M40 Pile Up [MERGED]

A sad day on the motorways off England, RIP to all those who’ve lost their lives in these 2 incidents.

Terry T:

It’s been foggy along that stretch during the early hours all this week.
You finally get to climb out of it going up the stokenchurch hill.

I remember one day last year I was coming out the smoke back up towards the Midlands at around 2am and it was scary tbh. The fog was so thick I couldn’t even see the side of the motorway. The motorway was completely empty and I was going miles before seeing other vehicles. I was sitting at 40mph coz it just didn’t feel safe going any faster. Eventually some hero came past me on the limiter so I wound it up to 56 and sat in his rocking chair about 100 yards behind all the way to the other side of the A34 where it started to clear.

Do what you like Mate, but if I’d been you that morning I’d have stuck to My original plan, 40 mph, go with your gut :wink:
Let the hero make his own mistakes :unamused:

A chap I used to work with, was on the A47 Acle straight one foggy morning, 1 up 1 down doing about 30-35mph because off how bad it was, car overtakes straight into the path off another Car, all hell break loose, but surprisingly he managed to stop before he was involved in the collision. 2 funny things about this one was that as he was talking on the phone to the Police operator, and all he could hear was more collisions, which he relayed to the Polices “Op” she says how many more have been involved, He replied with “I don’t know, I can hear them I cant see them” that’s how thick it was. The other thing was, that He punched the driver off the car that overtook him, which started the chain off events, this guy made a compliant against my colleague to the Police, after questioning my colleague, the Copper on the scene advised the car driver that it would be best all round if he withdrew his complaint. Policing at its best :wink:



Terry T:
Another truck friendly diversion from our friends in the HA.

All traffic is advised to leave the M40 northbound at J9 and follow the solid circle symbol. Take the A34 southbound to the junction with the B430. Take the B430 northbound through Weston-on-the-Green and Ardley to rejoin the M40 at J10.

Weston is weight restricted to 7.5t.

The HA are right. It’s a one way weight limit, you cant cross the bridge from Weston to go Southbound A34. You can exit A34 Southbound as the HA say and cross the bridge into Weston, no problem.
It’s simply a NIMBY limit, almost pointless now with the new linkroad near Kingmere at Bicester.

It’s not nimbyism, it stops the A34 from being a car park while artics crawl onto it from Weston trying to avoid j9 m40 delays when coming from the north.

To be fair that happens every morning without artics joining the A34 at Weston, even more so now with the 3-2 lane pinch point at the top which regularly blocks up the roundabout.

What i can’t work out is how this artic got the side of his trailer ripped open.

There is nothing close by that he could have hit, even looking at the aerial pics, the only other 2 trucks are way in front.

Could there have been a high-piled load of planks or something that shot out through the side on impact?

A badly loaded trailer can lose it’s load out the side after all - even when going in a fairly straight course…

This might explain the damage to the TGX.

It’s not nimbyism, it stops the A34 from being a car park while artics crawl onto it from Weston trying to avoid j9 m40 delays when coming from the north.

Yes it is/was. An “action group” from Weston on The Green had it put in about 10 years ago. They wanted the limit both ways, but the council saw sense because of the A34 congestion and trucks accessing Ardley Quarry. At the same time the fields on the Wendlebury side were earmarked for the Eco Town which never went ahead.
One NIMBY was on the radio crying about all the nasty trucks, the same day their bins were being emptied.

Turns out that one of ours was involved in the M40 crash. Apparently he anchored up and managed to stop safely but was then struck by multiple vehicles from behind and from the side (presumably vehicles swerving), he himself is ok, but the truck was impounded as a matter of course.

eddie snax:
The other thing was, that He punched the driver off the car that overtook him, which started the chain off events,

So let me get this right…your mate narrowly avoided an accident, but then strode over to somebody who was involved and smacked him one? :open_mouth:

Is it me or his he on the phone?

Rip to all involved.

You’d have thought he’d sheet the car up out of respect before setting off.


Is it me or his he on the phone?

Rip to all involved.

You’d have thought he’d sheet the car up out of respect before setting off.

I can understand the sentiment but I think the shock factor of seeing that encourages other drivers to be more careful.

Is it me or his he on the phone?

Rip to all involved.

This is from the M1 smash, NOT the M40

Could there have been a high-piled load of planks or something that shot out through the side on impact?


A badly loaded trailer can lose it’s load out the side after all - even when going in a fairly straight course…

sorted that for you :wink: look to the left … 1 roll has taken out a fire hydrant :laughing:

Born Idle:

eddie snax:
The other thing was, that He punched the driver off the car that overtook him, which started the chain off events,

So let me get this right…your mate narrowly avoided an accident, but then strode over to somebody who was involved and smacked him one? :open_mouth:

Er yeah that’s about the level off it. The Car that overtook My colleague forced another Car coming the other way into the ditch, and a 3rd car, which was following the car that went in the ditch, struck the 1st car the one which overtook my colleagues truck in thick fog. Then as they were stationary 2 or 3 more vehicles collided with each other from either side off were my colleagues truck stood, amazingly not one vehicle hit his truck. After initial an assessment had been done and My colleague and others had started on with 1st aid and contacting 999 services, My colleague went to see the driver whom he’d decided had caused all the problems by overtaking him, He asked the guy if he was ok and the guy said “yeah I’m ok mate thanks”, at which point My colleague punched straight in the face, and mentioned in a not to calm manner that he needed some off the pain he’d dished out to others with his selfish driving :wink:

True it was/is not his responsibility to be judge jury and executioner, but in the heat off the moment, and amongst all that carnage he just saw red, and that is what he said to the Copper, he did not deny thumping the guy when questioned by the Copper. which is maybe why the Copper got it hushed up :wink:

And when all said and done as a professional driver he’d been driving at a responsible speed that enabled him to avoid the ensuing accident, and the largest target left floundered by that incident was left undamaged :wink:

I call him a colleague because I worked at the same firm, I left there 11 years ago and as this guy was not a personal friend but a work colleague , then that seems most appropriate :wink:


It’s not nimbyism, it stops the A34 from being a car park while artics crawl onto it from Weston trying to avoid j9 m40 delays when coming from the north.

Yes it is/was. An “action group” from Weston on The Green had it put in about 10 years ago. They wanted the limit both ways, but the council saw sense because of the A34 congestion and trucks accessing Ardley Quarry. At the same time the fields on the Wendlebury side were earmarked for the Eco Town which never went ahead.
One NIMBY was on the radio crying about all the nasty trucks, the same day their bins were being emptied.

But neither of the Weston slip roads onto the A34, North or Southbound, are of a length where a loaded truck could enter the DC at a relatively safe speed…even heading back up to j9 when avoiding a j10 exit slip closure and empty, a relatively high speed is impossible to reach. And looking at the pictures, it happened at the end of the entry slip…the way that some car drivers hammer down the slip to pass the heavies down the ramp may have a little bit to do with it as well…people always blame the foggy conditions, not the speed that some of the ■■■■■ drive in it

eddie snax:

Born Idle:

eddie snax:
The other thing was, that He punched the driver off the car that overtook him, which started the chain off events,

So let me get this right…your mate narrowly avoided an accident, but then strode over to somebody who was involved and smacked him one? :open_mouth:

Er yeah that’s about the level off it. The Car that overtook My colleague forced another Car coming the other way into the ditch, and a 3rd car, which was following the car that went in the ditch, struck the 1st car the one which overtook my colleagues truck in thick fog. Then as they were stationary 2 or 3 more vehicles collided with each other from either side off were my colleagues truck stood, amazingly not one vehicle hit his truck. After initial an assessment had been done and My colleague and others had started on with 1st aid and contacting 999 services, My colleague went to see the driver whom he’d decided had caused all the problems by overtaking him, He asked the guy if he was ok and the guy said “yeah I’m ok mate thanks”, at which point My colleague punched straight in the face, and mentioned in a not to calm manner that he needed some off the pain he’d dished out to others with his selfish driving :wink:

True it was/is not his responsibility to be judge jury and executioner, but in the heat off the moment, and amongst all that carnage he just saw red, and that is what he said to the Copper, he did not deny thumping the guy when questioned by the Copper. which is maybe why the Copper got it hushed up :wink:

Jesus wept…and you condone him? My wife said she was ok after being rear ended by a van a few years ago. It turned out that she had internal bruising and quite severe whiplash and fainted less than 10 minutes later. It’s probably just as well you colleague wasn’t there and “decided” it was her fault!

