Petrol strike to leave motorists without fuel

A walkout by 650 drivers would again strand motorists in many parts of the country without fuel. It comes weeks after the Grangemouth refinery dispute, which hit forecourts in the North.

This latest dispute could affect 1,000 forecourts, as well as several hundred industrial outlets.
The drivers, who supply the vast majority of Shell forecourts, are calling for a pay rise of 13 per cent. The company, Hoyer UK, has offered 6 per cent.

A vote last week resulted in the drivers voting overwhelmingly for industrial action. A last-ditch meeting to try to resolve a strike is scheduled for tomorrow. But the gap between employees and Hoyer, who are contractors for Shell, is so large that a resolution seems unlikely. Company sources said they were “shocked” by the level of the pay demand.

Hoyer says its 6 per cent offer would see the average driver’s £36,000 salary rise to £38,500. The union is calling for a minimum wage for all drivers of £36,000.
One source from the union Unite, which represents the drivers, said its members had the capacity to seriously disrupt supply of petrol. There is also the threat of secondary picketing which means other petrol stations could be affected.

The source said: “This will bring petrol forecourts to a halt and picket lines will not be crossed.”
Union officials had hoped that Shell would give Hoyer “room to manoeuvre”. But they admitted that more money was unlikely to be made available and that strike action was inevitable.

If the meeting fails to resolve the dispute then the walk-out could be as early as this week, or the beginning of next week.
A spokesman for Hoyer said: “We remain hopeful that this can be resolved, and in particularly that the union will engage. This offer, which is way above inflation, is a no strings offer and one that we think is generous. The offer would take the average to £38,500.”
Hoyer’s drivers work out of terminals across mainland Britain delivering to petrol stations and other outlets.

The company contracts out about 530 drivers to Shell and another 130 drivers are employed on a similar contract to supply other retailers.
Ron Webb, Unite’s national officer, who said last week that food price rises and the spiralling cost of living should be reflected in the salaries, attacked Shell’s “stratospheric profits”.
Tony Woodley, the union’s joint general secretary, described the level of profits in the oil industry as “obscene”.

Earlier this year Shell reported annual profits of £13.9 billion, a record for a UK-listed company. Much of the rise has been attributed to increased oil prices.
The Government is under pressure from Unite to levy a windfall tax on the oil companies, but the Treasury is likely to rule out the measure.
Last week, Alistair Darling, the Chancellor, gave his strongest hint that he will postpone the planned 2p rise in fuel duty.…hout-fuel.html


Wasn’t there a call recently to boycott all Esso/Shell stations? - maybe this is a good opportunity to do so, and to continue afterwards of course.

If anybody posts that spam email for the fuel boycott …

Ah yes, that’s where I saw it…

I liked the bit about the company being shocked by the pay demand. Don’t they think the working man has been shocked by the rise in fuel prices, food and domestic heating bills?

i dont now quite how the company got £36000 as the average wage the basic wage is about £31800 so there,s quite a lot of ot to get to the average. the company were shocked by the demand they have know about it for six or seven months now. thier 6% sounds quite good until you really look at it eg one extra days holiday for worker with over 5 years service .well that one gets cancelled out at kingsbury were most of the staff were taken on when buncefield went bang there is not much on the basic next year there will be the 10 hrs nights coming in and we will lose ten hours a week i could go on but won’t i hope it does not go to strike action but that is for the company and the union to decide

We all feel sorry for people who have to resort to strike action, we all have bills to pay, but GOOD LUCK to them . For too long this government, and previous governments, and bosses, have ignored the basic facts of a drivers life, and that is to have a basic standard of living. Drivers have never been a greedy lot, and have put up, and been put upon for far too long. What is OBSCENE however, is the fact that the government, awarded themselves £100.000, a year wages, have recently asked for a pay rise of £35,000…fat cat bosses earn more in bonuses (for failing the industries they work for), and turn their noses up, and deny us a decent living wage. If any government minister, should have the good fortune to read this site, and this blog, please be aware, that the fight is just beginning, and be afraid…very, very afraid…because a fight back in the past, has brought governments to their knees…MR BROWN…are you listening.

Im sure the lads where I used to work would love a 6 per cent rise, I was made redundant from there two months ago along with 15 others and now the pathetic 2 and a half per cent rise promised has been withdrawn so no rise for them at all :frowning:

Place I used to work did the same, offered 2.5%, it was declined so they said right sod it, you’re getting nothing, it will be reviewed again in 6 months. Served them right. I then left there.

I’d love a 6% pay rise, how many places offer that?!

Greedy tanker drivers, tossers, be grateful for what you have been offered, if we all walked out because we couldn’t have a 13% pay rise the country would stop! And yes, if all the DHL drivers walked out, the country probably would stop! I for one would not support the tanker drivers for a 13% rise.

“tossers” so its down to personal insults is it have you got nothing intelligent to say. you may be happy with 6% why should we settle for less than half we asked for.

