Photos emerge of happier times in Leeds

Quite topical that you should mention that. There are currently ten religious fruit cakes on trial, in my home town, for murder. (Allegedly) they stopped a four year old girl’s insulin, saying it was unholy and god would cure her.

My quoting Voltaire in respect of CF was very much tongue in cheek and purely because of his significant entertainment value (well, he makes me laugh at any rate); but, isn’t that precisely where we are right now? Legalised lying? And isn’t it all down to the internet and social media?

Conspiracy theorists spreading nonsense all over the place, leading people to avoid the medical profession
Psychopathic/sociopathic nutters thinking it’s acceptable to threaten our democratically elected politicians with “Scarface” style executions - I don’t have affection for The Blue Barron but his wife should not be terrified to open their front door;
Mega-rich/overtly corrupt companies and organizations avoiding the law with off-the-cuff “mission statements” while avoiding the acceptance of their wrongdoing, all the while “fat cat” managers receive bonuses while Joe Public suffers

Where is the accountability? And I’m not talking about hash-tag-cancel-culture having a go at someone because they’ve offended the Alphabet Mafia

And isn’t there a possibility that if societal disruption and degradation isn’t dealt with in it’s earlier stages, then people will end up accepting Draconian measures to put a stop to things which could have been addressed sooner?

Draconian measures such as putting one person in jail for a non-violent offence while someone else who is far more worrying gets a suspended sentence?

Random example of worrying nutter getting off lightly

I know nothing about them apart from what you say, but I hope they chuck the key away, see whatever ‘god’ they believe in helps them with that one.
Living your entire life according to some primitive superstition is up to them, but forcing all that crap on little kids,.making them physically suffer, resulting in their ultimate downfall is unforgivable.
I hope they die a horrible death.

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Yeah ok, another you tube clip, the name checks of Farage in the title, and mentions of Tommy Robinson et all, but just try and ignore that if you are anti of the two, and listen to the rest of the dialogue…accurate or what?

2 marks out of 10 if you label me ‘hypocrite’ for my approval of the anti Khan anti cameras campaign in London on the other thread (I just know a certain one will go for it :smile:) it’s an apples compared with oranges scenario.

My own nephew applied to join the North Wales police, very ordinary lad,fit as a fiddle .Anyway he passed All the tests,he was proud as punch then just before he got his date to start the training he got told was turned down"for personal reasons" . Told that no way can they tell him what it is-this really shattered his confidence

That’s the kind of conversation my kids would say “that’s for inside the house”. Yes many people might not necessarily object to some of the sentiments, but posting on YouTube and name-checking Tommy Robinson puts the same kind of stamp on things as having an “88” tattoo, it limits how seriously people will take you. It takes a lot of intelligence to put across a right-wing view and not look like a 'tard. Marine Le Pen is a lot smarter in how she goes about things.

Even Enoch Powell who was an outstanding intellectual and classical scholar (his own knowledge made his Cambridge lecturers look inadequate as teachers) couldn’t successfully navigate the path of acceptibility, so it would take someone a great deal smarter than Big Nige to carry it off in this day and age.

If even a quarter of EPs Wikipedia page is accurate, you could surmise that if he’d had a big more grit he might very well have been PM in his time.

I love a good laugh…
So, Farage is in the US talking about riots when people don’t get their way and likening this to “the sub continent”.
He is doing this whilst hanging around (instead of doing his new job in the UK) with Trump…who’s followers in the USA rioted when they didn’t get their own way…

And you recognising that you are an awful hypocrite doesn’t mean you aren’t one. Telling a copper you knew you were 30 over the limit does not mean you won’t get a ticket for it!
“Apples and oranges” are you saying those cutting down traffic cameras are all fruits? They might have the same IQ I s’pose?

You didn’t really expect Nige to be slumming it in Clacton did you? The Donald needs all his acolytes around him giving him a big cuddle, after he “took a bullet for democracy” as the papers were saying earlier today

Looks like Nige has took the place of Boris in your latest obsessive no 1 hate figure then Frangers eh?

I would expect nothing more off YOU than to defend our contingent of unruly disrespectful forigners (who more than likely are only lavishing in our hospitality after originating from posing as asylum seekers) …
ie The main core and subject matter, which I note you choose to ignore commenting on, in favour of your usual poor quality sarcasm aimed at me again.:smile:

It’s got to the stage now where I treat most of what you say as an irrelevance, I kinda know what is coming from you, before I finish posting.

STILL clutching yer pearls over those nasty unruly men cutting those cameras down I see…:joy:
You should franchise out your neighbourhood watch that you predictably run. :joy:

Got to add …You of all people commenting adversely on people who ‘did not get their own way’ :flushed:

And where is that?

Was I rioting in the streets and cutting down infrastructure?

Take me Donald, I’m yours

Good Girl Lizzy, do it for the 51st state of the US,
I mean England, of course

“I pledge allegiance to the Bandage of the United States of Donald, and to the Donald for which it stands, one Donald under God, indivisible, with backhanders and bonuses for all Donaldites and b-ugger all for anyone else, except maybe Vladamir, because we like him we do”

Zoom in on Lizzy, pull focus to blur, overlay wiggly lines to show Liz fantasy, overlay cartoon sequence of Lizzy receiving a DP with Donny and Vlad. Overlay vocal track, English, female, posh, “Ooh yeah, you like that huh?..” etc

Ok not actively defending, let’s call it ‘passively’ defending, if that makes sense, by the fact you did not make any comments or criticidm on the outrageous behaviour and conduct, where as most people would…and do.
Especially as you are quick enough to jump and condemn anything you consider wrong done by the likes of Johnson, the Tories in general, and the likes of Farage…plus your usual rubbishing of anything anybody says about illegal immigrants behaviour in general.

:joy: No I can not imagine you actively criticising official policies and laws, let alone rioting.
I think you are more of a guy who would rather write a firm letter to your MP ‘‘giving him a piece of your mind’’.or start a leaflet campaign. :grin:
That would get things done, right ?

Tell ya what…
Given the very unlikely choice of the security of becoming a 51st state of the US, or an active and full member of the EU, I know which way my bread would be buttered on that one. :grin:

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As do I, but I suspect we’re not aligned in our choices.

'murica is like London, ok for a visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.

So are you saying the content shown is fake or not ?.
There’s nothing reputable about a far left hijacked propaganda service predictably claiming the self styled monopoly on information.

It’s being told in the selective way that Tito’s Yugoslav regime would have been proud of.

There was clearly an ethnic conflict angle to the ‘riots’ as reported by the non pro immigration non far left news outlets.
Which is why the law is being applied with double standards.
Obviously that would be viewed as tosh by those with the same far left sympathies as the BBC.

So fake or true Zac ■■.Obviously lot of people there on film who can sue if it’s fake.