Born Idle:

eddie snax:

Born Idle:

eddie snax:
The other thing was, that He punched the driver off the car that overtook him, which started the chain off events,

So let me get this right…your mate narrowly avoided an accident, but then strode over to somebody who was involved and smacked him one? :open_mouth:

Er yeah that’s about the level off it. The Car that overtook My colleague forced another Car coming the other way into the ditch, and a 3rd car, which was following the car that went in the ditch, struck the 1st car the one which overtook my colleagues truck in thick fog. Then as they were stationary 2 or 3 more vehicles collided with each other from either side off were my colleagues truck stood, amazingly not one vehicle hit his truck. After initial an assessment had been done and My colleague and others had started on with 1st aid and contacting 999 services, My colleague went to see the driver whom he’d decided had caused all the problems by overtaking him, He asked the guy if he was ok and the guy said “yeah I’m ok mate thanks”, at which point My colleague punched straight in the face, and mentioned in a not to calm manner that he needed some off the pain he’d dished out to others with his selfish driving :wink:

True it was/is not his responsibility to be judge jury and executioner, but in the heat off the moment, and amongst all that carnage he just saw red, and that is what he said to the Copper, he did not deny thumping the guy when questioned by the Copper. which is maybe why the Copper got it hushed up :wink:

Jesus wept…and you condone him? My wife said she was ok after being rear ended by a van a few years ago. It turned out that she had internal bruising and quite severe whiplash and fainted less than 10 minutes later. It’s probably just as well you colleague wasn’t there and “decided” it was her fault!

I see your point, but if my colleague had been there surely he would have smacked the van driver as it was quite clearly his fault rear ending your mrs.
As was it the fault off driver who overtook effectively blind in fog causing a serious accident. But I’m not going to argue the toss with you, the lad done what he done, he could off easily ended up with at least a caution, if not a visit to a magistrate, only that a copper used his discretion at the scene to have a few words to both drivers. As an aside to the story, the car driver was prosecuted, don’t know what for, but I know that My colleague was a witness at the court hearing :wink:

All I’m saying is that anyone who starts swinging punches at people who have been involved in an accident is not somebody who has all his pennies in the piggybank. You seemed to condone his actions by the way you posted a wink that the Police didn’t take action against him. If I’ve got that wrong, I apologise.

Born Idle:
All I’m saying is that anyone who starts swinging punches at people who have been involved in an accident is not somebody who has all his pennies in the piggybank. You seemed to condone his actions by the way you posted a wink that the Police didn’t take action against him. If I’ve got that wrong, I apologise.

Well yes that particular bloke was always fiery, would get into an argument in an empty room, so you are on the money with that :wink:

And I did think that he had justification for what He did, so you are right in what you think so no need to apologise. Maybe even the copper thought he had not been out of line.

So it would appear I’m out off line here, but hell not the first time, for what its worth I’m more level headed than to sling punches, especially as my with luck the other driver would be a boxer :wink:



Is it me or his he on the phone?

Rip to all involved.

You’d have thought he’d sheet the car up out of respect before setting off.

I can understand the sentiment but I think the shock factor of seeing that encourages other drivers to be more careful.

You could also argue that driving about with that on the back will cause people to rubberneck, potentially causing another accident.

Terry T:

It’s been foggy along that stretch during the early hours all this week.
You finally get to climb out of it going up the stokenchurch hill.

I remember one day last year I was coming out the smoke back up towards the Midlands at around 2am and it was scary tbh. The fog was so thick I couldn’t even see the side of the motorway. The motorway was completely empty and I was going miles before seeing other vehicles. I was sitting at 40mph coz it just didn’t feel safe going any faster. Eventually some hero came past me on the limiter so I wound it up to 56 and sat in his rocking chair about 100 yards behind all the way to the other side of the A34 where it started to clear.

no wonder the public think driver are stupid! so you sit at 40mph as feel that is safe for the conditions but then when some knob comes by at 56 decide the safest action is to follow him at 100 yards?

rip to all that have lost their lives this weekend but this is possibly why stuff like this happens all too often.


Terry T:

It’s been foggy along that stretch during the early hours all this week.
You finally get to climb out of it going up the stokenchurch hill.

I remember one day last year I was coming out the smoke back up towards the Midlands at around 2am and it was scary tbh. The fog was so thick I couldn’t even see the side of the motorway. The motorway was completely empty and I was going miles before seeing other vehicles. I was sitting at 40mph coz it just didn’t feel safe going any faster. Eventually some hero came past me on the limiter so I wound it up to 56 and sat in his rocking chair about 100 yards behind all the way to the other side of the A34 where it started to clear.

no wonder the public think driver are stupid! so you sit at 40mph as feel that is safe for the conditions but then when some knob comes by at 56 decide the safest action is to follow him at 100 yards?

rip to all that have lost their lives this weekend but this is possibly why stuff like this happens all too often.

Spot on.