Lorry 'hanging out back of ferry'



Neutral, Ignition of, have I forgotten anything :smiley:

is that a turners of soham?

maybe it was one of our european brothers?

That has got to be a contender for a “well boss…”

Thought it was the new HIGH LINE cab

They said he could come on board, but it would be a squeeze!


Roll on-Roll off !!

I was just about to post up that picture. Thanks to this I, as many otehrs, could not get the HSS Belfast to Stranraer at 10pm and instead had to head for Larne to get the 12am boat. Thanks Mr Turner.


A new contender was found for the wheelie truck at truckfest '09

yeah i know :blush: :blush: :blush:


“Boss, theres been a bit of an accident…don’t worry though I’M fine. The lorry? There is SOME damage to the lorry boss but I’m fine which I know is most important to you…boss?” :wink:

" Driver, when i said to go and get your lorry tipped, I meant…"

How many times have you heard the TM say:" It won’t take long just hop on and off the ferry".

i reckon he was trying to get shot of the erf so he could get a better motor…

Imagine if he had jumped on the bunk for a kip during the crossing!!!
Athough you`re not supposed to do that are you :laughing:

Imagine if he had jumped on the bunk for a kip during the crossing!!!
Athough you`re not supposed to do that are you :laughing:

Hope he changed his tacho to say POA Point of avalibility…

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

Ticket not valid - get off :exclamation: :wink: :laughing:

Probably just overloaded his back axle a bit, you know how loads shift about :laughing:

Another paddy trying to sneak on without paying !!! Or ferry just left and he tried a Burt Reynolds to jump on it !!

if your names not down you aint coming in

looks like a turners of soham,i bet ya it was a sausage roll driving it…who forgot how to work the handbrake,after 30hrs on the bounce, :sunglasses: