thats a real shame those drivers must have felt real ■■■■ clearing thier trucks out.

i also think its scanderlous that nobody will be paid. :imp: :imp: :imp: if i worked there i would be round to the directors big fancy house shaking him upside down getting every penny. the lousy ■■■■■■ :imp: :imp: :imp:

jessicas dad:
thats a real shame those drivers must have felt real [zb] clearing thier trucks out.

i also think its scanderlous that nobody will be paid. :imp: :imp: :imp: if i worked there i would be round to the directors big fancy house shaking him upside down getting every penny. the lousy [zb]. :imp: :imp: :imp:

Too ■■■■■■■ true :angry: :angry:
It should be the Drivers and office staff paid first before all the others on the gravy train!!
The Management and Directors have already probably creamed a load of money out of it already. :unamused:

your right i bet they lined their pockets for months before hand :imp: i bet the big houses and cars are all in their brothers cousin sisters boyfriends name aswell.

At 17:00 today we were told that the company had ceased trading and we are all redundant. The Pallex staff are also included.

Monday is to fill in forms for the redundancy, lieu of notice and outstanding wages (two weeks) claims, which we are told will be paid by the Government. It may take a few weeks though.

Oh, and all being well I start my new job on Monday. :sunglasses:

jessicas dad:
your right i bet they lined their pockets for months before hand :imp: i bet the big houses and cars are all in their brothers cousin sisters boyfriends name aswell.

Having seen the family today, I very much doubt that you are correct. I for one, and I know many others too, would go back to Pawsons like a shot were they to start again.

Normally if a company goes into receivership the liquidator will try to continue running it if it’s still viable. If not, they will take the decision to close it immediately. and pay off any suppliers. IR and VAT get the first pull and then the employee wages are paid. The Income tax and VAT has already been earnt

If it stays open it will be offered around the marketplace, all depending on its assetts, contracts and order books.

Having seen the family today, I very much doubt that you are correct. .

we will never know but i bet i am.

jessicas dad wrote:
your right i bet they lined their pockets for months before hand i bet the big houses and cars are all in their brothers cousin sisters boyfriends name aswell.

And they could just have easily have emptied their pockets too you know. In an attempt to keep heads above water & the business up & running? :unamused:
You never know do ya?

Tim, was Andy Bond still working in the office on nights? I used to work with him at City before that went to the wall.

It should be the Drivers and office staff paid first before all the others on the gravy train!!
The Management and Directors have already probably creamed a load of money out of it already. :unamused:

Thats why they are Directors, and were mere drivers :wink:

Spotted Truswells pulling one of their trailers oday, I hope they made sure they were getting paid :wink:

Limestone Cowboy:
Tim, was Andy Bond still working in the office on nights? I used to work with him at City before that went to the wall.

Yes mate. Good lad apart from being a Hammer of course.

Spotted Truswells pulling one of their trailers oday, I hope they made sure they were getting paid

I would put money on that trailer coming out of Morphy Richards having been loaded for Pawsons. Obviously they wouldn’t bother transhipping it.

jessicas dad:

Having seen the family today, I very much doubt that you are correct. .

we will never know but i bet i am.

And of course you know the Pawson family better than I do. Me being the one who has just been made redundant.

They made mistakes for sure. The last rumour that I heard before I left the yard was that Pawsons ex financial adviser has been arrested on fraud charges. The truth of that I don’t know but suffice to say he was McFarlanes financial adviser at the time they nearly went under.

I can also quite categorically state that at least one of the directors was paid a salary only 7K more than I earned in the last year.

I don’t believe they lined their pockets, and to re-iterate I would go back to Pawsons were they to start trading again.

I was told that Rachel pawson was in tears this afternoon
hopefully the recievers will downsize the opperation and save a few jobs

I was told that Rachel pawson was in tears this afternoon
hopefully the recievers will downsize the opperation and save a few jobs

Michael Pawson too.

I don’t think downsizing is going to happen. Michael was asked if they would be able to start over at some time in the future and he just shook his head.

As mentioned its a shame to see a family business go to the wall.

I would rather work for a family firm then a boardroom full of directors and shareholders who do not even understand the business

Got the impression Pawsons always seemed a decent firm who treated their drivers ok and had a sense of pride in what they were doing and the family name rather than screw every penny for the sake of it.

There seems to be a growing trend of firms buying other firms then going under. I think it’s crazy buying a transport firm as you are just buying contracts that could be gone soon enough and something of not much marketable and intellectual value. Far better to grow organically with safe foundations.

That firm that bought CRS then went under.
Ramage that Bought UFD…
Pawsons that bought Mill…
I bet many others…

Smaller firms should not buy other transport firms, fair enough if you are Wincanton and have the assets to absorb the firm properly and know it’s a winner with due diligence and all that jazz and have the manpower to integrate properly.

My only criticism of Pawsons would be that if their eyes had not been bigger than their bank balance and not bought Mill, I would say that they would still be trading for many more years.

It’s also the kiss of death with loosing the slice of the Cadbury contract, Humphersons, Pawsons, you get in with a big blue chip firm, think you have it made and buy swanky gear then down the pan. An opposite example is Woodall Transport who were offered this, that and the other by Cadbury but he refused as he’s a canny bloke who know’s today’s promise could be tomorrow’s loss I also wouldn’t say he’s ever seen a new lorry! (tic)

I bet all the others in low line dafs, volvos and rifkin P cabs will still be trading next year.

There seems to be a growing trend of firms buying other firms then going under. I think it’s crazy buying a transport firm as you are just buying contracts that could be gone soon enough and something of not much marketable and intellectual value. Far better to grow organically with safe foundations.

An interesting point and one backed up by Stan Robinson in Comical Motor when some body or other suggested that some companies should grow by aquisition.

I think the only one to be successful so far is probably Keedwell

timborosso was this your motor just going on plate in window.