Photos emerge of happier times in Leeds

:smile: Iā€™ve shown my kids episodes of Love Thy Neighbour from Youtube, they were surprised that it could ever have been allowed on TV, but certainly not ā€œoffendedā€ (as they are expected to feel).

Ironically, according to Rudolph Walker, the Afro-Carribean community have said they felt this was their programme and not offensive at all. Happier days indeedā€¦

Not so happy last night, riots in Harehills, double decker bus reduced to ash and metal, a police car rusty side up (on itā€™s roof)

"Violence sparked by local authority care workers removing children from an address" is whatā€™s reported on the BBC website.

Must have sent in the SWAT team of Social Services :smile:

That isnā€™t the scenario stated elsewhere.Along the lines of travellers v Islamists.

The days when you had to ask for a proper straight pint glass for the beer.

Yep ā€˜Love thy neighbourā€™ :smile:ā€¦ same here, my daughter was gobsmacked when I showed her an episode on you tube, and the names for each other that were branded about.
Thing is though it was always the black guy that came out on top and the white guy who was made to look stupid,.the critics fail to see that.

Go on then, give us links to your ā€œelsewhereā€ sources.
Me, Iā€™ll go with the major, bona fide news outlets

Up in the swanky wine bars of Kings Road?

I didnā€™t imagine you were averse to a pint of mild with a handle, but you learn something every day.

Maybe if they still showed Love thy neighbour things be different and we all get on in a comical way.

Itā€™s very dated now and wasnā€™t particularly funny the first time round.

I would have Carryfast down as the type of guy to have his own personal engraved old style tankard behind the bar.:smile:

I thought heā€™d be more a ā€œIā€™ll have a half.ā€ :rofl:

Heā€™d be out with his dipstick measuring the froth to make sure he got his full whack.

More likely to have a pewter tankard with all his qualifications engraved on the side-be a small tankard :joy:

Nope just expected to be drinking with our elders at lunch time at the age of 16 had to actually be told the difference when struggling with those heavy glass jars in each hand.Now even seeing a jar type beer glass is a rarity if ever.

To be fair most of us also recognised the false double meanings in the script and why the immigrant community actually preferred to be here than at home.

Admittedly now seems like Roma ā€˜andā€™ Islamists.Not travellers v Islamists.
Didnā€™t realise that we were already in a state of only the approved BBC Pravda line applies ā€¦yet.
Iā€™ll stay with GB news and Jeff Taylor among others thanks.
Either way it seems the law did a runner and at least one law car and a bus were casualties of just another day in the Socialist State of the UK.

Soā€¦ no actual links to anything?

Jeff Taylor! :rofl:

According to him by now the EU is finished (several times over) Sweden is in civil war,and so too is Poland, Dutch government has collapsed, the UK has told the EU about how things will work in the future etc etc.