Petrol strike to leave motorists without fuel

I see from this thread that all the adults have left the forum and only children seem to be left.

Look at you all, pathetic…

steve the argonaut:
I see from this thread that all the adults have left the forum and only children seem to be left.

Look at you all, pathetic…

Yeah meanwhile your “contribution” is a BIG FAT ZERO! (as usual)

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

your all working long hours,your wage looks good on top but when the hours are taken it is a crap wage for the job good luck to the tanker men,there are to many on here thinking like management and why a decent wage rise canot be paid , a sleeper cab, a couple of air horns, and its yes boss ill do eighty hours ,poa,s dont make me laugh

Great this is what we need, a combined front of the transport industry campaigning for fair wages for the job/lower fuel taxation. Its bound to get support from the public and promote the industry and its workers, good work tanker boys and your 13% demand.

On the downside, forget the support from nurses police and any of the services, oh and public sector workers so I suppose also privately employed workers with national wage increases across the board less than 2.5%. Public support for the transport industry will be killed, the labour spin doctors will kick us in to touch before we start thanks IMO io a bunch of greedy merchant tankers!! :imp:

13% pay rise are you having a laugh 6 % offered is generous in today’s market, or is it because profits are up for the company you feel you want your cut. Why not stick it on the bottom line for the consumer £36K with overtime my heart bleeds for you all. last Hoyer tanker I ever let out or move forward in a layby for:evil: :imp: :imp:

And curse you all for making me agree with ROBK for once!! :imp: :imp: :wink:

N2N Transport:
And curse you all for making me agree with ROBK for once!! :imp: :imp: :wink:


Hey, it happens to you all! Back in 2003 it me Jim (Kitkat) that I used to regularly argue with on here - now we’re best mates!

Then it was Malc (Wheel Nut) who’s now come round to my way of thinking :stuck_out_tongue: and more recently it’s Steve (biggusdickus) :stuck_out_tongue: and now you! :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Welcome to my fan club !! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Rob K:

N2N Transport:
And curse you all for making me agree with ROBK for once!! :imp: :imp: :wink:


Hey, it happens to you all! Back in 2003 it me Jim (Kitkat) that I used to regularly argue with on here - now we’re best mates!

Then it was Malc (Wheel Nut) who’s now come round to my way of thinking :stuck_out_tongue: and more recently it’s Steve (biggusdickus) :stuck_out_tongue: and now you! :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Welcome to my fan club !! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It seems that Rob is reet a’gen but at least wi im it’s cos we talk same lingo :wink:

Man takes his sick cat to the vets, the vet says"ey up ar kid whats up?".Man says “Aw…its arr cat- he’s actin’ a bit flummoxed like,thought i’d better 'ave 'im looked at.“Vet says is is a tom?” man says naaa lad, I brought it wi 'me!”


Wheel Nut:

Man takes his sick cat to the vets, the vet says"ey up ar kid whats up?".Man says “Aw…its arr cat- he’s actin’ a bit flummoxed like,thought i’d better 'ave 'im looked at.“Vet says is is a tom?” man says naaa lad, I brought it wi 'me!”


:laughing: Old uns are t’best! Haven’t heard that for years! :smiley:

Man I would love to take that kind of salary home we have just negotiated a 4% rise in wage which we think is good taking me to about £400.00 p.w

Boys you dont know when you’ve got it good :angry: :angry: :angry:

your all working long hours,your wage looks good on top but when the hours are taken it is a crap wage for the job good luck to the tanker men,there are to many on here thinking like management and why a decent wage rise canot be paid , a sleeper cab, a couple of air horns, and its yes boss ill do eighty hours ,poa,s dont make me laugh

I agree with that.
I do a lot of hours and it dosn’t bother me. But if i narrow it down to an hourly rate it’s not good. When i look at some of the comments on here i’m doing alright. But why are tanker drivers looked at in a different light than the rest of us. We all do the same job with different trailers.

[ But why are tanker drivers looked at in a different light than the rest of us. We all do the same job with different trailers.

And that’s 1 of the few thing’s that is the same in this job, as i have said before this is nothing like what I have done before.

I thought probably like you when I was on general haulage, ( why are they paid more ) I never knew the procedure’s of Loading the tanker’s, I never really understood all the dangers, apart from the obvious , I didn’t even know they contained 6 self contained pot’s, which you load with the required fuel (s) via an accuload system, ( look’s a little similar to how they load fuel on to the formula 1 cars apart from being suspended by a feeding arm )

Then there is the unloading procedure’s… so much that can go wrong, so many things to check before delivery can commence … and alway’s fearing a crossover or faulty receiving tank guage’s.

