Lorry 'hanging out back of ferry'

will a new truck and trailer might be sold

never been chained down or allowed to stay in cab when ive been on the hss :smiley:

People will insist on trying to get discount fares!

Mike Lewis:
People will insist on trying to get discount fares!

was he staying half board. :grimacing:

What exactly does HSS stand for, is it High Speed & Sinking ? :sunglasses:

This report by the Marine Accident Investigations Branch has recently been published, and you might find it interesting, though I believe Turners’ driver disputes some of the findings.

Cruise Control:

Wonder if thats VOSA in the hi-viz writing out a PG9 because of such blatant body work damage :exclamation: :exclamation: Saying it cant me moved until trailer is repaired :exclamation: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No it’s the new VOSA maritime dpartment they’ve not only booked the Captain for an insecure load but also for the damage to the doors on the ferry and for not having a tacho fitted on the bridge.It comes under FF9 which means fxxxxd ferry.The driver said if only the thing had rolled right off the back and into the Irish sea he could have either denied all knowledge of ever putting it on the boat or he could have jumped overboard to try and rescue it by driving it back on board before it sank .

Cruise Control:

Wonder if thats VOSA in the hi-viz writing out a PG9 because of such blatant body work damage :exclamation: :exclamation: Saying it cant me moved until trailer is repaired :exclamation: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

A bit of gaffer tape will sort that out though :exclamation: :exclamation:

The driver has vowed to "Turner " a new leaf . :smiley:

just read the report makes a change not to be filled with gobbledegook

The report makes interesting reading. The 60 year old driver, whose nationality is not stated, had apparently worked for Turners for many years. He was also stated on the report, to be one of their Driving Instructors. The report states that he had not applied the handbrake in the cab, and had not left the unit in gear.It had also not been secured by the loading crew to a standard required by the regulations. The equipment used to secure the vehicle was below the required standard.The HSS was running late, and the Captain decided to give it full welly, and it was as it was accelerating to it,s top speed of 40 knots that the job went pear-shaped, and the outfit set off backwards, and smashed through the rear doors. According to the report a lot of things, other than anything that the Turner,s Driver might, or might not ,have done with regard to the handbrake, and leaving the unit in gear, were not done according to the Regulations, and this led to what happened. It,s a good job that it didn,t happen half way across the Irish Sea, the outcome would have been a sight more serious.

Excuse my ignorance,but was the “offensive” piece,“another Paddy trying to get on without paying”?
Wow,I take great umbrage to this,as a part of a whole nation.Not. Get real lads if this offends.Once upon a time it would have been encouraged. :smiling_imp:

The report makes interesting reading. The 60 year old driver, whose nationality is not stated,

I wonder why it should be. Is that by any mean relevant to this case?


The report makes interesting reading. The 60 year old driver, whose nationality is not stated,

I wonder why it should be. Is that by any mean relevant to this case?

We’ve been telling jokes about the Irish for years Oris I should know because I’m part Irish.It could only have happened on that route.

Shame on you Carryfast, you just left a severely deflated Orys! He was gearing up for yet another history lesson that we so obviously deserve.

the maoster:
Shame on you Carryfast, you just left a severely deflated Orys! He was gearing up for yet another history lesson that we so obviously deserve.

Not me. But I was wondering if that was relevant for some reason like “do not putting the parkbrake is a typical Irish/Eastern European/Pakistani/Any other nation” thing or if there was some genuine reason why nationality could be relevant.

No you weren’t wondering that at all Orys. You read the post and your hackles came straight up because you suspected it was the beginning of yet another anti East European rant and predictably you jumped in with both feet ready to defend your honour.

the maoster:
No you weren’t wondering that at all Orys. You read the post and your hackles came straight up because you suspected it was the beginning of yet another anti East European rant and predictably you jumped in with both feet ready to defend your honour.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

did anyone else spot the error in the report regarding the vehicle unit details :question: :question: :question:
it states the tractor unit had a triple axle arrangement and six wheels :exclamation:
oh no it doesnt mr inspector man,it has 8 wheels in this instance :exclamation:
(i would just like to point out im not an anorak by any means)

the maoster:
No you weren’t wondering that at all Orys. You read the post and your hackles came straight up because you suspected it was the beginning of yet another anti East European rant and predictably you jumped in with both feet ready to defend your honour.

Nice to know that someone knows better what I want to do than myself.

You’ll propably don’t believe it, as you know better, but if that was turned truth about this anti-eerant, I would just use this emot: :unamused: and left the thread.


the maoster:
No you weren’t wondering that at all Orys. You read the post and your hackles came straight up because you suspected it was the beginning of yet another anti East European rant and predictably you jumped in with both feet ready to defend your honour.

Nice to know that someone knows better what I want to do than myself.

You’ll propably don’t believe it, as you know better, but if that was turned truth about this anti-eerant, I would just use this emot: :unamused: and left the thread.

so there you have it folks,like a 5 year old child,orys has the last word again :unamused: (even though it is rambling rubbish AGAIN) cos he takes every post a a personal dig at him or his european counterparts.

The 60 year old driver, whose nationality is not stated,

– Which seems to have rattled Orys,s cage.
I put that in as a bit of “phishing” bait . Sure enough, MrTouchy was scanning the threads, and took it hook-line-and sinker. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: Should you not be concentrating on your current favourite pastime, of defaming McLellans Transport Orys?? You need to lighten up .You are taking life far too seriously. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I,m off now to do something really interesting. I,ve just painted the Garden Shed. I,m going to spend the rest of the afternoon watching the paint dry. :wink: :wink: