Petrol strike to leave motorists without fuel

Wheel Nut wrote

Yuill and Dodds expertise in breaking strikes and crossing picket lines might have worked when they are carrying fairy cakes and kitchen rolls for Tesco or when running coal & coke into Ravenscraig.

To suggest that Y&D could take over fuel distribution in Scotland is daft, they dont have the equipment, the drivers are not trained and it is a hazardous environment to have wild west tipper drivers running loose.

You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about.

Wheel Nut wrote

Yuill and Dodds expertise in breaking strikes and crossing picket lines might have worked when they are carrying fairy cakes and kitchen rolls for Tesco or when running coal & coke into Ravenscraig.

To suggest that Y&D could take over fuel distribution in Scotland is daft, they dont have the equipment, the drivers are not trained and it is a hazardous environment to have wild west tipper drivers running loose.

You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about.

I am more intrigued as to why you think Yuill and Dodds drivers can become tanker drivers overnight

ROB…your absolutely right…sorry mate i should have realised, after reading some of these posts, that i really am living in cloud cuckoo land…

[ I am not interested in what you earn or what overtime is/not available to you, or working your days off.

why call us tossers and greedy if your not interested
what planet are you on■■?

The union is calling for a minimum wage for all drivers of £36,000.

Does Unite mean it is calling for a minimum wage for all drivers of £36000?

That would be a union doing something worthwhile for a change …

… but then again there’s words and there’s actions.


Greedy tanker drivers, tossers, be grateful for what you have been offered …

You should never be grateful for what you’ve been offered - just thankful for what you can get.


[ I am not interested in what you earn or what overtime is/not available to you, or working your days off.

why call us tossers and greedy if your not interested
what planet are you on■■?

(zb). Can’t you read or understand basic English? Do I have to explain and draw diagrams to get through to the neanderthal left wing tanker driver■■?
“Tossers (I was being polite) and greedy” for demanding a ludicrous thirteen percent pay increase.
I am not interested in what you currently earn, your overtime or days off.
Is that clear?

I am on planet earth. I have shown that by not going into my office with an out-of-date-by-30-years-labour-attitude and demanding a 13% pay rise, threatening with strike.

Not carrying this ‘conversation’ on any more, I have made my point. I hope you get nothing for a pay rise and if my union calls me out on strike to support you they will get 2 proverbial fingers. I’ll cross the picket line if they need a driver.

personal attck removed mm

what a strange thread, obviously someone has been overcome by solvent fumes :wink:

I fully agree with ronaldo!

I worked at a place where new(ish) staff were called pool staff but were doing exactly the same job as someone else, but were paid a lot less, when one of thje lower paid needed help from union and the longer employed members he was ignored but when the older employees were threatened with redundancy you guessed it they wanted everyone to support them.

the tanker drivers if they do strike for this payrise and either raise the cost of fuel by there being a shortage or because they get what they want better start watching over their shoulders cos there will be a load of very unhappy folk about… it won,t be a jealousy factor either it will be because the added costs will be passed on to the end user who is already struggling.

what chance as any fuel protest cost, to bring the costs down with the drivers demanding this type of pay rise??

Surely if the hoyer drivers chose to go on strike shells answer to that will be either locate and if necesary instruct more drivers or lose a very large contract, to other large pet hauliers, stillers for example. is it not the case that if you have the right to strike you have the right to be sacked also… 13% is a ludicrous amount to ask for and you must kow that you stand no chance of getting it.

With the price of oil hitting $139 a barrel this morning and set to hit an unbelievable $150 a barrel by the end of July, vehicle owners throughout the world will soon need to stick friggin’ porridge in their tanks to actually make it to a filling station!

:imp: :imp:

Is the porridge with salt and not sugar?

as dogface has already stated, we do not get £36000 a year!!! it is £31815 pa on a rolling shift pattern day’s nights weekend’s & bank holidays.

I do not know how they get the larger figure, and as for overtime personally the working week is long enough…I still can’t work out I can squeeze in working a rest day even if i wanted to?

We are routed 10hours 50 a day with checks this is 11.15 then add your break it’s a basic 12hour day. And there is no waiting around poa etc every delivery is time sensative… +20mins loading at terminal and 40minutes unloading at site… mileage averaging between 400 - 600k you feel like you are chasing your arse all day…

Yes it is a good wage, and yes I to thought it was greedy when hearing the ammount being asked for when I started my training.