I thought great when i eventually got the job, like you do when you leave 1 job for another for better money. my old man said " you don’t get paid that money without reason " i now know what he mean’s.

But I can say what ever i like on here, you can either believe me or just think what you will… at the end of the day it’s the job i wanted to do, it’s the one I’ve got and IF we get a payrise great, if we get the £36000 being asked for which put’s in line with Bp & texaco drivers then even better. What ever happen’s it doesn’t make me a better or worse person than anyone else who post’s on here.

Unite urges Shell “stop sitting on your hands” over tanker drivers’ dispute

10 June 2008

Unite the union today urged oil giants Shell to stop sitting on its hands and act to avert the four day strike by tanker drivers set to begin this Friday, June 13th, 2008.

Unite assistant general secretary Len McCluskey said today (Tuesday): "Only Shell sets the terms of this contract and only it can solve this dispute. This is one of the most profitable companies on earth and it now needs to provide the financial flexibility to avert this dispute.

"It is no use Shell bosses, who have themselves enjoyed 15 per cent plus pay increases in the last year, sitting on their hands. They have 72 hours to start focusing on avoiding the disruption this will cause to the general public who are already mindful of the staggering profits Shell rakes in.

"Shell tanker drivers are earning exactly the same today as they were fifteen years ago while working for a company that makes £1.3 billion every month, profits our members’ hard work helps deliver. So Unite is saying to Shell bosses, stop hiding behind your sub-contractor and help us sort out a solution.

“This dispute could be settled for less than £1 million, an amount that would not put even the slightest dent in Shell profits,” Mr McCluskey said.

The union is holding talks with Shell’s contractor at ACAS this week in a bid to reach a settlement.

] Unite says that Shell tanker drivers today earn a basic wage of just under £32,000 per year for a 48-hour working week. In 1992, a typical tanker driver directly employed by Shell earned approximately £32,000 per year for a 37-hour week. Shell’s board members typically received a 16 percent increase in their pay packets last year.

Tanker drivers employed on the Shell contract, and members of Unite, are set to take strike action from the first shift on Friday, June 13th, 2008 until the end of shift on Monday June 16th, 2008. The strike will hit fourteen terminals across the mainland UK

They must be panick buying in felixstowe town…the coop garage(think its esso)there was a queue back to the roundabout and the garage was full…all because there was a paper billboard outside advertising about the tanker strike…

Its lovely when theres a good debate going on, although rob will say its an argument…ha ha .
Remember years ago, when nearly ALL tanker drivers were employed directly by the oil companies. You couldnt get on the tankers unless you had a family member working there. They then thought at the time they were paying excessive wages (one of the highest in the industry) and started looking for early retirements, and making the others redundant. Most of these, after collecting a very large pay off, left the firm on friday, and started with a new one on Monday, albeit with less wages. Shell announced they had made a huge amount of profit last year of billions…so yes they can afford to pay at least the same rate as other companies are paying. GOOD LUCK TO THEM…
We all have to admit that no one deserves a lower wage for driving the same vehicle, and that happens in general haulage, some are on £25,000, and others on over £30 grand, why ?/ because of the area they live/work. Is a loaf of bread any more cheaper in manchester/birmingham/london. There is not a lot of difference, but house prices are, so does the answer lie there.
I can buy a 4 bedroomed house in these areas, for what it costs for a 2 bed flat in london. Who sets the prices of property ■■..A big car, will cost more than a small car, so why should houses differ.
And its the same with the industry we work in, there should be a minimum wage for our profession, not the minimum wage that is relied upon by many bosses in order to pay their drivers.
A driver said that he spent 4 weeks training for that particular job (not his HGV licence) but for his specialist field. A lot of other drivers have spent time on various training courses, such as ADR, because its needed in order to fulfill a particular job, so when someone said it took 3 years to train as an interpreter, and then works in this industry to increase his income, because interpreters dont earn enough, shouldnt throw stones at glass houses.
All drivers would love 13%, we can only have what our employers can afford, and unlike civil servants, the money is easily found by increasing Council tax, to pay for their rises, my wife gets an annual pay rise of £2000 as a teacher, i wish i could have that, but hauliers cannot increase their rates just because drivers want a pay rise, unless of course it was a national industry, the public mugs pay for.

