Petrol strike to leave motorists without fuel

Let me get this right…

Wills, you are wanting the ‘industry standard’, the same as BP and Texaco. Quote.

But you don’t want the industry standard BP and Texaco pay increase of less than 3% because it doesn’t suit you.

I hope you get nothing and there is a public backlash against you.

Why, do you feel that Shell, BP and Texaco don’t make enough money to be able to afford this?

wow that is amazing you really wasted three years of your life on a qualification you dont use
jesus you really do have a downer on tanker drivers dont you and i thought you were going to reply on this thread anymore

I do use the qualifications. I didn’t say I don’t use them. As I said “my MAIN job”, I do freelance translating.
I said I wasn’t going to carry on the conversation, I didn’t say I wasn’t going to reply on this thread anymore.

I have a downer on tanker drivers’ greed and attitude.

Harry Monk:
Why, do you feel that Shell, BP and Texaco don’t make enough money to be able to afford this?

What a pathetic comment that is. So because a company makes enough money to be able to afford to give their employees a 13% pay rise, you think they should? LOL. There would be anarchy if that happened.
My MD makes enough money to be able to afford to give me a 25%+ pay rise but some things have to be thought about realistically.

My main job I am now a lorry driver because they earn more than translators.

So because you had 4 weeks training you think that skill is worth a pay rise of 13%?

& my main job now is a Fuel Tanker driver, because the pay is better than most class 1 drivers… not all mind.

The 4 week’s extra training is what’s needed, to learn how to load at the teminals, & how to unload the tanker’s.

Procedure’s on filling in legal documents on customer’s premises

Smith’s Driver training… etc along with the obvious dangers , then yes I do believe that we are worth what the other fuel tanker drivers are being paid for less hour’s.

Why don’t I go to BP / Texaco ? when vacancies arise then no doubt I will apply for them. But as you might guess not many if at all anyone leaves’s once there in.

The 13% rise is to put us on the average for Fuel Tanker driver’s… I cannot understand why you think that’s not reasonable request?

And on your time studying to be a language translator, did you not ever think of finding out how much they earned before taking that course??

Not carrying this ‘conversation’ on any more,

yes you did


Harry Monk:
Why, do you feel that Shell, BP and Texaco don’t make enough money to be able to afford this?

What a pathetic comment that is. So because a company makes enough money to be able to afford to give their employees a 13% pay rise, you think they should? LOL. There would be anarchy if that happened.
My MD makes enough money to be able to afford to give me a 25%+ pay rise but some things have to be thought about realistically.

Tanker drivers earn less than £32,000 a year. Do you think that is excessive then? I don’t earn as much as a tanker driver, but as has been stated elsewhere, it serves to put upwards pressure on wages for the whole industry.

Some of us stopped tugging our forelocks a couple of generations ago.

I have a downer on tanker drivers’ greed and attitude.

What attitude?? and I am not greedy.

Really what is your problem, if your companies competitors were paying more than your’s your MD would eventually have to match those wages being offered else where, or risk losing his workforce over a period of time.

A unhappy workforce is not a productive workforce, which in time will damage the company and it’s reputation and the work will go elsewhere. Hence Shell giving contract to one of our competitor’s companies… who then inherit us as there driver’s.

Let me get this right…

Wills, you are wanting the ‘industry standard’, the same as BP and Texaco. Quote.

But you don’t want the industry standard BP and Texaco pay increase of less than 3% because it doesn’t suit you.

Texaco are on £43000 pa permanent nights £37000 for day’s

what are you on about■■?

My MD makes enough money to be able to afford to give me a 25%+ pay rise but some things have to be thought about realistically.

What is realistic about making that kind of profit, and passing nothing on to the people who create that profit for him?

For Christ’s sake, stop tugging your forelock, will you?

As I said “my MAIN job”, I do freelance translating.
I said I wasn’t going to carry on the conversation, I didn’t say I wasn’t going to reply on this thread anymore.

I have a downer on tanker drivers’ greed and attitude.

you have the cheek to call us greedy and you have two jobs

It took me 3 years at uni to become a qualified language translator and interpreter. 3 years.
My main job I am now a lorry driver because they earn more than translators.

