Photos emerge of happier times in Leeds

Iā€™m not wasting time on stupid Youtube videos by some no mark, I wanted links to a bona fide report from a bona fide news outlet

So youā€™re saying that the video and the description of what actually happened are all fake unless it comes from BBC Pravda HQ.

IF that video IS accurate and true, and not edited to create an agenda, (no reason to believe otherwise btw) the Police should hang their heads in shame.

Political correctness and fear of offending certain groups, taking precedence over actual law and orderā€¦aka their sole reason to be.

An absolute and utter disgrace, and a sad indictment of how bad this country has become over the years.

My fear is it will only get worse under a Labour governmentā€¦unless of course Starmer actually IS the ā€˜genuine blokeā€™ with genuine principles as how he tries to come across.
Time will tell.

An opinion and point of view shared by many people today.
But heyā€¦they are just poor refugees, who enrich our society, itā€™s all exaggerated and nothing at all to.worry about.

few years back i saw 2 coppers catch a little lad on the street couldnt have been more than 4 or 5 years old they were like animals.Iv Always regretted not stepping in to help him . My guess is the Leeds riot started out like that

I aint the biggest fan of the Police, but itā€™s the woke, pc, lefty orientated higher echelons of the force to blame, not the guys on the ground, who have to do as they are told.
Itā€™s the pathetic ones in charge, protecting their career and vast pensions, who pander to the minority of the population, the minority thinkers who actually rule the roost.
They are too intent on not offending certain groups as a priority, rather than doing the job they are supposed to.
I personally would like to go back to the days of the SPG who took zero sh off anybodyā€¦those guys did the jobā€¦but ooh we could never have that again, the mamby pamby approach works much betterā€¦aye right.

(Got to say though I find it a bit hard to believe they were heavy handedā€¦with a 4 year old. :flushed: )

They have no problems offending motorists and truckers for minor offences though I notice.:grin:

The Harehills ā€˜riotsā€™ kicked off with social workers taking (or trying to take) some children into care . Damned if they do, damned if they donā€™t.
Mr Carryfast does talk some absolute tosh.

Maybe the rioters would have preferred it if the social services left the kids to be abused then :roll_eyes:

I canā€™t help thinking there is something not being told here.

Iā€™m saying that I take my news from reputable sources, not social media.
You can look at Youtube as much as you want, but you should at least be aware of how it makes you look

Somebody else not afraid to speak their mind,.say wgat a lot of others think, and call a spade a spadeā€¦(note to the delicate and easily offended that was an unfortunate turn of phrase on reflection, and not meant in the context of a 70s style slur on race or colour) ā€¦
Phew think I got away with it,.although I can hear the outraged sharp intakes of breath from here from the usual few.:joy:

Iā€™m sure sheā€™s making bags from her channel, her true motive, but I somehow feel drawn and attracted to herā€¦((in a non 5exual way.)
Although on the other hand.:joy:

Each to their own, but I wouldnā€™t give a minute of my time to someone Wikipedia describes as:
Katie Olivia Hopkins (born 13 February 1975)[1][2] is an English media personality, far-right[3] political commentator, conspiracy theorist,[4]

EDIT: No pearls were clutched nor sharp intakes of breath made in the making of this post.

Ok, not pc, not mainstream, but for entertainment value?

I dare not put the one on here about Jay Slater itā€™s content would be too shocking for some lettuce leaves on here.:joy:

Inappropriate. yep.

Saying what a lot of people are thinking (rightly or wrongly) ?. yep.

Bloody funny? Definitely if you have a warped soh like me.
Search it on you tube if you can be arsedā€¦you know you want to.:joy:

Btw the term ā€˜conspiracy theoristā€™ in itā€™s true form is a non definite, itā€™s an (open) opinion shared by some but not othersā€¦but I know you know that.

Some things can be relied upon to never change.

Depends on your definition of ā€œentertainmentā€. Narcissistic ā€œTalking Headsā€ (NB Iā€™m not talking about the very fine band featuring David Byrne) on YouTube donā€™t cut it for me, I have no patience with them. In fact, I have decreasing patience with the world in general, but Iā€™ve reached the age where itā€™s expected (Victor Meldrew is a God to me :joy: )

Iā€™ll worry the day he posts something and I think ā€œYeah, totally agree with all of thatā€¦ā€ :rofl:

However, as a firm believer in free speech, I agree with what Voltaire might have said our TN colleague:
ā€œI disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.ā€

My mantra too, but not when it comes to misinformation or outright untruths.

I donā€™t know if you guys have had it in Oz, but in the UK thereā€™s be a tendency towards ā€œcare in the communityā€ , and internet access is probably included :joy:

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If free speech includes the right to tell lies where do we end up?

Libel and slander would no longer be crimes.
Lies that result in riots would be legal and not incitement.
Lies and the freedom to believe in weird religious stuff results in ignoring proven medicine and innocents dying.

Let the manipulators spread their untruths, and it is not only the victims of those lies who suffer.