Rob K:

N2N Transport:
And curse you all for making me agree with ROBK for once!! :imp: :imp: :wink:


Hey, it happens to you all! Back in 2003 it me Jim (Kitkat) that I used to regularly argue with on here - now we’re best mates!

Then it was Malc (Wheel Nut) who’s now come round to my way of thinking :stuck_out_tongue: and more recently it’s Steve (biggusdickus) :stuck_out_tongue: and now you! :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Welcome to my fan club !! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i’ve got an excuse, i’ve been ill, but i will get better :laughing:

it is interesting to follow this debate,i.e. greedy fuel hauliers Vs rest of general transport.
Dejavu in Australia.
Wasn’t too long ago petrol/avgas etc truckers were the same,best of the best,highest paid,strike at the drop of a hat etc.
Oil companies contracted out their petrol haulage.
Now,have ads as evidence,"Want to drive PETROL TANKERS?BE SEEN AS THE TOP GUN?
No need for experience in driving a truck,we will train you ,in 6 months be driving a semi trailer and making $26.00 p/hr as a petrol/gas/avgas driver!!!

It is so sick that it isn’t a joke.
$26.00 p/hr on rotating shifts with no overtime or penalties.General labourer at a DC with no skill is on $28.00 p/hr day shift.

Wonder why I won’t go near DG work.

28 Australian dollars. That’s £13.66.
Any restrictions on hours over there?

Well its nice to see the union’s are out in force for the poor old tanker drivers as usual.
Wonder if they would be so out in force if it was a general haulage company!
No i don’t think so.
Tony Woodley shouting on Sky about its Shell’s problem,what a load of ■■■■■■■■!,Hoyer have took the job on at a contract price,Shell pay them to do the job,can’t see why its Shell’s problem myself,its between Hoyer and their driver’s from what i can see.
Frankly you’ve got no chance of getting what you want,we’d all like a rise like that but get in the real world,it won’t happen.

Well its nice to see the union’s are out in force for the poor old tanker drivers as usual.
Wonder if they would be so out in force if it was a general haulage company!
No i don’t think so.
Tony Woodley shouting on Sky about its Shell’s problem,what a load of ■■■■■■■■!,Hoyer have took the job on at a contract price,Shell pay them to do the job,can’t see why its Shell’s problem myself,its between Hoyer and their driver’s from what i can see.
Frankly you’ve got no chance of getting what you want,we’d all like a rise like that but get in the real world,it won’t happen.

They should sack them all and get the Swiss Rolls behind the wheels for £1.50 hour. That’d also solve all the “we should strike/petition/blockade to make the Government do something” arguments too, because the Government would have to do something as all the filling stations would be dry due to all the tankers being on their roofs in ditches. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Man I would love to take that kind of salary home we have just negotiated a 4% rise in wage which we think is good taking me to about £400.00 p.w

Boys you dont know when you’ve got it good :angry: :angry: :angry:

Says it all for me about the working mans attitude to others pay negotiations.

Because I’ve got a poor wage why should you try to get a better one.


But why are tanker drivers looked at in a different light than the rest of us. We all do the same job with different trailers.

Jealousy maybe, of the wages that they are on?


Stan wrote

Says it all for me about the working mans attitude to others pay negotiations.

Because I’ve got a poor wage why should you try to get a better one.

It’s got nothing to do with the working man’s attitude - or anyone elses attitude for that matter!

13% is a ridiculous and silly “demand” at the best of times!

The only reason Unite are behind this at the moment, is because it’s good publicity/news coverage for THEM in the current world fuel crisis - not the striking drivers!

For a number of years now the “national annual increase” in wages has been 3 to 3 and a half percent.
The T&G and Amicus - before they joined forces - not only independently accepted this for years, they happily advocated and negotiated it on behalf of their members - successfully and many times unsuccessfully!

Unite are not guiding the Hoyer drivers responsibly and correctly at the moment.
The Hoyer drivers definitely have a good case, as they’ve been behind other fuel tanker drivers’ earnings for a number of years now.
But in the current political climate and current world fuel crisis situation, they should take the well over the national average 6% they’ve been offered and come back at a later time for the other 7%.

One thing that’s absolutely definite - they won’t get a whopping 13% from immediate effect or any time soon!
Any decent Union looking after the “working man” could tell them that!