any news on pawsons i heard they had put the mills transport side of the buisness into administration.

both mills and pawson ceased trading friday report at

timborosso was this your motor just going on plate in window.

Aye that was mine. Photo taken at Poole docks just before Easter last year.

timborosso was this your motor just going on plate in window.

You should be in M.I. 5 with those observation skills. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Some of the drivers recieved letters in the post today outlining the future of any payments outstanding to them.

Though Id hate to be the guy who put £300+ worth of fuel in his truck the other day, and paid for it with his own money. I wonder if hell see that money. Never mind the guys who bought loads of bolt on bling, hope they removed it all before finishing yesturday

been past the braithwell yard this dinner time still loads of wagons in yard, gates was open and there was 4-5 cars in car park…

FWIW - this is the BBC report published online about 1430 today.

Haulage company in administration
One of South Yorkshire’s biggest haulage companies has gone bust with the loss of 180 jobs.

A spokeswoman for E Pawson and Sons confirmed that the family-run company had gone into administration.

Director Rachel Slade said: “We are absolutely devastated at the moment and feel for all the people who have been affected by what has happened.”

Based at Braithwell, near Rotherham, the firm also has depots in Normanton and Wakefield in West Yorkshire.

It ceased trading on Friday and the 180-strong workforce were made redundant with immediate effect.

Mrs Slade blamed the spiralling price of fuel and competition from major logistics companies for the decision to close.

sad to hear about pawsons :frowning: ,they were still pulling loads for us till thursday,good set of drivers and good kit as well,hope they can reform in some way in the future.

More bad news, always seemed a well turnd out outfit.

Good luck to anyone affected by this


Very sad indeed. :frowning:

Pawson’s always appeared to take a great pride in doing the job right, and they had ‘let’s do it well’ type of attitude.

If I’m honest I often used to feel a bit envious when I used to talk to their lads - it seemed a really ‘happy’ place to work where everyone knew everyone else by first name - including all the management. This is so unlike where I work. :frowning: I’ve had many nights out at Rugby where I’ve been chatting to the Pawson lads, and I can’t recall one of their drivers saying much that was bad about Pawson’s, and that’s not often the case in these times.

I know that nobody’s perfect, and some drivers who worked there may have had the odd gripe, but you find any Macfarlane driver and ask what Mac’s are like to work for and they will spend the next 10 minutes giving you a real horror story. Not so with Pawson.

Best wishes to timborosso and all the other people affected. :wink:

Cheers mate,

Luckily for me and a couple of others we’ve dropped on and are starting work tomorrow on nights for someone else.

Nights aren’t my cup of tea normally but with more than one hundred drivers coming on to the market we need to get what we can.

do you think anyone will buy pawsons out, eddie stobart or someone like that.

I’m not sure. In recent months Pawsons lost quite a few contracts and that would make it a less attractive proposition.

well if you look at it that way yeh, i went passed there yard yesterday at braithwell yard was full of wagons and trailers what will happen to all them will they just go to auction are summet.

They made mistakes for sure. The last rumour that I heard before I left the yard was that Pawsons ex financial adviser has been arrested on fraud charges. The truth of that I don’t know but suffice to say he was McFarlanes financial adviser at the time they nearly went under.

I know nothing of Pawsons. I’ve never worked for them or had any contact with them.

But if Pawsons was as good a company as most here see, how did they end up with a ‘Financial Advisor’ with the MacFarlanes fiasco on his cv?

(No slant intended here folks, just a straight question).


A lot of us have wondered about that Stan. :confused:

I was told on Friday that the guy had been arrested on fraud charges, but the truth of it I don’t know.

well if you look at it that way yeh, i went passed there yard yesterday at braithwell yard was full of wagons and trailers what will happen to all them will they just go to auction are summet.

Presumably some will go to auction. Everything unit wise, up to 55 reg was bought. After that they started leasing. Most of the flat and tipper trailers are paid for and some of the boxes and curtains too. The rest though are leased.

Some of the drivers recieved letters in the post today outlining the future of any payments outstanding to them.

Though Id hate to be the guy who put £300+ worth of fuel in his truck the other day, and paid for it with his own money. I wonder if hell see that money. Never mind the guys who bought loads of bolt on bling, hope they removed it all before finishing yesturday

Paying for a companies fuel with his own money :blush:

do you think anyone will buy pawsons out, eddie stobart or someone like that.

I can’t see the point, the contracts are all up for grabs now anyway so why pay ?

To a degree, buying Mill & CRS up at Wakefield probably didn’t help Pawsons in the first place. TDG are good at this - buy a company for its’ contract, then lose the contract. They’ve just got deeper pockets that Pawsons.

Best hope is for the drivers to get re-employed quickly, difficult with so many tho.

Paying for a companies fuel with his own money :blush:

I was told this afternoon that there was 1 of the guys stuck in Ireland, and it sound as though hes had to pay for the ferry back. (£****) several guys have been into the yard this morning to sort paperwork out with the liquidators, regarding outstanding wages etc, there are guys waiting for night out payments, which Im told they will be waiting a long time for, IF they are lucky to get any N/O money at all. fortunately my source tells me he managed his hours etc and didnt do any N/O`s so was able to keep the losses around the £330 garanteed payment level and minimised his losses to £2