Why should you be greedy and ask for 13% in the first place? What makes you so special? Whooppee tanker trained, I could pay and go on that course if I wanted to, so could any other artic driver, big deal. There are people on this site earning half your wages, be grateful for what you have got!
You should settle for “half of what you asked for” because 6% is more than double the national average! Does that mean ever worker in this country should ask for more than 4 times the national average pay rise? Then what would happen…?

so why dont you do the course ? what is it that you dont like about tanker drivers ? you seem very angry

We all feel sorry for people who have to resort to strike action, we all have bills to pay, but GOOD LUCK to them . For too long this government, and previous governments, and bosses, have ignored the basic facts of a drivers life, and that is to have a basic standard of living. Drivers have never been a greedy lot, and have put up, and been put upon for far too long. What is OBSCENE however, is the fact that the government, awarded themselves £100.000, a year wages, have recently asked for a pay rise of £35,000…fat cat bosses earn more in bonuses (for failing the industries they work for), and turn their noses up, and deny us a decent living wage. If any government minister, should have the good fortune to read this site, and this blog, please be aware, that the fight is just beginning, and be afraid…very, very afraid…because a fight back in the past, has brought governments to their knees…MR BROWN…are you listening.

Change the record Bob. :unamused: You’ve been around long enough to know that it’ll never happen no matter how much you try and “talk” people into it…

Why should you be greedy and ask for 13% in the first place? What makes you so special? Whooppee tanker trained, I could pay and go on that course if I wanted to, so could any other artic driver, big deal. There are people on this site earning half your wages, be grateful for what you have got!
You should settle for “half of what you asked for” because 6% is more than double the national average! Does that mean ever worker in this country should ask for more than 4 times the national average pay rise? Then what would happen…?

I agree with every word Ronaldo - well said!

I’m all for fellow drivers fighting for a decent, if not ■■■■ good wage - but an increase of 13% is is totally unrealistic and frankly downright greedy.

You’ve got to laugh at these guys - some of them (they know who they are) worked at BP in Grangemouth during the fuel strike in September 2000.
Did they show any empathy towards the unpaid striking drivers and owner/drivers back then? Did they hell! They took all the overtime going! Word has it they’re looking for all the support they can get now…

I’m totally against haulage companies being sub-contracted in to do striking drivers work and driving through picket lines.
But if Shell need their fuel delivered - they’ll get it delivered somehow!
In Scotland alone they won’t need to look too far to find a haulage company to do it for them; Yuill & Dodds would happily deliver for them, and their drivers would cross any picket line to do it. They crossed the Tesco picket lines two years ago - they have a long history of crossing picket lines. They are not the only ones.
Elsewhere in the UK there are plenty of haulage companies - and drivers they’ve employed - who will deliver for them crossing picket lines (there won’t be any sympathy or sentimentality shown towards drivers who already earn £36000 per annum).

It’s all wrong - but that is fast the way this industry’s heading!

The Hoyer drivers should seriously think about what they’re doing. Their “demands” are ridiculously unrealistic and it could cost them their jobs.

how many more times, we do not earn £36000 per year not without a lot of overtime

how many more times, we do not earn £36000 per year not without a lot of overtime

Tell me please “what a lot of overtime” in your job is, on a weekly basis.

we do not do overtime on our normal shifts because we are on twelve hour we have to work our days off to get extra pay.we get paid normal hourly rate for weekdays and time and a half for weekends. hope this helps

Wish I could earn anything near that with any amount of overtime !

so why dont you do the course ? what is it that you dont like about tanker drivers ? you seem very angry

A few reasons I don’t want to do the course. Firstly I don’t live anywhere near a fuel depot, I live near Manchester, on the Pennines side. I drive 23 miles to work one way as it is.
Secondly I am happy in my job, money isn’t everything.

I don’t like the fact they are demanding (media word, not mine) a totally unrealistic THIRTEEN PERCENT pay rise!! I am not interested in what you earn or what overtime is/not available to you, or working your days off. I wouldn’t walk into the office, ask for a 13% rise, then try to justify it by saying “Why should I accept less than half of what I asked for?”. If I asked for a 13% rise, I know what my director’s answer will be after he had got up off the floor laughing. Our union rep would react the same I think.

You get a 13% rise and who pays for it? Shell pass it down the line straight to the pumps…
Don’t you think the fuel situation is bad enough at the moment without you adding to the problem??

Hello, this is planet earth calling, is there anybody in…■■?

I’m totally against haulage companies being sub-contracted in to do striking drivers work and driving through picket lines.
But if Shell need their fuel delivered - they’ll get it delivered somehow!
In Scotland alone they won’t need to look too far to find a haulage company to do it for them; Yuill & Dodds would happily deliver for them, and their drivers would cross any picket line to do it. They crossed the Tesco picket lines two years ago - they have a long history of crossing picket lines. They are not the only ones.
Elsewhere in the UK there are plenty of haulage companies - and drivers they’ve employed - who will deliver for them crossing picket lines (there won’t be any sympathy or sentimentality shown towards drivers who already earn £36000 per annum).

It’s all wrong - but that is fast the way this industry’s heading!

Yuill and Dodds expertise in breaking strikes and crossing picket lines might have worked when they are carrying fairy cakes and kitchen rolls for Tesco or when running coal & coke into Ravenscraig.

To suggest that Y&D could take over fuel distribution in Scotland is daft, they dont have the equipment, the drivers are not trained and it is a hazardous environment to have wild west tipper drivers running loose.

The terrorist at the refinery gate would be more welcome.