Photos emerge of happier times in Leeds

I doubt that you do.

QED then. (Quod Erat Demonstrandum, that’s Latin, it’s not all flat caps and whippets oop 'ere in Yorkshire :wink:)

My point proven

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Translator! Have we got a translator in the house?

So I have far left sympathies do I? That’s news to me, because in actuality, I’m not at all left wing. I suppose you’ll be able to tell me what size boot I wear will you?

News from a video seemingly made by a website designer? You prefer that to the BBC? That speaks volumes…

Or any other source that aligns with his conformation bias. Decide the outcome then find evidence to prove the theory, very scientific.

You doubt that I do eh Frangers ?
Sorry wrong again mate.

The French dislike us, always have historically.
It takes a hell of a lot to offend me, but I remember some graffiti outside a British WW2 cemetery, …
‘‘Take your rubbish back home with you rosbeefs’’ .:flushed:
Yep irrational because of an isolated incident, and a twisted individual, but my opinion of the French went right down to rock bottom after I saw that.
I feel more akin to an American than I could ever to a Frenchman.

I used to work for the Belgians, I prefer them.

I used to work for the Dutch, the firm was crap, but on the whole the Dutch are nice people, and I married a Dutch girl.

Modern history tells us we can always rely on the US in dire situations…not so much the Europeans.

As I said, if given a choice of allegiances, the US every time for me rather than Europa.

All the American haters should remember we would all be shouting ‘Sieg Heil’ for last 80 years if they had not stepped in.

(As Basil once said…‘‘I mentioned the war once but I think I got away with it’’ . :joy: )

And there was me thinking that you thought Blair was wrong about Iraq.

Nice to agree.

Yep,.I did think Blair was wrong about Iraq if you want to go down that road.
I aint fully convinced he was lying though, maybe he and Bush did actuslly believe there were WMDs…or am I being naive here?..who knows.
Anyway bottom line was shoulder to shoulder as usual,.and as in modern history.
While I have my serious head on btw :smiley:…
Trump has made some ambiguous and quite alarming comments about NATO, and me as a non political member of the great plebian unwashed (as ‘‘they’’ in authority see us) aint sure of his personal views and opinion of the so called ‘Special Relationship’'.
So despite what I have said on here (with my tongue in my cheek and on a usual wind up :face_with_hand_over_mouth:) I am a bit unsure of the future under Donald in terms of peace, the Ukraine scenario…and is he a fan of the Labour Party

(There ya gan Frangers , I can do ‘grown up’ like you, when I can be arsed. :smiley: …mebbys wont last though, not as much fun on here.:joy: )

WW2 was a complicated situation.Vichy French v Free French and Brits.Like Mers Al Kabir and the Vichy French reprisals against us in North Africa.In which they fought a lot better and harder against us than they did against the Germans.
There was also large Communist forces in France and Italy that only allied with us for convenience.Also which allied and aligned themselves with Russian forces and leadership during and after WW2.
In which our forces then got caught in the middle of a three way fight between Italian Communists allied with Yugoslav Communists v Italian Nationalists ( not to be confused with Italian Nazis who were defeated by that point ).
Also American forces fighting against their own ancestral German and Italian relatives sometimes even against other US nationals who’d returned home to fight for the German or Italian Nazis.
There were also German foreign regiments made up of Brit, French and Dutch.
As for me I’d happily have voted with those those who’d done their bit then decided to claim asylum in Switzerland and eventual Swiss citizenship.