BUT I tell you now this job is not EASY, compared to what I did at Salvesen’s on general haulage, that was a piece of cake. ( £27000 pa ) I had know idea what was involved with being a Tanker Driver Technician, it’s not just come get your keys and go! there realy is a lot lot more to it, not forgetting how dangerous and how much responsibilty goes with the job.

Then you add that to what the the other Fuel hauliers ie Bp, Texaco permanent nights £43000 pa . £37000pa days we are just trying to catch up and be paid the industry standard at the moment we are on the lowest.

AND I AM NOT A ■■■■■■, I am a hard working Dad trying to get the most money I can for the skill I have, to make a better life for me and my family.

I think all of our jobs genral haulage, tanker or what ever are more skilled than say a footballer who can earn over £100,000 per week so does that mean I have the right to strike saying I work harder than them and demand their wages !

I think all of our jobs genral haulage, tanker or what ever are more skilled than say a footballer who can earn over £100,000 per week so does that mean I have the right to strike saying I work harder than them and demand their wages !

if your company pay’s less than the average for your job related skill then YES if it is the industry standard ie the average for general haulage in that area then of course not.

A top rugby player does not get paid the same as a top footballer…

you really cannot compare this job to general haulage, as i said in my previous post… I really had no idea until i started my 4 weeks training] how much was involved

Erm… So why don’t you go and work for BP or Texaco then■■?
Nobody is forcing you to work there, if you don’t like it then go somewhere else, do something about it instead of moaning!

4 weeks training? WOW that is amazing! A full 4 weeks!! That is one whole month! Jeez that is a lot. So much involved there. WOW 4 weeks!

It took me 3 years at uni to become a qualified language translator and interpreter. 3 years.
My main job I am now a lorry driver because they earn more than translators.

So because you had 4 weeks training you think that skill is worth a pay rise of 13%?

I think 13% is reasonable. Liar inflation might be 3% but real inflation is probably 10% higher than that. It’s just about maintaining living standards.

Why don’t drivers ever stick together? We really deserve a lot of the crap we have to put up with.

i dont now quite how the company got £36000 as the average wage the basic wage is about £31800 so there,s quite a lot of ot to get to the average. the company were shocked by the demand they have know about it for six or seven months now. thier 6% sounds quite good until you really look at it eg one extra days holiday for worker with over 5 years service .well that one gets cancelled out at kingsbury were most of the staff were taken on when buncefield went bang there is not much on the basic next year there will be the 10 hrs nights coming in and we will lose ten hours a week i could go on but won’t i hope it does not go to strike action but that is for the company and the union to decide

i dont think your wrong in priciple for askjng for 13%, and if your reps have worked a fair and reasoned argument for that amount (i’ll assume they have) then for the company to not even meet you half way is just asking for trouble.
What bothers me is the timimg. the haulage industry needs public support more now than for a long time. If your action goes ahead and Joe Public is incovenienced, it will be all truckers that will be tarred with the striking greedy truckers label, this is not my view of the tanker guys, but what i think will be said in the great british media, which when all said and done cant even report the average pay rates correctly. So when hauliers start more fuel protests, the reaction may well be a more negative one. which will let the government of the hook when it comes to preasurising them into some kind of action over fuel prices, and all the other issues that need addressing .

Good luck to the tanker drivers, I hope a sensible offer is made to them. Because a pay rise in one sector of transport can only help drag the rest of us in their wake. But I hope this can be acheived without disruption :wink:

Erm… So why don’t you go and work for BP or Texaco then■■?
Nobody is forcing you to work there, if you don’t like it then go somewhere else, do something about it instead of moaning!

4 weeks training? WOW that is amazing! A full 4 weeks!! That is one whole month! Jeez that is a lot. So much involved there. WOW 4 weeks!

It took me 3 years at uni to become a qualified language translator and interpreter. 3 years.
My main job I am now a lorry driver because they earn more than translators.

So because you had 4 weeks training you think that skill is worth a pay rise of 13%?

wow that is amazing you really wasted three years of your life on a qualification you dont use
jesus you really do have a downer on tanker drivers dont you and i thought you were going to reply on this thread anymore

Let me get this right…

Wills, you are wanting the ‘industry standard’, the same as BP and Texaco. Quote.

But you don’t want the industry standard BP and Texaco pay increase of less than 3% because it doesn’t suit you.

I hope you get nothing and there is a public backlash against you.