Lorry 'hanging out back of ferry'


Rusty Nail:
I think the reason for not chaining the trucks down on the HSS is because it’s an aluminium structure and the anchor points would bust out after a bit of use??!! Plus all this talk of the handbrake not being on, does anyone know that for sure? Or is it just the whole ‘my mate said so saga’.

Looks like we may have got the job of going to get it anyhow in the early part of next week. Been to get one of turner’s earlier today. They haven’t had anything major happen for a while. It’s a good company run by decent people so i’m sure they’ll get it sorted.

What other logical explanation can you think off if it wasn’t the handbrake !!! :confused:

thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol … 188342.ece

I’m not saying that wasn’t the case at all and like you say, it’s the most logical explanation. Just wondered if anyone knew for sure?

even the local curry house has bars on the window’s to stop you escaping without paying . :laughing:

The Sun:
Peter McCrory, from Dungannon, Co Tyrone, said the accident could have been fatal.

When the truck burst through the door an alarm sounded in the control deck and power was immediately cut to the ship’s engines.

Frantic passengers screamed in terror as the front of the boat nosedived towards the freezing water as it lost momentum.

Peter said: “It was frightening. If the boat had taken in water, it could have been a tragedy.”

So the opinion of someone who knows nothing saying, “it could have been fatal”, is news now ■■



the things some firms do to get a bit of cheap publicity! seriously though, its nice to know that a fifth wheel can still hold in such circumstances (I’ve often wondered at just what point it would give way), and finally, we have to give thanks that a far more serious situation didn’t develop, remember Herald of Free Enterprize?

Is it possible for a Ferry/ ship’s “driver” to be done for insecure load, it was only last week one had a shed load of wood causing mayhem in the channel now this,

Mabe they should be redeploying a few VOSA bods to the Coastguard and Maritime agency :sunglasses:

What other logical explanation can you think off if it wasn’t the handbrake !!!

as a keen armchair accident investigator :wink:
it’s alamost certainly something to do with the handbrake but;
how about hanbrake not on-on the trailer,no yellow airline feed putting the brake on the trailer when the unit handbrake was applied(not sure if that system is fitted to this age of erf-definetley not on older ones),a wet deck and then the captain gives it big licks and the 26 ton of powdered whatever overrides the two handbraked axles on the unit(which just skid down the wet deck) and the whole lot slides backwards out the door.
let’s not hang the driver just yet.

good job it didn’t sink.

that’s not to say drivers don’t leave the handbrake off but normally it’s a hooking up mistake(it rolls away after the red line is fitted.) not a parking up mistake.(although it sometimes happens).

If the driver was in his cab, surely he’d of felt the truck move, put the handbrake on, and averted the accident that happened?

Or is that too logical…

Another paddy trying to sneak on without paying !!! Or ferry just left and he tried a Burt Reynolds to jump on it !!

( post removed for personal attack ) jd

you took the words out of my mouth truckinhell.

( quote removed as personal attack ) jd

Question is… whos brave enough to pull the 5th wheel handle?

Has anyone ever found out if they have got it on dry land yet ?. At least Turner’s will be able to cement relationships !!!

yes the lorry and trailer r bak on dry land the trailer is some mess

Doe’s POA , stand for port of arrival?

So JD, racially discriminatory remarks written by willie mac are condoned by this forum!!! That is disgraceful in this day and age, Shame on both you and willie mac!! This is 2009 and if you think racially discriminatory comments that cause offense to a whole nation of people are acceptable compared with what i wrote in reply then you should resign your position immediately or be sacked.
Yours in total disgust,


is that a turners of soham?

maybe it was one of our european brothers?

No, they are still practicing in Poland with smaller stuff:



How did you get a picture of me on my hols on crosby beach with my fellow Scousers?

So JD, racially discriminatory remarks written by willie mac are condoned by this forum!!! That is disgraceful in this day and age, Shame on both you and willie mac!! This is 2009 and if you think racially discriminatory comments that cause offense to a whole nation of people are acceptable compared with what i wrote in reply then you should resign your position immediately or be sacked. Yours in total disgust,


yeah ok il do that straight away :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:


is that a turners of soham?

maybe it was one of our european brothers?

No, they are still practicing in Poland with smaller stuff:


WOW, an FSO Polonez! Class in a glass.

since when have them turners boys been comin here?

looks like the days when you could stay down in the motor are numbered now :unamused: