own)

What a cracking idea …A driver makes a mistake , he most certainly hasn’t done it on purpose . Someone gets ■■■■■■ off and makes an effort to register onto a forum to complain .
Obviously the driver is not a member so that isn’t good enough .
Lets contact morrisons and get him sacked , sacked for a mistake.Mistakes many of us probably make .
No-one got killed , maybe a little shaken but not killed …

Get a life ffs …
Is this going to be the new trend , posting regs and trying to get people sacked for mistakes , mistakes were there was apparent consequences apart from a rattled adoloescent .
Talk about a bunch of ■■■■■ …

Or maybe even whilst the cyclists view has been blocked a vehicle has turned out of a side street on the opposite side and ■■■■■■ the trucks right of way up , the other vehicle is oblivious to the cyclist and thinks the truck should move over and carries on .
The driver then has to avoid a possible head on collision situation and had to cut in , maybe thought I need to cut in but I am aware of the cyclist and I will try my best not to hit him .
But lets not think of that , not when there is a witch hunt on .

I think you guys are all reading into this far too seriously. The post should not have been put on the forum, hence me telling Joe to do what is the correct thing and write a letter, how he words this letter is down to him. The driver may have made a mistake or may have cut in to avoid a head -on…if this was the case surely he then should of read the road infront before he made the move?? None of us were there so we can’t pass comment. The purpose of Joes topic really should of been to bring a point that cyclists are at risk by trailers cutting in too soon. I have actually experienced being nearly knock off by a trailer coming in before it should of and there was nothing coming the other way, it was purely a misjudgement on the drivers part.

At the end of the day we all take to the road at are own risk and experience alot of bad driving, but as professionals we should just accept that this happens and take the necessary action and not get all stressed, it’s bad for you. Joe is young and hopefully he will learn from this and stay a bit more level headed and less stressed.

If you guys honestly believe that this driver will get the sack because of someone writing in complaining and this can not be proved that this actually happened…then I am lost for words. All I can see happening is that the driver will be told about it and asked if he recalls it, if he says no then it is end of. If Morrisons are that bad a company to work for, then why do drivers work for them?? I see another forum subject being started now!!

I dont think that people should be allowed to put up number plates and details on these forums unless we get to hear both sides of the story. Because thats all it is at the moment a one sided story with one persons view on how bad anothers persons driving was.

We obviously won’t hear both sides due to fact that the chances of the other party being involved and reading this are pretty slim.

I also note a similar subject and reg number being made public on the topic of: Idiot artic driver.

So it isn’t just 16 year olds feeling that the have a just cause to complain!!!


Someone gets ■■■■■■ off and makes an effort to register onto a forum to complain .

Joe has been a member on here since march 2007 :wink: :wink:

What a cracking idea …A driver makes a mistake , he most certainly hasn’t done it on purpose . Someone gets ■■■■■■ off and makes an effort to register onto a forum to complain .
Obviously the driver is not a member so that isn’t good enough .
Lets contact morrisons and get him sacked , sacked for a mistake.Mistakes many of us probably make .
No-one got killed , maybe a little shaken but not killed …

Get a life ffs …
Is this going to be the new trend , posting regs and trying to get people sacked for mistakes , mistakes were there was apparent consequences apart from a rattled adoloescent .
Talk about a bunch of [zb] …

Paul, if your goning to reply to a post, at least make an effort to read all replies then to just come on and put a point on that hs been brought up, and that i have already corrected.
Do you not think that a truck should not pass unless he knows it is clear? Ok a car could come out from a side street, but if the truck is far enough over, then should it make the car think he is over taking?
kiwipower i bring up my other point of do you disagree with pictures of trucks at truckfests or accidents or the websites with trucks on because they have number plates on? The truck was one of a large fleet, its not like it was someones private truck where it would just be the one driver. Ok it could have a regular driver but it isnt their own truck. What is sad would be if you see a Morrison truck and you actually look at the number plate to see if it was this one or the of any truck thats ever been on here. :unamused:
The most possible reason is that the driver thought he had gone all the was past me, but hadn’t. He had to slow down the wait to come past me, so he had to speed up again. I wasnt going too slow, doing between 17-18mph so just over half the speed of him if he was doing the speed limit, which he would have probably been doing alot less, especially because he was still trying to speed up when he was coming along side me. I did start braking when he was doing the overtake to make it easier for him.
If i do send a letter then it will just be so the driver gets a reminder of how much room a cyclists should be given in an overtake.


At the top of this page it say The UK professional drivers Forum ( not cyclist ) so that driver is hardly going to be on here Dont come on here moaning at us send Morrisons an Email,by the way who do i moan about cyclist too when cyclists undertake me and give me loads of room like i have just given them, dont go through red lights, over zebra crossings when people are crossing, and cycle around in packs blocking the road and putting themselves in danger, oh and actually using the cycle lanes that are provided for them, then you can come on here moaning :smiling_imp:


What a cracking idea …A driver makes a mistake , he most certainly hasn’t done it on purpose . Someone gets ■■■■■■ off and makes an effort to register onto a forum to complain .
Obviously the driver is not a member so that isn’t good enough .
Lets contact morrisons and get him sacked , sacked for a mistake.Mistakes many of us probably make .
No-one got killed , maybe a little shaken but not killed …

Get a life ffs …
Is this going to be the new trend , posting regs and trying to get people sacked for mistakes , mistakes were there was apparent consequences apart from a rattled adoloescent .
Talk about a bunch of [zb] …

Paul, if your goning to reply to a post, at least make an effort to read all replies then to just come on and put a point on that hs been brought up, and that i have already corrected.
Do you not think that a truck should not pass unless he knows it is clear? Ok a car could come out from a side street, but if the truck is far enough over, then should it make the car think he is over taking?
kiwipower i bring up my other point of do you disagree with pictures of trucks at truckfests or accidents or the websites with trucks on because they have number plates on? The truck was one of a large fleet, its not like it was someones private truck where it would just be the one driver. Ok it could have a regular driver but it isnt their own truck. What is sad would be if you see a Morrison truck and you actually look at the number plate to see if it was this one or the of any truck thats ever been on here. :unamused:
The most possible reason is that the driver thought he had gone all the was past me, but hadn’t. He had to slow down the wait to come past me, so he had to speed up again. I wasnt going too slow, doing between 17-18mph so just over half the speed of him if he was doing the speed limit, which he would have probably been doing alot less, especially because he was still trying to speed up when he was coming along side me. I did start braking when he was doing the overtake to make it easier for him.
If i do send a letter then it will just be so the driver gets a reminder of how much room a cyclists should be given in an overtake.


PIctures are factual all we have is your word that this incedent happend it could all be in your mind how will we ever know without PROOF■■?

The most possible reason is we will never know unless the driver gets a cxhance to explain

At the top of this page it say The UK professional drivers Forum ( not cyclist ) so that driver is hardly going to be on here Dont come on here moaning at us send Morrisons an Email,by the way who do i moan about cyclist too when cyclists undertake me and give me loads of room like i have just given them, dont go through red lights, over zebra crossings when people are crossing, and cycle around in packs blocking the road and putting themselves in danger, oh and actually using the cycle lanes that are provided for them, then you can come on here moaning :smiling_imp:

Thats an easy one. Do as i do and tell the cyclist. I have told many cyclists that they shouldnt have done something. If you see a cyclists doing it, get out and tell them. If they go on a cycle forum and complain they will just make themself sound like idiots.
You seem to be stereotyping me with other cyclists. Which you being a truckdriver i would think you wouldnt do. I could easily stereotype you like many other people would do because you driver a truck, but i dont because i know alot better and know right. I’m on a cycle forum thanks, but i have an interest in trucks and the logistics industry and i come on here to keep up to date. It involves a truck so it would be useless to g on a car forum asking about it. It wasnt even like i had joind special for it.
It is not in the highway code that it is law to ride on cycle paths, it has been proposed but turned down for very good reason. I would love for you to go on a cyclepath or use some cycle facilities and see how bad they are. For a cyclepath they should be like the ones in holland, nice and smooth. But they arent, and i wont use them. My rims will be over £100 to replace, i dont want to damage them on some crappy cycle path. Infact i dont think car drivers would be happy if the roads would get into the state most cycle paths are in. (I will wait to see if i get the standed responce to that)
kiwipower you are now talking utter rubbish. I will request a picture of the truck and put it on instead. I’ll leave the number plate on, and just put this truck past me too close. Because that will make a huge difference instead of just typing the number plate in. :unamused:
There could be some CCTV in that area, it was near the park in Burton Joyce on the A612, there i bound to be cameras there. You appear to have enough time to try come back with responces which you think will make ay difference. So if you want proof then when i go through Burton Joyce tomorrow i will look for the CCTV and if i see one i will tell you to go and request the footage. The driver is more then welcome to explain. Am i stopping them?
I do not jump red lights, i let pedestrians go on zebra crossings, i dont undertake anyone, i will cycle around riding 2 abreast if it is safe to do so. The cycle club goes straight into 2 side by side on quiet roads, but when cars are coming we will move into single file to let cars go past. Thats if it is on narrow country lanes. If it is on wide roads then we stay 2 side by side as long as it is quiet. It turns to being just like overtaking a car then.

Please dont tell me im talking rubbish you asked me what the difference was between photos of accidents and you writing the number plate on here. A picture of an accident is a FACTUAL picture. You writing on a forum telling people your version of events is for all we know could be a load of lies (im not saying it is) . Produce a picture of the driver cutting you up then that would be factual would it not?

The british justice system says INOCENT until proved GUILTY yet there seams to be a tendancy for people just to throw up number plates when ever they feal like it and to assume that the driver is guilty without having a chance to put his version of events across. I would have more respect for people if they would just state what had happened without naming a company and number plate.!!

Also why would i go and get evidence for you yopur the one on a personal crusade to ruin this drivers life not me!!!

How come I never have, or have had, a problem with cyclists :question:
I’ve made regular deliveries to central London and most other UK major cities and never had any issues with cyclists.
Either things have changed in the last 3 years,I am unique or I now know what that crunchy metal, squishy sound is as I go over a ‘speed bump’ :open_mouth: :wink: :laughing:

why is someone without a driving licence posting on a professional drivers forum ? maybe we should all register with a cyclist forum and post all the stupid things that cyclists do i bet there server could not handle the extra workload

A site for you Joe…

You’ll have a whale of a time with that.

Do you not think that a truck should not pass unless he knows it is clear?
Whats the point of adding this snippet , it appears to be irrelevant as the obvious answer is any vehicle can’t pass if the road ahead isn’t clear

Ok a car could come out from a side street, but if the truck is far enough over, then should it make the car think he is over taking?
Wait til you get a licence , a vast majority of car drivers go around in a blissful world of sheer ignorance.Encountering an overtaking truck after they have pulled out of a side street even though they shouldn’t have as they have no right of way if the truck is already overtaking gives them another opportunity to press the horn and wave their hands around.
Fact is , a shocking amount of drivers if turning left out of a side street will only look to the right, then pull out before checking the road upto the left is clear and it is safe to pull out