Maybe if your translating coleagues got together you could push your rates up, well that be the translaters that had decided to stick with their chosen career path. But then you would jump ship to reep the benefits to off others battles

So because you had 4 weeks training you think that skill is worth a pay rise of 13%

Their is nothing wrong with putting any pay claim, and probably offered 9-10% with other considerations taken into account, it would be a non event. But at laest they are trying to drag up the transport sector average, which in the longterm will help you and me and all truckers.

Though maybe you’d rather transport wages didnt rise, would make it easier to return to translating :unamused:

I would personally support any action by any truck driver in any section of the industry which was designed to push up wages.

Now that the eastern Europeans are all beating a path homewards seems a perfect time to try to up the deal for UK truck drivers.

LOL @ this thread!!!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

What a bunch of hypocrites. It was only a couple of weeks ago you were all whinging about the fuel prices and how we don’t “stick together” and here you all are 2 weeks later arguing amongst yourselves because either

a) “all tanker drivers are the scum of the earth and don’t deserve 13%”, or
b) “we’re tanker drivers and are better than all you lowly general haulage drivers”

:confused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :confused: :laughing: :unamused: :laughing: :confused: :laughing: :unamused: :confused:


as said previous its the timing, yes we all complain about the cost of fuel be it in your truck or in your car, the fact remains that hauliers are going belly up cos of the price of fuel, some companies like the one I work for are cutting hours where they can, and the cost of fuel is hitting everyone,
so personally speaking I,m loosing pay as hours are being tightened up, its costing me more to get to work cos of the price of fuel, and costing more to do the shopping as supermarkets ect are putting up the cost of food costs, but I cannot get a payrise as the company basically cannot afford it at this time as I suspect alot of companies can,t… especially when you work for a smaller family run firm,

yes you can blame the govt ect for there taxes ect but this wage demand is in my opinion playing into their hands…

if tanker drivers strike cna this not be done at the same time as a major fuel protest??

just for the record robk i have never said tanker drivers are better than general haulage. i was on general before i got this job .

just for the record robk i have never said tanker drivers are better than general haulage. i was on general before i got this job .

You may as well have done, the way you were going on telling everyone you’re something special.

Muppets the lot of you. You don’t know whether you want a ■■■■ or a haircut. :unamused:

Rob K:

just for the record robk i have never said tanker drivers are better than general haulage. i was on general before i got this job .

You may as well have done, the way you were going on telling everyone you’re something special.

Muppets the lot of you. You don’t know whether you want a [zb] or a haircut. :unamused:

Just for the record Rob I’m a box jockey, not a tanker driver

a) “all tanker drivers are the scum of the earth and don’t deserve 13%”, or
b) “we’re tanker drivers and are better than all you lowly general haulage drivers”

And I agree with neither of the above statements, like many I hope the tanker get there request or close to it, it all goes towards pushing all drivers wages higher. But I do have concerns about the timing :smiley:

Rob K:

just for the record robk i have never said tanker drivers are better than general haulage. i was on general before i got this job .

You may as well have done, the way you were going on telling everyone you’re something special.

I sensed a bit of that too.

I have a full ADR, explosives, radioactives, liquids, gasses… everything.

I see myself as more of a fool for bothering with it because it’s barely seen the light of day in the past four years.

I’m not gonna vanish up my own **** because I have ADR, same as any of the other daft quals I’ve picked up. At the end of the day it’s just a course that you have done, it’s not really an exclusive skill.

Rob K:

just for the record robk i have never said tanker drivers are better than general haulage. i was on general before i got this job .

You may as well have done, the way you were going on telling everyone you’re something special.

Muppets the lot of you. You don’t know whether you want a [zb] or a haircut. :unamused:

ok rob can you point out the post were i said i was something special?


Rob K:

just for the record robk i have never said tanker drivers are better than general haulage. i was on general before i got this job .

You may as well have done, the way you were going on telling everyone you’re something special.

Muppets the lot of you. You don’t know whether you want a [zb] or a haircut. :unamused:

ok rob can you point out the post were i said i was something special?

you may be happy with 6% why should we settle for less than half we asked for.

You obviously think you’re something special in order to justify seeking a ridiculous pay increase of 13%. If you didn’t then you’d be accepting the 6% as that’s far more than “normal” truckers would ever see anyway.

its not what Shell makes as profit but what Hoyer can screw out of them
so they can pay their drivers
if theres enough in kitty it dont matter how big the payrise