Lorry 'hanging out back of ferry'

“Well Boss, you’re not going to like my news ferry much…” :blush:

Looks a bit like a tranformer in that pic, halfway thru his transformation

My sea sickness will be ok if I can just get some fresh air.

Don’t they chain the trucks and trailers down?

Also didn’t it happen a few years ago with a dutch or danish truck?

DRIVER - boss I’ve missed the ferry

BOSS - just catch the next one

DRIVER - no you don’t understand “I’VE REALLY MISSED THE FERRY”

Well made truck,
or badly made doors ? :bulb:

Its lucky the trailer hit the jets other wise the whole thing would have been at the bottom. Come back down to get off find no truck or trailer BOSS :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

fifth wheel coupling certainly made very well to withstand that amount of pressure/force on it!!!

Wonder if thats VOSA in the hi-viz writing out a PG9 because of such blatant body work damage :exclamation: :exclamation: Saying it cant me moved until trailer is repaired :exclamation: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

A bit of gaffer tape will sort that out though :exclamation: :exclamation:

When I sent you to get a full load of fish I didn’t mean literally

At least we can’t be accused of holding everyone up this time!!! :wink:

The Highway Man:
At least we can’t be accused of holding everyone up this time!!! :wink:

It’s a good job HATO’s dont have boats that all I can say…

Just think of the shipping lanes that would be closed off :open_mouth: :exclamation::laughing: :laughing: :wink: :exclamation:

sorry Highway Man, couldnt resist :wink: :wink: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

I’ll get my coat.


The Highway Man:
At least we can’t be accused of holding everyone up this time!!! :wink:

It’s a good job HATO’s dont have boats that all I can say…

Just think of the shipping lanes that would be closed off :open_mouth: :exclamation::laughing: :laughing: :wink: :exclamation:

sorry Highway Man, couldnt resist :wink: :wink: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

I’ll get my coat.

I’ll let you have that one! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

just seen more phics on sky news it also says the she as just come back in to service after having a refit. (well boss you know you asked be to get the truck washed well) :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

fifth wheel coupling certainly made very well to withstand that amount of pressure/force on it!!!

I reckon its wrecked the fifth wheel but the suzies are holding it.

all these people that snagand snap them on trailers when spinning round need to get some of the kevlar reinforced ones, like sohams have

“No you cant pay a half fair”

wot would have been funny if it went straight out , phoneing the boss

honest boss it was there when we left port " !!!

I have just been watching Border News. The Turner,s Motor and it,s trailer,are still hanging out of the rrrsend of the Ferry. All the passengers are still trapped on board.Apparently there is only ONE way off that thing.Turner,s man is blocking it.Our wonderful Rescue Services have started to lift them off, 2 at a time in a lift.Good job that did not happen half way across the Irish Sea.

Having never been on a ferry with a truck I am struggling to figure out how this could happen.

Not on correctly when doors were closed.

Reversed into door after getting on.

Any ideas to clear up my confusion as after Zeebrugge I thought ferries couldn`t move unless doors were shut tight.

Sorry forgot about handbrake not applied.

I wonder if i’ll get a nice ride out to tow it home■■? Lol!