Lorry 'hanging out back of ferry'

That back axlemust be overloaded by now?
ERF = Ever Rolling Freight, lame i know hope there’s room in that taxi!!!
Bet that drivers popular if everybodies stuck on the ship?

Didnt one of Gareth Jones’s do a similar thing a couple of years ago on a Dover Calais boat??

The Highway Man:
At least we can’t be accused of holding everyone up this time!!! :wink:

Highway man to the rescue
in his high vis swim suit.

Having never been on a ferry with a truck I am struggling to figure out how this could happen.

Not on correctly when doors were closed.

Reversed into door after getting on.

Any ideas to clear up my confusion as after Zeebrugge I thought ferries couldn`t move unless doors were shut tight.

Sorry forgot about handbrake not applied.

it should,nt have happened. should have been chained down.

at least he wont have to worry about disaplinary procedures cos he will be straight sacked. :open_mouth:

do you think the driver forgot to put is handbrake on ? that’s what the report will say (drivers fault)

The times I’ve sat in the boat wondering if I put the park brake on. :frowning: The problem is you do it on auto pilot and you have loads of other things to think about as you are getting on the boat. Like whats for dinner. :laughing:
I’m now so paranoid that my co-driver tells me I’ve put the brake on when I leave the cab. :laughing:


Having never been on a ferry with a truck I am struggling to figure out how this could happen.

Not on correctly when doors were closed.

Reversed into door after getting on.

Any ideas to clear up my confusion as after Zeebrugge I thought ferries couldn`t move unless doors were shut tight.

Sorry forgot about handbrake not applied.

it should,nt have happened. should have been chained down.

I’ve been on the HHS several times and never been chained down.
I dont know all the facts but I’m afraid it does look like driver error (handbrake).

Never been on the Paddy run,but surely it’s a ro-ro.
So why don’t they get the passengers off thro’ the bow doors?
Also it’s been said it’s a hazardous load.
Looks like a bulk tank to me & there are no haz plates!!

My wrist has been slapped by a mate.I didn’t know how this ferry worked.
But my comments on the “Hazardous” still hold.

The times I’ve sat in the boat wondering if I put the park brake on. :frowning: The problem is you do it on auto pilot and you have loads of other things to think about as you are getting on the boat. Like whats for dinner. :laughing:
I’m now so paranoid that my co-driver tells me I’ve put the brake on when I leave the cab. :laughing:

been there my self sat on the boat and wonded about the hand brake

going on the ratios of truck to ferry, that’d be like me hanging out the back of

didn’t even take coat or hat off & im still in the doorway

Yip boats still parked up with crane still trying to secure trailer/unit, I dont know why they dont just dump the pile of scrap into the water and get everyone off. People are getting cherry picked off 1 by 1 (Foot passengers only) all vehicle pass will have to wait to drive off.

Trailers on the boat that are un-manned (No cab) are chained down and there are also chains for manned trailers also but its like everything else in life the chains are there but not used cause you dont expect pro drivers to do this.

Driver had stayed in cab when the ship set off, which is ILLEGAL, and had supposedly forgot to put the brake on, which ended up his trailer rolling back into the doors. I have no idea how the doors are fixed but im guessing the lorry was heavy so with anything in life if 40T+ hits you then its going to break open.

The boat had just come back this week from a lengthy lay off getting done up with a supposed £1m spent on it.

Personal opinion is theres going to be a MASSIVE H&S due to driver staying in his cab and for the lorry not being strapped down correctly. Then the next thing with this is the insurance claims that are going to run into BIG figures I would presume… Damage to lorry, boat, loads missing deadlines, lost income for drivers, lost runs etc etc & I also presume that due to the nature of this case being a driver error the insurance won’t fork out either meaning Mr TURNERS will have a nice bill, enough to put a small - medium sized haulage firm out of business.

Having never been on a ferry with a truck I am struggling to figure out how this could happen.

Not on correctly when doors were closed.

Reversed into door after getting on.

Any ideas to clear up my confusion as after Zeebrugge I thought ferries couldn`t move unless doors were shut tight.

Sorry forgot about handbrake not applied.

On the HSS you drive on to the ferry on the left drive up to the bow do a u-turn and face back only loads from the stern. On one side off the other

Looks by the replies like it was driver failing to put the handbrake on.

Must admit to doing this myself and have been very lucky but it happens all the time and some are not so fortunate.

Time every vehicle was fitted with an alarm old and new though if the driver never got out his cab it would have been of no use to him or her.

Listening to these units ding dinging away when you don’t wear a seat belt is enough to make you put it on so a dong dong when you turn off your ignition for the brake shouldn’t be hard.

Somebody said to me the other day did you see that strupid truck driver that reversed out that ferry?.

Was it a Sotbarts wagon?.

Saw it on the news last night and the missus said so thats what the coach driver from the Italian Job is doing now :smiley:

!" ang on lads Ive got great idea"

Local police report/release:-

Police can confirm that during the evening of Thursday 29th January, all passengers and vehicles were safely removed from the ferry Stena Voyager.
The damaged tanker motor lorry was also removed by crane.
It is expected that the vessel will leave Stranraer at some time today (Friday) to sail to Belfast for repair.


I’m gonna phone Turners and see if there’s any jobs going :smiley: :smiley: